Two English Dub Voice Actors for HoYoverse's Zenless Zone Zero Shocked After Being Suddenly Replaced for Refusing to Reprise The...
In a move that surprises absolutely no one, miHoYo, the Chinese studio behind the hit gacha game Zenless Zone Zero, also known as HoYoverse has abruptly replaced two English dub voice actors, Emeri Chase and Nicholas Thurkettle in the game’s latest update....
probably didn't help that the product is chinese. I bet they don't give a fuck about the western voice actor union.
Or that the game came out less than a year ago. Usually when these twats pull this shit it's when players come to expect a certain voice for the character, not immediately after the game is released.
Hahahaha, get fucked!
Seriously, you essentially handed ALL entertainment to Asia because of all the shit you pulled in the West and now tried to pull it again with not just an Asian country but an ACTUALLY communist authoritarian country that is used to organ harvesting it's population.
Welcome to the hole you made, now get me my fries.
I hope these strikes teach Chinese companies to stay away from activists in the West.
AFAIK the strike did a number on Genshin Impact's voice overs where several characters haven't been voiced in quite a while. Surprised they haven't kicked out more of them.
apparently the genshin missing VA work and ZZZ not is caused by different western recording studios/middlemen being used
one signed the
ScreenFilm Actors Guild (FAG) hostage letter the other did notgenshin has a lot of non-FAG VA's, signing the hostage letter would force those VA's to either be replaced or join FAG
at least that is how I understand it, the entire strike situation is purely so FAG can get more a stranglehold on the industry so only FAGs can get jobs and so FAG can dictate their own FAG AI voice terms (because you just fucking know the people in charge of FAG would just love to be able to replace the poors with AI)
China has an endless source of cheap labor. Western "free market" proponents HATE this one trick!
WDYM? They are funding the activists.
I don't play gacha trash even though this weeb shit would otherwise be right up my alley. Either way I would play with Japanese or original dub. English VAs seem to be talentless activists most of the time.
Funny how those with the easiest jobs tend to be the loudest agitators.
Most people just don't have the time, and to the extent that they do they use it to get a better job.
English voice actors being replaced is always hilarious when they think they cannot be replaced. What do you mean I am replaced? Insert surprised Pikachu face here.
Not that English voice actors are any good anyway in anything eastern related unless it's from software. I recently listened to some for Wuthering Waves(actually quite enjoy that one, great production quality and fun gameplay)...the english VO is not just outright bad, it's utterly atrocious.
All of the Dark Souls games are English originally, they are subbed over in Japan. Miyazaki was very specific about using European-esque voice actors only, and most of them theater people at that.
Which seems to usually be what makes a good English dub. Theater people with a good director to lead them, instead of actual "professional" voice actors.
All of the best OG voice actors in animation were just British theater actors. The “professional voice actor” is a very recent invention, and it really just amounts to a de facto unofficial union of leftist activists.
Even most of the best VAs are also just great actors overall like Keith David. They have the skills that allow them to apply their talents across all forms of the medium.
At least Japan has a tradition with the Katsuben. Sure there are some recognizable Western VAs who were in the game a good long time (Peter Cullen, Chris Latta, the late Tony Jay to name a few) but nowadays mostly you know them by impressions.
Which is why I specified it. I played Demon Souls imported but watched a lot of videos when it came out in Japan and was surprised how it was english in voice, was even tempted to get it but then the US version came out.
The performance you get from an actor is at least 90% direction and editing. The problem with most dubs is they're farmed out to clowns with no supervision.
Whichever makes me wonder since they probably do the dub in-house. Who thought that was a good idea?!
Nope. At least in the West, a ton of dubs are now remote work, or at least I know for a fact Genshin Impact is
Playing a gacha game with English VAs is absolutely insane.
Honestly, good. If you don’t like your job get another one, if there isn’t another one consider why that might be the case. Ruining the job/industry for future generations with unions or other bs isn’t the way to go
Funnily enough, the voice actor change for Soldier 11 is only barely noticeable (slight different in pitch and tone) while Lycaon is a major change. These changes were basically inevitable though since having these characters unvoiced heavily damaged the game's story quality (nothing quite like the chapter 5 ending sequence where all the major parties introduced show up to rescue the main characters only to have like 3 of the characters actually be voiced)
I also don't quite get how what they did stops AI. If having characters be unvoiced damages the narrative impact of a given scene, it only incentivizes the use of AI to replace you so that the consumer gets the intended scene. Voluntarily doing this to yourself is dumb.
I hire voice actresses for nsfw animations. They arent cheap. On average its 30 dollars per 1 minute of moans/breathing (super expensive is per 30 seconds). On top of that, 15 cents to 50 cents per word.
This is why I respect actors like David Harbold, who have perspective about their profession.
He played Bondrewd in Made in Abyss, and Tonegawa in Kaiji.
Fun fact: He supports Trump.
Please, let others follow in your footsteps.
Voice actors are a category of worker who have definitely gotten too big for their britches.
It's not that hard to speak lines into a mic and their talent isn't that special.
The studio they worked for had an antiAI clause. They were doing it in solitary for other VAs.