To elaborate. Jews show blatant ethnic bias all the time. They're only rivaled by Indians and the Chinese in how openly they do so. They also hate Christianity and consider us blasphemous while most Christians consider them lost
What I see is that Jews, Indians and Chinese are just being smart while everyone else is being a dumb ass. You can say, the Jews, Indians and Chinese have all these bad traits but this specific trait is not one of them. If you see everyone in the world as your people...then something is wrong with your brain... That goes against evolution and is not smart because due to human nature and other factors, because most people in this world don't see you as one of them. And don't like you or hate you if you are different from them.
Our group bias is dysgenic. It does not arise organically. It must be inculcated within a group by outside forces or outside influences. So the only really pertinent questions are “who did this to white peoples?” and “how do we stop it?”.
Originally? White people who are traitors. In 2025, it's a combination of white people who are traitors and the other enemies of white people, using their power and influence etc. The enemies of white people is a long list of people with white traitors, Jews, blacks, Indians, Muslims etc... Not all Jews, blacks, Indians and Muslims but a lot of them. But I'd say the most dangerous and worst of them are the white traitors. Because how can a group of people defend themselves if there are enemies within?
Nobody in this world is "my people" just based on being born a similar skin tone. All leftists are goblins, no exceptions. Only those who share my values are my brothers - and there are people of many ethnic backgrounds that do.
You are just ignoring human nature then which makes you low IQ. Because race matters even if you personally don't give a shit about it which is fine. But acting like it doesn't matter is living in some alternate reality.
Race does not make someone worthwhile. If you're a retarded goblin, being white doesn't make you better than a porch monkey. While statistically certain groups produce less worthwhile humans, and racial profiling is an effective tool, you're a low IQ goblin if you actually think being white makes someone inherently worthwhile, instead of just establishing a marginally higher percentage chance that they meet the minimum standard. Incapable of discerning individuals based on behavior. Incapable of actual pattern recognition and analysis. Barely human at BEST. Really, people that can't do these things aren't the same species as ones who can. Subhuman. Low IQ isn't a strong enough descriptor of the shaved ape behavior of gay race commies, of any varaint.
you're a low IQ goblin if you actually think being white makes someone inherently worthwhile
I don't think being white makes you inherently special. You are completely missing my point. Why do you assume I'm a Nazi? You are making too many assumptions. EDIT: I don't believe in a master race.
What in the "reee jooos" are you talking about, wehraboo retard. Jewish identity politics is well established, and your own forum sliding group's primary topic. My rejection of tribal monkey behavior has no basis in judaism.
Nowadays most Christians consider them essentially fellow Christians, not even lost. There's this giant US-wide psy-op to trick westerners into thinking jews like Jesus, even without following him. It's really quite an impressive propaganda win.
Making things worse, even Christians seem to care more about anyone except Christians. Christian persecution is not new but people just don't care, the Pope dose not seem to care either.
This is feminized suicidal “empathy” that has pervaded the churches for decades. They have to constantly virtue signal to the detriment of other Christians because of some weird misconceptions about the Bible where they misconstrued meek with weak and Jesus saying you will be persecuted with you should be persecuted.
It’s not even real empathy. It’s the veneer of empathy to prevent opposition. The perpetrators have no empathy for their targets. They don’t care if whites are harmed because whites aren’t deserving of real empathy.
It’s like “disparate impact theory” demanding that we let black criminals out of prison. What about the “disparate impact” that this will have on whites as disproportionately victimized by black criminals? Oh, that isn’t how your little theory works? How convenient.
It’s all fucking word games. It’s all manipulation. Leftists truly are the demons from Frieren.
It's a sociopathic disregard for fellow Christians and humans in general. They would sooner kill through feigned empathy to virtue signal and show how pious they are
There's a few very low level things like collaborating on military tech, although on that front we clearly have an enormous trade surplus with Israel. Other than that... they provided intel on Afghanistan and padded the F-15's perfect air to air kill record. A few Israeli engineers also helped demolish buildings in NYC to clear the site for the Freedom Tower.
I'm sure any one of these fine faggots can provide you with a few examples:
Bruh, none of those people even post here. Don't bring your retarded vendettas into other communities. We have our own retards here, if you need to call anyone out.
I've never brigaded shit, I don't go to TD, and you're so wrapped up in your own stuff you keep making enemies of people with crazy accusations. I don't even know how I'd brigade anyone even if I wanted to; I spend almost all my time on this site here on KiA2; I don't have connections to brigade. I've been nothing but polite to you, while you've attacked me numerous times. You've got all these wrong ideas in your head because you've for some reason decided I'm Your Enemy, and you keep accusing me and others are really weird stuff.
