AccountWasFree 10 points ago +11 / -1

Funny how that shares a lot in common with D&C tactics.....

AccountWasFree 4 points ago +4 / -0

I remember the days when screenshots being shared around had an unspoken and unenforced rule to also include an archive URL at the same time....... Just edited in with paint or something. Real easy to do.

AccountWasFree 11 points ago +11 / -0

Of course. But by providing the category of "foreign national" and "German citizen", there is a very clear attempt at playing on pre-conceived notions to create an implication. By publishing at least part of their names, it becomes much clearer who is doing what.

It's like how England uses "Asians" when discussing Arabs. Sure, it might be a technical definition, but there is a VERY big difference in culture between a Chinese person and an Afghani.

Or do you think the way that these people are raised, that their backwater culture and beliefs play absolutely no role into any part of it? Because make no mistake, the majority of people on that list are not ethnically, culturally, or even socially German. And if you don't think their own culture has anything to do with it, you better come up with a quick explanation as to why they're so disproportionately present among these kinds of statistics.

AccountWasFree 17 points ago +17 / -0

I’ve seen plenty of her videos and they’re pretty tame and not particularly objectionable.

Why do you think they chose her in this manner? If she wasn't tame and was saying spicier things, she'd simply be labelled as a crazy to be ignored. But a somewhat moderate? That's a threat. That's risky to swing-voters.

Remember, the biggest threat for leftists are those that might sway other leftists away from leftism. That's why commies hate fascism. That's why liberals hate populism. They're threatened by the ideologies that ultimately appeal to leftists in some way or another.

AccountWasFree 24 points ago +24 / -0

You wear your agenda on your sleeve, don't shy away from it now because it's being explicitly stated by someone else.

AccountWasFree 3 points ago +3 / -0

It's not even a new lie at that. And while I know it's all "it's just like [insert media here]", but even back in 2007 this lie was known as a lie when it was explicitly stated as such in Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee. And I think that most people know this. But they don't want to say it. Because they've been conditioned to never say things that aren't nice. That are uncomfortable. That challenge pre-conceived notions.

The only thing white people did with their arrival was give Natives further means to slaughter each other in greater ways through guns. Every civilisation on the planet has slaughtered another. The greatest lie on earth is that peace is the normal state of affairs. Peace has been a blip on our history. A rather nice blip. But a blip all the same.

AccountWasFree 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'd also add travel costs as part of the equation too, and that's two fold from both the perspective of raising prices as well as just general financial awareness as you get older (for most people, at least).

Between the idea of planning, time being more valuable, increasing costs and general financial awareness, it's not unreasonable to see that people are travelling less. Which is a shame, because the more paranoid part of me wonders if this will lead to greater adoption of things like 5 minute/walkable "cities".

AccountWasFree 17 points ago +17 / -0

A Fandom Original Production

There's your problem. That site is a cancer, infested with SocJus and has industry ties.

It's just a trinity of shitty traits for a group to have.

AccountWasFree 3 points ago +3 / -0

But it comes with the implicit ideation that there should be support of either side in this conflict, and the reality is that this hasn't changed my mind on the situation: Let them kill each other.

AccountWasFree 5 points ago +5 / -0

To be fair, with a release date the day before election day, I don't know how much this will influence it.

That said, the ads for the movie probably will.

EDIT: Don't worry, I misunderstood.

AccountWasFree 8 points ago +9 / -1

(when they aren't being propped up by outside interests).

But that's the thing: It is already being propped up. You leaving isn't even a dent of a dent. All of both KiA's combined could leave and it still wouldn't matter. Because it's already being propped up externally.

You're not wrong that, eventually, ties need to be cut. But equally so, abandoning all these spaces leaves them as pure echochambers. The issue is skirting the line between engaging in those spaces and being able to guide people into the spaces that aren't objectively shitholes. And the reality is, that as much as we might want it to be otherwise, normies aren't going to come here or any other alternative. They're not going to abandon Reddit like Digg was abandoned. Because even if they do know about the issues and even understand, they simply don't care enough.

