I always love how forced the whole "sex work is empowering group" is, because it's not even that they try to force the message with others, but with themselves too.
Ask any woman that's "sex worker positive" if they'd date a partner that regularly had sex with a prostitute and just wait for all the excuses they'd provide. They don't think it's normal, they think it's gross but want to "support the sistas" or some shit like that. Because as per usual, it's all about appearances, not about substantive beliefs. And the reality is that if sex work was normal, you'd have zero problem if your partner bought sex, but we all know that they do have a problem with that.
Sex work is empowering! You go xirl!
Unless your ideological opponents bring it up, then they are assholes! Sue, sue the non believer!
I always love how forced the whole "sex work is empowering group" is, because it's not even that they try to force the message with others, but with themselves too.
Ask any woman that's "sex worker positive" if they'd date a partner that regularly had sex with a prostitute and just wait for all the excuses they'd provide. They don't think it's normal, they think it's gross but want to "support the sistas" or some shit like that. Because as per usual, it's all about appearances, not about substantive beliefs. And the reality is that if sex work was normal, you'd have zero problem if your partner bought sex, but we all know that they do have a problem with that.