I defy you to name one time I have ever said Israel was our greatest ally.
In fact, because you and you're shit-head friends are constantly wrong, I made a list of greatest allies. Why don't you go find Israel on it, then get back to me.
You're actually quite consistent in your viewpoint (and not in a hobgoblin of the little mind sort of way). Maybe you're a bit too harsh on Islam, but if I remember, you actually served in Iraq (maybe), so that might colour your impressions a bit.
I defy you to name one time I have ever said Israel was our greatest ally.
In fact, because you and you're shit-head friends are constantly wrong, I made a list of greatest allies. Why don't you go find Israel on it, then get back to me.
Whoa. I'm glad I saw this comment, so I can share: He DMed me and got really pissy about my Mercedes Carrera post a few days back, too.
I won't divulge the full details, but he accused me of fapping to her...when he's the one that's a massive proponent of pornography.
'Men don't lie, women lie, but even if she was lied about she deserves it,' etc.
Would be weird if he starts DMing people here, if there are ever women and/or Jews involved, and the post gets any traction. Dude needs to either get himself unbanned (not hard, he just can't help himself and gets banned again every time), or move on, and not engage with this board. Seriously, pick a lane; get back here and engage as an active member of this forum, or let us do our thing. Not being here but still obsessing about what we say is...interesting.
The weirdo can't help but obsess over boards that ban him. He's actually created four separate boards for whining about the other major board that banned him, ConPro. I'm honestly surprised he hasn't made a "whine about KIA" board yet.
I think that he's either a bad faith actor or schizo. Would I love it if he were a normal contributor here, absolutely. But he seems to be incapable of that.
"The highest art of warfare is not to fight at all, but to subvert anything of value in the country of your enemy until such time that the perception of reality of your enemy is screwed up to such extent that he does not perceive you as an enemy."
Generations of subversive education and historic revisionism has convinced a large part of the west to believe we deserve to be persecuted, and many more are apathetic towards it because they feel no kinship.
His weakness is that he's too attached to his newfound wealth.
He's doing a great job being based and walking the knife's edge.
But he also is completely dependent on YT and hasn't developed any alternative platforms at all (besides posting walls of text on Twitter).
I also don't think he's particularly religious. He's more spiritual and very concerned with moral decay and the state of the West.
He's pretty guarded about his background and opsec, but IIRC, he streamed on Christmas Eve/Day from his new apartment because he's single and wasn't hosting or visiting family or friends.
He has lots of good takes but does seem something like a Peterson perennialist. The problem with that of course predominantly being the pick-and-choose nature of it. Another issue is that he seems to be courting the occult more than he should be.
And I speak from a secular perspective on this: the more you engage with retarded philosophies and try to Petersonize them into a psychological worldview the more likely you are to actualize some really retarded bullshit. Trans is a great left-wing example of this, with roots going back to jewish mysticism and outright satanism.
I think hoe_math is running into the same problem that a lot of red pill content creators do: continuing to speak authoritatively as he moves further and further away from his areas of legitimate expertise. Dude had a lot of good shit to say about some things, but now he’s in the “regular creator” phase of his career, and he’s starting to regularly exceed his own grasp.
I caught a bit of one of his last livestreams where he outright told superchatters "I can't give you advice/opinions on that" surrounding some topics like Economics (I think the Q was something about a potential recession).
There was another topic that he admitted to limitations on that I can't recall (Crypto? Job finding? Where to live in the US?).
It was nice to hear some self-awareness and some boundary setting.
Like your above comment, as he's moved from dating/female content to more general themes re: the culture war and the decline of Western civilization, I've seen him explicitly mention "My goal isn't to help men with relationships, but to heal the world" or some such grandiose prose.
He certainly thinks highly of himself and has created a cult of personality with his viral rise to fame.
He's certainly at risk of becoming a lolcow if he doesn't have some checks and balances with his ego and positive feedback.
The IDF bombs ancient Christian churches in Gaza and the best we get is "lol sorry bro, collateral damage." The only thing worse than that is the dipshit boomertards who wholeheartedly endorse it.
Two weeks ago, 70 Christians were brutally beheaded, and not a single one of my Jewish friends posted about it. Why?