Your biggest challenge is giving them an actual reason to leave. Because a significant number of people are there. Yes, the people higher up are exclusively leftist, and a significant portion of the userbase is too, but it's also true that an equally significant portion simply don't care about these topics when online. They are the silent majority, and they're not silent because they're biting their tongues, they're silent because they have nothing to say because it simply doesn't interest them. It'd be like asking you about your opinion on species of Bolivian Ants, and unless you already hold interest in that topic, there's a pretty low chance you're going to be chiming in with your opinions on the matter.

We often talk about "a vocal minority", but often forget that even engaging in any discussion in the first place is already a minority activity. The vast majority don't chime in.

And that doesn't even tackle the issue of decentralisation and how hard it is to combat that against people who love centralised platforms.

AccountWasFree 10 points ago +10 / -0

You say that like they aren't happy with the slop we're being served. They love how gaming has degenerated into glorified movies, with the only thing standing in their way now is difficulty.

It's ultimately what it was all about. They wanted games easier because they hated that others were better than them.

AccountWasFree 40 points ago +40 / -0

"also remember when you guys actually capitulated? you updated your review score policies and disclosed your relationships? that was so pathetic"

10 years later and she implicitly admits that Gamergate was in fact about ethics and a lack of industry disclosure.

Thanks for playing, Leigh.

AccountWasFree 13 points ago +13 / -0

She was the one that penned the original "Gamers are Dead, Gamers don't have to be your Audience" article.

Though considering the GameJournoPros list that later came to light, I can hardly call her the author with certainty considering this was probably made among them and then altered slightly for each republication.

AccountWasFree 4 points ago +4 / -0

Autists are really susceptible to this for some reason.

You're promised acceptance. And it's easy acceptance.

They don't want to be women. They want to be treated like women. They want the perceived social benefits. They want to be treated as intrinsically valuable by society at large, rather than a disposable wallet.

I don't entirely blame them for wanting those things. The sad thing is that they turn to what is ultimately an addiction, constantly chasing these things they will never actually achieve. And when it doesn't work out, more often than not they turn to pushing it on others to delude themselves that they didn't make the wrong decision. The decision to turn to grooming is part of the denial to keep the delusion going.

As much as I think they're scum, I do also feel sorry for them. Because it must suck going through all that and still being a loser at the end of the day.

AccountWasFree 22 points ago +22 / -0

I watched it last night and couldn't disagree more.

Aesthetically, you're correct, it looked amazing. There were clear influences from Alien Isolation too. And there were some interesting ideas with the aliens. But the film explicitly relies on the characters being idiots, and I mean being idiots and not just lacking in information. The film relies on positive reception with "winks and nods to the other films"..... what are these "winks and nods"? Blatant line repetition or scene replication. Because you liked those scenes in the other films, yeah? So you'll like those scenes done all over again but worse, right?

And then there's the contrivances. I know a contrived plot is generally a given for just about any horror, but this was a little too much. Between a door conveniently being too strong for young adults to smash but weak enough for handful of facehuggers to smash with ease (but later glass doors being too strong), and an elevator on a space station designed with a counter-weight system, it was just too much for me. Just silly little contrivances over and over and over.

Oh, and the rhythm of the plot? Do you want the second half of Covenant again, which was the second half of the original Aliens but worse? Congrats, you can have that yet again.

Honest to god, I would rather watch Alien Resurrection again. Because for as bad as that movie is, it's at least entertaining. Hell, I'll take Prometheus and Covenant over this.

If I wanted to watch the old scenes, I'd watch the originals films they're from. Not this film that does them again but worse. Is it without bad scenes? No, there were some good scenes, but they were few and far between.

AccountWasFree 2 points ago +2 / -0

This clip that I'm linking was recorded in 2019.


For those that don't want to watch the minute-or-so clip, it basically points out that in 2018, Russia had 400 arrests for posts on various social media. And that's a travesty. It then points out that there were 3300 arrests in the UK for posts on social media.

There is no doubt about this. It's not ambiguous. It's not a matter of debate. The reality is that the West is living under tyranny. A very comfortable tyranny, but tyranny all the same.

