Are these social security recipients, or just people in the system? If someone goes missing or emigrates and as a result they aren't stricken off the roster when they die this is a vulnerability, but it's not itself proof that the vulnerability is being exploited.
Very good point/question, but interestingly, there are over 1000 "people" in the system aged 220+ years old. SSNs appear to have been created in 1936, 89 years ago. Something else other than emigration is going on given that there weren't 1000+ emigrating/missing 130-year-olds in the US in 1936.
It makes sense for dead people to still have a SSN assigned to them. That's how you would know someone is trying to use a dead person's SSN. They should just be marked as deceased in what I can only imagine is dozens of databases.
The total number of people on the list Elon posted adds up to almost 400 million and the current population in the US according to is a little over 340 million.
YouTube will have to start putting context infoboxes on videos that talk about DOGE. "Learn how our Social Security system is certified to be safe and secure..."
They know when Timmy is a penny short or a minute late.
One department might. The agency as a whole does not.
These separate departments don't know what the others are doing. It's like what happens when you sever the connection between the hemispheres of the brain, with each department behaving independently with little oversight.
The department that's paid to do clawbacks has nothing to do with fraud prevention, and neither has anything to do with the department that processes applications.
Some dude from Lexis Nexus Risk solutions said you could save a ridiculous amount of money by ending "self-certification." I tried to look up what that is. It's not a keyword with a lot of hits. But I think it refers to the fact that the SSA just presumes submitted information to be accurate.
Just to clarify (because it is super fucked) these aren't confirmed benefit recipients, only SS numbers of people the system has issued a number to, and considers ALIVE.
Because of course the 0-9 bracket wouldn't be able to claim benefits.
What it shows is how retarded the books are. They could turn off the spigot to any SS number over 110 years old, and all of a sudden, the Social Security system is good for another 20 years at minimum.
My grandmother continued to get a check every month or so from some black-lung compensation group or settlement or whatever, because her husband was once a coal miner. She kept getting them after she had to move in with us because she couldn't take care of herself anymore.
Said husband died in 1997, and she died of a stroke in 2020. The checks stopped coming in then--I guess we did things right.
Honestly, I'd rather he apply for the SS disability so that he's getting it, and not the "vampires" above. He should be at least entitled to all the money he's had withheld from his paycheck.
Are they just numbers in the system not yet tagged as deceased or are they actually active accounts paying out actual checks?
It's frustrating that very basic questions about what they're finding never get answered. Yeah I know it's basically just Grok spitting shit out but you can take ten minutes and spot check 30 of these numbers.
Are these social security recipients, or just people in the system? If someone goes missing or emigrates and as a result they aren't stricken off the roster when they die this is a vulnerability, but it's not itself proof that the vulnerability is being exploited.
Very good point/question, but interestingly, there are over 1000 "people" in the system aged 220+ years old. SSNs appear to have been created in 1936, 89 years ago. Something else other than emigration is going on given that there weren't 1000+ emigrating/missing 130-year-olds in the US in 1936.
Are SSNs of dead people being reassigned and causing false positives?
SSNs of dead people are being used.
I'm not sure what that's a false positive for. It's an indicator of some type of fraud.
Civil War veteran recipients is all I can think of.
Only one Civil War pension is/was still being paid. Not sure if you were being serious about anything.
I was being semi serious because I knew folks like this existed. There's also the stories of the time traveler, but that one is really weird.
Are those Civil War pensions paid out of social security?
They can be. Unless there is a specific department for those pensions, which means several superfluous jobs.
It makes sense for dead people to still have a SSN assigned to them. That's how you would know someone is trying to use a dead person's SSN. They should just be marked as deceased in what I can only imagine is dozens of databases.
The total number of people on the list Elon posted adds up to almost 400 million and the current population in the US according to is a little over 340 million.
Clearly not suspicious at all...
The media : ''Despite no evidence of widespread Social Security fraud, Elon Musk...''
What is the threshold for ''widespread''?
Whatever number the Republican is saying +1 dollar.
"Sources say the Social Security fraud has been mostly legal"
YouTube will have to start putting context infoboxes on videos that talk about DOGE. "Learn how our Social Security system is certified to be safe and secure..."
And until Elon found it, mostly peaceful.
What we really need are the numbers before covid and after it.
Somebody had head office should have seen the body count reflect in their stats.
Just as a point of showing how on-point their systems are.
They know when Timmy is a penny short or a minute late.
One department might. The agency as a whole does not.
These separate departments don't know what the others are doing. It's like what happens when you sever the connection between the hemispheres of the brain, with each department behaving independently with little oversight.
The department that's paid to do clawbacks has nothing to do with fraud prevention, and neither has anything to do with the department that processes applications.
The entire edifice is dysfunctional.
Some dude from Lexis Nexus Risk solutions said you could save a ridiculous amount of money by ending "self-certification." I tried to look up what that is. It's not a keyword with a lot of hits. But I think it refers to the fact that the SSA just presumes submitted information to be accurate.
I can't imagine how mind numbing it must be for the data analytics guys investigating this.
"How did you discover fraud"
"I queried: PaymentSent = TRUE & Age >= 140."
At least some are illegal aliens using numbers from dead people or something
AKA "widespread Social Security fraud"
I just thought that was one part of the fraud
Hey now, I see two people that were present before independence. Let's honor our founding fathers instead of vilifying them.
Putin did say the vampire ball is ending...
Nice. Do you know where he said that? Which speech?
You can clearly hear "ball vampirov" and it doesn't look like AI.
Maybe it's one of Medvedev's drunk rants. Sound like him.
Just to clarify (because it is super fucked) these aren't confirmed benefit recipients, only SS numbers of people the system has issued a number to, and considers ALIVE.
Because of course the 0-9 bracket wouldn't be able to claim benefits.
What it shows is how retarded the books are. They could turn off the spigot to any SS number over 110 years old, and all of a sudden, the Social Security system is good for another 20 years at minimum.
Hopefully they look deeper than that.
Is there such a thing as Social Security fraud?
Asking as someone on Social Security disability, and had to swallow his pride to apply for it.
I'm afraid I might one day get charged with this.
Social Security fraud is enormous. From simple things like continuing to collect grandma's check even after she's dead to highly organized groups.
My grandmother continued to get a check every month or so from some black-lung compensation group or settlement or whatever, because her husband was once a coal miner. She kept getting them after she had to move in with us because she couldn't take care of herself anymore.
Said husband died in 1997, and she died of a stroke in 2020. The checks stopped coming in then--I guess we did things right.
Yes: it's a massive problem, and it's a felony.
Honestly, I'd rather he apply for the SS disability so that he's getting it, and not the "vampires" above. He should be at least entitled to all the money he's had withheld from his paycheck.
If there was fraud in the application process then worry away. Otherwise, what’s the concern?
Are they just numbers in the system not yet tagged as deceased or are they actually active accounts paying out actual checks?
It's frustrating that very basic questions about what they're finding never get answered. Yeah I know it's basically just Grok spitting shit out but you can take ten minutes and spot check 30 of these numbers.
That isn't a tally of people collecting benefits. That's a list of active numbers. There is a huge difference between the two.
All it took was just adding up the numbers in excel. This could have been done at literally any point.
so biden electors were real and they were the night-gaunts.