Because they aren't mind controlled NPCs who think they should waste time, energy and resources on people who are their enemies or possible enemies in the future, that could going to towards strengthening their people. Hate or love Jews, one thing is true about Jews. After the Holocaust, they became quite BASED. White Christian people are just insane freaks of nature if they are the types to care about people who are not white Christians. It's also insane to care about what happens to some black people in the DRC. Are your priorities so fucked up, you are going to simp for some black strangers in another continent simply because they believe in your god? You don't have shit to worry about in your own country? You are surrounded by enemies in your town or city, state and nation who are out to get you. But you should be concerned about what happens to some black people in the DRC? White Christians need to wake up and start copying Jews, Indians and Chinese people.
“Living in your head rent free” is on par with “it is what it is” and “haters gonna hate”. It’s just thought-terminating Kafka trap retardation, made modern via terrible vocabulary and grammar.
I was parodying ghostfox, who has no problem noticing patterns with blacks and Muslims, but throws out living in your head rent free when it involves his favorite tribe
It's really hard to not notice lol
To elaborate. Jews show blatant ethnic bias all the time. They're only rivaled by Indians and the Chinese in how openly they do so. They also hate Christianity and consider us blasphemous while most Christians consider them lost
Not unlike liberals. We consider them misinformed, the consider us evil. Might be time to realign our views on both counts.
Projection on both sides.
Lefties are evil and Conservatives are retarded.
Can't disagree.
What I see is that Jews, Indians and Chinese are just being smart while everyone else is being a dumb ass. You can say, the Jews, Indians and Chinese have all these bad traits but this specific trait is not one of them. If you see everyone in the world as your people...then something is wrong with your brain... That goes against evolution and is not smart because due to human nature and other factors, because most people in this world don't see you as one of them. And don't like you or hate you if you are different from them.
Our group bias is dysgenic. It does not arise organically. It must be inculcated within a group by outside forces or outside influences. So the only really pertinent questions are “who did this to white peoples?” and “how do we stop it?”.
Originally? White people who are traitors. In 2025, it's a combination of white people who are traitors and the other enemies of white people, using their power and influence etc. The enemies of white people is a long list of people with white traitors, Jews, blacks, Indians, Muslims etc... Not all Jews, blacks, Indians and Muslims but a lot of them. But I'd say the most dangerous and worst of them are the white traitors. Because how can a group of people defend themselves if there are enemies within?
Nobody in this world is "my people" just based on being born a similar skin tone. All leftists are goblins, no exceptions. Only those who share my values are my brothers - and there are people of many ethnic backgrounds that do.
Gay race communism is for low IQ goblins.
You are just ignoring human nature then which makes you low IQ. Because race matters even if you personally don't give a shit about it which is fine. But acting like it doesn't matter is living in some alternate reality.
Race does not make someone worthwhile. If you're a retarded goblin, being white doesn't make you better than a porch monkey. While statistically certain groups produce less worthwhile humans, and racial profiling is an effective tool, you're a low IQ goblin if you actually think being white makes someone inherently worthwhile, instead of just establishing a marginally higher percentage chance that they meet the minimum standard. Incapable of discerning individuals based on behavior. Incapable of actual pattern recognition and analysis. Barely human at BEST. Really, people that can't do these things aren't the same species as ones who can. Subhuman. Low IQ isn't a strong enough descriptor of the shaved ape behavior of gay race commies, of any varaint.
I don't think being white makes you inherently special. You are completely missing my point. Why do you assume I'm a Nazi? You are making too many assumptions. EDIT: I don't believe in a master race.
What's with the jew-ish and their constant insults. Nobody on this particular forum is 'low IQ', despite not sharing your ideas.
That said, this particular idea is standard talmudism. No one would even pay attention to it except, you know, decades of talmudic propaganda.
What in the "reee jooos" are you talking about, wehraboo retard. Jewish identity politics is well established, and your own forum sliding group's primary topic. My rejection of tribal monkey behavior has no basis in judaism.
Nowadays most Christians consider them essentially fellow Christians, not even lost. There's this giant US-wide psy-op to trick westerners into thinking jews like Jesus, even without following him. It's really quite an impressive propaganda win.
Making things worse, even Christians seem to care more about anyone except Christians. Christian persecution is not new but people just don't care, the Pope dose not seem to care either.
This is feminized suicidal “empathy” that has pervaded the churches for decades. They have to constantly virtue signal to the detriment of other Christians because of some weird misconceptions about the Bible where they misconstrued meek with weak and Jesus saying you will be persecuted with you should be persecuted.
