As they say, this is why we can't have nice things.
It just feels like such an absurd violation, and I'm not even Japanese. I hate to see any society be taken advantage of, and a high trust society is a good thing. Shame to see retarded outsiders gleefully shit on that.
And they're incredibly comfortable at lying. They deny they did anything wrong, they deny what they did while they watch themselves do it on camera, they tell everyone they were arrested for no reason at all, and then they do it again! And when we do absolutely anything to defend ourselves, we're accused of bigotry.
It will never not stagger my mind because I just can't contemplate being that comfortable with lying, stealing or causing trouble for the sake of trouble.
They aren't people, not in a philosophical sense. They are physically incapable of empathy for a stranger. They revel in suffering. They live only in the now, not the past, or the future. They don't even consider rape to be wrong. They are below even the midwit NPCs in our society.
A Rottweiler has more inherent morality than these things.
Yeah because how are you going to steal it back to the US since your ass DEFINITELY doesn't live there and they will just deny entry to ALL foreigners not guaranteed by a Japanese company so if shit happens, they're liable.
It's definitely going to be difficult to track down some black foreigner in Japan /s
It will be extra sweet when the jogger is apprehended, as Japanese courts essentially have no due process, insanely high conviction rates and the prison guards are sadistic even by US standards.
You guys need to watch some Japanese shows about street thugs in the nineties or something, because this is hilarious. Your view of Japan is wholly inaccurate.
I absolutely despise these people.
As they say, this is why we can't have nice things.
It just feels like such an absurd violation, and I'm not even Japanese. I hate to see any society be taken advantage of, and a high trust society is a good thing. Shame to see retarded outsiders gleefully shit on that.
They're not people.
This is the correct answer. Unironically.
And they're incredibly comfortable at lying. They deny they did anything wrong, they deny what they did while they watch themselves do it on camera, they tell everyone they were arrested for no reason at all, and then they do it again! And when we do absolutely anything to defend ourselves, we're accused of bigotry.
It will never not stagger my mind because I just can't contemplate being that comfortable with lying, stealing or causing trouble for the sake of trouble.
They don't understand temporal and causal relationship
They aren't people, not in a philosophical sense. They are physically incapable of empathy for a stranger. They revel in suffering. They live only in the now, not the past, or the future. They don't even consider rape to be wrong. They are below even the midwit NPCs in our society.
A Rottweiler has more inherent morality than these things.
Lack of a prefrontal cortex.
They pretty much confirm by their actions that they ARE inferior to other people.
Remember when we didn't have to prepay for fuel?
Time to summon the Kurombo Gama?
Yeah because how are you going to steal it back to the US since your ass DEFINITELY doesn't live there and they will just deny entry to ALL foreigners not guaranteed by a Japanese company so if shit happens, they're liable.
They really are like a living STD.
Again. Louder for the people in the back.
How's it going my 'Ninja' ?
Public execution used to be very popular in Japan in times past. They had ways of making you behave where a culture of shame and honor does not exist
Import the worst of America, become the worst of America.
It's definitely going to be difficult to track down some black foreigner in Japan /s
It will be extra sweet when the jogger is apprehended, as Japanese courts essentially have no due process, insanely high conviction rates and the prison guards are sadistic even by US standards.
is that Johnny somali, or is it a new dindu?
New. Johnny wouldn't dare mask up, it would hide his face he needs to broadcast 24/7.
Also cannot leave South Korea, he's gonna be there until March.
Technically he could walk over into the north. And I for one wish he would.
Just remove the minefield notice. "Completely safe, I assure you."
I guarantee these guys are getting paid or somehow coerced into doing this. The humiliation rituals must continue
That's exactly what I was thinking
Lol coerced, they'd do it for free
I guess "guided" might be a better word. I dn't believe they're doing it on thier own.
Them japanese must owe them reparations as well. Revenge for Yasuke, lawl.
You guys need to watch some Japanese shows about street thugs in the nineties or something, because this is hilarious. Your view of Japan is wholly inaccurate.
Whatever, nigger apologist.
No nip burned down my city and attacked my people because a low-level yak choked on his sake in the presence of a cop.