The issue is that for decades, media has portrayed tyranny as this all oppressive force that leaves the people in a depressive shamble. A dystopia. But the truth is that isn't needed for tyranny. It just needs useful idiots to turn a blind eye because the thugs of the state aren't beating in their heads.

Tyranny came to the west a long time ago. And it's grown, and grown, and grown. Never let these people obfuscate the truth. They are tyrants, through and through. There is no excuse for their actions.

AccountWasFree 5 points ago +5 / -0

They look so..... hollow.

And I know that there've been a few ex-influencers that have said as such about that "lifestyle" (and I use that very loosely), but even then they look like imitation people. Just waiting for the next product to consume and sell. I'd feel sorry for them, except I'm not sure there's really a "them" to feel sorry for. What's left of being a "person" when you're like that?

AccountWasFree 4 points ago +4 / -0

That is true, and there's plenty of plot-lines that try to push the "here's this rebel faction of the agency", but it still pushes the idea that these people who are infringing on peoples rights are the outliers and not the main agency.

But you are right that many of the villains are the way they are through the government, and not just some rebel faction.

AccountWasFree 15 points ago +15 / -0

Honestly, I suspect Firefly is never getting a revival now because of the message it ultimately held, which was largely anti-government, or at the very least anti-centralised government. It was popular back in the day for such a stance (look how close Ron Paul actually got to winning the primaries. That's the reason his face was a reaction image for quite some time). Could you imagine how quickly it would kill a career to make a project that's actually anti-big government anymore? One that's actually critical of the establishment as a whole? I don't see it happening anytime soon in the mainstream, but once upon a time, it was popular, and not just because people like rebels.

There's a reason that Alan Moore hates his work. Because it speaks far more to an anti-central power, and that's a right-wing ideal, even if he doesn't want to accept it. And Whedon's work with Firefly reflects that.

AccountWasFree 7 points ago +7 / -0

Zach is supposedly a libertarian, but that label is so broad these days that it could mean anything from "I just wanna smoke weed in peace and everything else is fine" to "I want actual small government". I've not really looked into it solely because I don't care that much. Like yeah, cool, one of the very few non-leftists in Hollywood, but I also don't care what some actor has to say about politics regardless. I don't go to a bus driver for tax advice, I don't go to a lawyer to buy a fridge, and I don't turn to actors for political takes, even if a good or bad take can come from anywhere.

But it is surprising when you see people who by all rights shouldn't be fans of something actively and openly propagating that very thing. Like Chuck was 2007-2012. That was right after the PEAK of things like Obama's administration utilising smart tech (TVs being a big one in the media at the time) for the purposes of monitoring US citizens. But here are two people that should have been critical of that basically shilling for the NSA and CIA. It's so bizarre.

AccountWasFree 9 points ago +10 / -1

Wanna know the best thing about this thread? That archive shows where the thread was at that point, and so many people LEAPT at the opportunity for group-think. But take a look at it now. The thread is deleted and locked (no surprise there from the mods), and all the top comments are rightfully calling the devs out for being pissy about two reviews that mentioned pronouns.

People bitch about legacy media being eager to run with a story and then never correct it once later information comes out, but social media like Reddit is worse. Because those idiots that instantly and eagerly ran to defend those devs will never admit that the devs manipulated them by omitting the truth of the situation.

These people WANT to be victims. They do not want to be accepted. They want the social currency that victimhood gets them.

AccountWasFree 16 points ago +16 / -0

Honestly, it goes back years for this kind of thing. Watched Chuck for the first time a few years ago, and it's kind of amazing just how blatantly the show is federal propaganda. Just unabashedly pro CIA and NSA. And it's weird because you have both Zack Levi and Adam Baldwin, both of whom are right-wing/libertarian adjacent, and it's just shocking how pro-state the show ends up being.

It's nothing new, but once you start noticing things like that, it's hard to not always notice it.

by Lethn
AccountWasFree 3 points ago +3 / -0

Does this mean I can also opt out of online/central moderation too? Or is that non-negotiable? (obvious answer is obvious)

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