It’s not even real empathy. It’s the veneer of empathy to prevent opposition. The perpetrators have no empathy for their targets. They don’t care if whites are harmed because whites aren’t deserving of real empathy.
It’s like “disparate impact theory” demanding that we let black criminals out of prison. What about the “disparate impact” that this will have on whites as disproportionately victimized by black criminals? Oh, that isn’t how your little theory works? How convenient.
It’s all fucking word games. It’s all manipulation. Leftists truly are the demons from Frieren.
Well said
It's a sociopathic disregard for fellow Christians and humans in general. They would sooner kill through feigned empathy to virtue signal and show how pious they are
The current "pope" is not really the Pope, though.
Is the pope still alive
Alive as far as I know, stable condition but not doing well
Was Francis ever a Christian?
Don't call him "Francis," please. That's a name that he assumed to mock St. Frances.
That vile commie son-of-a-bitch is named Bergoglio.
My apologies. I thought I was being disrespectful enough by not calling the Pope.
there is no pope since 58
I am still waiting on an answer from the Israel is muh greatest ally crowd on one thing Israel has done for the u.s.
There's a few very low level things like collaborating on military tech, although on that front we clearly have an enormous trade surplus with Israel. Other than that... they provided intel on Afghanistan and padded the F-15's perfect air to air kill record. A few Israeli engineers also helped demolish buildings in NYC to clear the site for the Freedom Tower.
You had me until the last sentence.
One of the funnier comments I’ve ever seen.
Jew lover…..wait, I’ll allow it.
/well played friend
Always wondered who would be the owners of buildings around WTC who would be angry at their buildings getting demolished all of a sudden.
Sometimes Israel pitches in and helps the US fight Israel's enemies!
I'm sure any one of these fine faggots can provide you with a few examples:
Bruh, none of those people even post here. Don't bring your retarded vendettas into other communities. We have our own retards here, if you need to call anyone out.
Says the faggot that gathered a posse from Patriots.lose to come brigade this post. Eat my ass! 🤣
Dude, you're way off base.
I've never brigaded shit, I don't go to TD, and you're so wrapped up in your own stuff you keep making enemies of people with crazy accusations. I don't even know how I'd brigade anyone even if I wanted to; I spend almost all my time on this site here on KiA2; I don't have connections to brigade. I've been nothing but polite to you, while you've attacked me numerous times. You've got all these wrong ideas in your head because you've for some reason decided I'm Your Enemy, and you keep accusing me and others are really weird stuff.
Just take a chill pill.
Hey go easy on him. It's a rough time to be a faggot in America
And don't forget about u/Gizortnik
Oh, of course!
Okay, idiot. Since you dragged me here.
I defy you to name one time I have ever said Israel was our greatest ally.
In fact, because you and you're shit-head friends are constantly wrong, I made a list of greatest allies. Why don't you go find Israel on it, then get back to me.
Doesn't change the fact that you're one of the biggest apologists here. It makes perfect sense to tag you.
You know you're wrong because I've shoved this claim directly into your face to you. Let's see my "greatest ally" comment. I insist.
You're actually quite consistent in your viewpoint (and not in a hobgoblin of the little mind sort of way). Maybe you're a bit too harsh on Islam, but if I remember, you actually served in Iraq (maybe), so that might colour your impressions a bit.
Dagthenome, Grumman, gizortnick, aov
Ah, not Dagthegnome.
I like that guy.
Okay, let's try this again:
I defy you to name one time I have ever said Israel was our greatest ally.
In fact, because you and you're shit-head friends are constantly wrong, I made a list of greatest allies. Why don't you go find Israel on it, then get back to me.
For some reason impossible1 dmed me about this topic calling it lies
Whoa. I'm glad I saw this comment, so I can share: He DMed me and got really pissy about my Mercedes Carrera post a few days back, too.
I won't divulge the full details, but he accused me of fapping to her...when he's the one that's a massive proponent of pornography.
'Men don't lie, women lie, but even if she was lied about she deserves it,' etc.
Would be weird if he starts DMing people here, if there are ever women and/or Jews involved, and the post gets any traction. Dude needs to either get himself unbanned (not hard, he just can't help himself and gets banned again every time), or move on, and not engage with this board. Seriously, pick a lane; get back here and engage as an active member of this forum, or let us do our thing. Not being here but still obsessing about what we say is...interesting.
The weirdo can't help but obsess over boards that ban him. He's actually created four separate boards for whining about the other major board that banned him, ConPro. I'm honestly surprised he hasn't made a "whine about KIA" board yet.
Yeah, he's obsessed.
He blamed ConPro for being banned on KiA2...
He thinks Dom answers to Elvis? That's hilarious.
I bet he’s the one downvote on this
No clue. I noticed all my comments from today got downvoted at exactly the same time, though.
I keep getting one down vote on shit. Hilarious if it's him
I think that he's either a bad faith actor or schizo. Would I love it if he were a normal contributor here, absolutely. But he seems to be incapable of that.
He's a tranny or fucking a tranny
"The highest art of warfare is not to fight at all, but to subvert anything of value in the country of your enemy until such time that the perception of reality of your enemy is screwed up to such extent that he does not perceive you as an enemy."
-Yuri Bezmenov.
Generations of subversive education and historic revisionism has convinced a large part of the west to believe we deserve to be persecuted, and many more are apathetic towards it because they feel no kinship.
Real live hoe_math in the replies sending her off to read the Talmud. He's lit a fuse, let's see what happens next...
His weakness is that he's too attached to his newfound wealth.
He's doing a great job being based and walking the knife's edge.
But he also is completely dependent on YT and hasn't developed any alternative platforms at all (besides posting walls of text on Twitter).
I also don't think he's particularly religious. He's more spiritual and very concerned with moral decay and the state of the West.
He's pretty guarded about his background and opsec, but IIRC, he streamed on Christmas Eve/Day from his new apartment because he's single and wasn't hosting or visiting family or friends.
He has lots of good takes but does seem something like a Peterson perennialist. The problem with that of course predominantly being the pick-and-choose nature of it. Another issue is that he seems to be courting the occult more than he should be.
And I speak from a secular perspective on this: the more you engage with retarded philosophies and try to Petersonize them into a psychological worldview the more likely you are to actualize some really retarded bullshit. Trans is a great left-wing example of this, with roots going back to jewish mysticism and outright satanism.
I think hoe_math is running into the same problem that a lot of red pill content creators do: continuing to speak authoritatively as he moves further and further away from his areas of legitimate expertise. Dude had a lot of good shit to say about some things, but now he’s in the “regular creator” phase of his career, and he’s starting to regularly exceed his own grasp.
I caught a bit of one of his last livestreams where he outright told superchatters "I can't give you advice/opinions on that" surrounding some topics like Economics (I think the Q was something about a potential recession).
There was another topic that he admitted to limitations on that I can't recall (Crypto? Job finding? Where to live in the US?).
It was nice to hear some self-awareness and some boundary setting.
Like your above comment, as he's moved from dating/female content to more general themes re: the culture war and the decline of Western civilization, I've seen him explicitly mention "My goal isn't to help men with relationships, but to heal the world" or some such grandiose prose.
He certainly thinks highly of himself and has created a cult of personality with his viral rise to fame.
He's certainly at risk of becoming a lolcow if he doesn't have some checks and balances with his ego and positive feedback.
Let's not forget they danced and took honeymoon photos as Americans were dying during 9/11. It's really weird for "allies" to do that.
How come after decades the general sentiment from the public on 9/11 seems to be "America deserved it" and "I hate America too"? 🤔
Or in other words, this meme
Because they hate you and want you dead, you vapid whore.
The IDF bombs ancient Christian churches in Gaza and the best we get is "lol sorry bro, collateral damage." The only thing worse than that is the dipshit boomertards who wholeheartedly endorse it.
cool it with the antisemitism lady, shhh.
Because they aren't mind controlled NPCs who think they should waste time, energy and resources on people who are their enemies or possible enemies in the future, that could going to towards strengthening their people. Hate or love Jews, one thing is true about Jews. After the Holocaust, they became quite BASED. White Christian people are just insane freaks of nature if they are the types to care about people who are not white Christians. It's also insane to care about what happens to some black people in the DRC. Are your priorities so fucked up, you are going to simp for some black strangers in another continent simply because they believe in your god? You don't have shit to worry about in your own country? You are surrounded by enemies in your town or city, state and nation who are out to get you. But you should be concerned about what happens to some black people in the DRC? White Christians need to wake up and start copying Jews, Indians and Chinese people.
I'm pretty sure they're just living in her head rent free
“Living in your head rent free” is on par with “it is what it is” and “haters gonna hate”. It’s just thought-terminating Kafka trap retardation, made modern via terrible vocabulary and grammar.
I was parodying ghostfox, who has no problem noticing patterns with blacks and Muslims, but throws out living in your head rent free when it involves his favorite tribe
Yeah Christians are born and bred cucks and jews take advantage of it