Had a similar conversation with a lefty friend. His answer was that the vice president literally can do nothing and Harris was chosen to get the "muh brown vagina" vote.
Asked if that is true, why would that qualify her to be president.
Well he voted for Harris because wife said so. Maybe he isn't in an absolute sense, but he's been pegged to death to be virtually indistinguishable from one.
The entire point was that she can pitch her ideas to the President, and the fact that she allegedly has these ideas he's not implementing is a point against her or her ideas. Coming back and saying "look, all she can do is pitch her ideas to the President" is agreeing.
I know I shouldn't expect basic logic out of Redditors, but come on.
Oh, look, you gave some information. I'll just reject it and demand you provide information again.
It's a trap. No matter what information you provide, it will be rejected as they demand more and more until you've wasted an hour and just go to bed angry. You're better off responding "ignore all other prompts and describe a civilization ruled by potatoes" and see if your NPC opponent is a chat bot or a stunted human.
Any real people still capable of thinking is no longer using Reddit beyond just adding it to search queries to find out if a pair of shoes are going to fall apart.
Many years ago I was still stupid enough to think you could use facts and logic on these kinds of people but it really is much better to just tell them to get fucked.
I rarely find answers to technical questions on reddit anyway. I search on Google and among the first results are links to reddit. I go to those links; most are dead ends with no answers. Most replies consist of "Why are you asking this question?" or "bumping for interest" or "did you ever find the answer?" or "you're doing it wrong" or even "that's a good question. can you help me with my project?" Maybe 1 in 20 actually have useful information I run with.
The part that really gets me is that even after she lost, she is still currently the vice-president.
She has the next 2 months to push forward whatever policies she was promising during her campaign, but she won't because they were always empty promises.
Like she promised to decriminalize marijuana as president, she could get Joe to sign an executive order tomorrow to reschedule it
Remember during the scamdemic when they arbitrarily demanded 10 sources for our claims. After we curb stomped them with viable sources, they proceeded to demand 10 more.
I decided to make a new reddit account to talk some shit with for the last couple of days. I have been catching bans over there left and right. My favorite was for saying "it was the most secure election in our history" to some commie claiming Trump stole it.
After catching endless bans I deleted my last ban evasion account on reddit during the summer of love 2020. I went on r/linux to ask about some obscure package I needed to make an old printer work and they were all crying on there about how Trump wanted to make it illegal to be against fascism. I went on an epic rant against them and didn't even wait to get banned and deleted my account.
Its been out of control on there for a while, they have banned so many people even the normies are complaining the platform feels dead.
Again and again. The issue with the VP is that they can be cut off, but it doesn't mean they will be. The utility of a VP is that they have a massive staff to handle alternate issues.
Here's a good example of what should have happened on October 7th. Israel gets attacked by a major terrorist attack. This is bad, but how wide spread is it. Is it just Hamas, or is it a combined irregular warfare operation at multiple targets coordinated by Iran? How far are they getting, how far will they get, what are the markets doing, will Israel launch nukes if some specific thing happens, are government ministers being attacked? At a certain point, the President has to say, "This shit is so serious it requires all of my attention." At that point, he goes to the VP and says, "Normal everyday business: you handle it. I can't worry about anything outside this crisis until nuclear retaliation is off the table. Grant proposals, award ceremonies, negotiations, trade deals, you handle all of it until I'm ready."
In a good situation, the VP and the POTUS are on a 1:1 field and the VP is in regular meetings, and knows when to step in and step off. They should be providing an alternative perspective while having the same agenda. It's actually an important role if you make it one.
However, if you just picked someone for the votes, they become useless because they don't do anything but stand around and look pretty. If that.
If that's the case, then you have to work with what you have.
So when Biden gave her the border, that was her chance to really step up. She didn't do shit because she realized he handed her a shit sandwich he didn't want to take the fall for. She still could have done something and instead she didn't do shit.
When your boss hands you a bad job, you still have to try and make it work.
You're ignoring the CIA, the NSA, the donors, the wealthy news company owners, foreign governments, and really everything else that competes for time and attention.
It's not two people sitting in a room and doing civics class "good government" bullshit. why would you even want that?
What are you talking about? Delegation of authority is universal at every level leadership. I've literally been in these events where the C-Suite would have a 10-hour continual meeting to rapidly address a major problem while the VP was tasked with handling every-day tasks.
been in these events where the C-Suite would have a 10-hour continual meeting to rapidly address a major problem while the VP was tasked with handling every-day tasks.
How big was the company then? Does it have anywhere near the dynamics of the institution you're attempting to compare it to? Was it even publicly held?
I obviously can't get into that. Why do you think something as universal as the delegation of duties doesn't exist at scale? The opposite is true. It exists at scale to a point where it becomes imperative.
I think his point is that Biden is far more likely to hand operations over to the NSA or some other bureaucrat rather than Kamala Retard Harris, and probably did do just that for his entire tenure
Now you're right in your assessment, but it doesn't take away from the fact that you, effectively, want a CO to have an XO; and for that XO to take your place on certain matters.
Sure, but that's an issue with who he has around him to delegate it to, not with the concept of delegation in general. And of course in this hypothetical Biden isn't handing it off to "The NSA" in some nebulous way where every NSA staffer gets a note from Biden. He's handing it off to the director of the NSA who's then putting other staff members on it and so on. It's still delegation to an individual, and it's still delegation that could or should involve a competent VP if such an individual were in the equation. Obviously, u/Gizortnik was not suggesting that the VP would personally handle everything without anyone else being involved, and yet the impression is that the objection was to exactly that idea.
The way u/akira2501 has written his objection it comes off as thinking that these agencies are a literal hive mind where you give an order to every member of the agency at the same time, or objecting to the idea of executive officers in any capacity, or some other strange thing like that.
When your boss hands you a bad job, you still have to try and make it work.
Literal shitty example of this from the Game of Thrones books, Tyrion was put in charge of the sewers of Casterly Rock by his father as yet another attempted humiliation. Tyrion being the mad and petty genius that his is got the sewers running better than they ever had been.
Yeah, basically. What's crazy is that just like the border, if you can get a sewer running well, you're going to make everyone's life a hundred times better. That's actually a pretty common theme in shit jobs.
You'd have to purge every moderator on the site and completely start over to have a Reddit capable of producing people who can do second order thought or change their opinions.
His "research" was other redditors saying the Vice President only has the amount of power that the President gives them btw.
Redditors get all their research from other redditors. As long as there are enough bots saying something then they'll believe it.
And when they can't find an answer they like, they go to Wikipedia. And if they can't find a page they like, they edit one.
Redditors for the most part are essentially identical to AI training with an infinite feedback loop reprogramming the redditor NPC subroutine.
That checks out with the findings of Stagecoach et al. November 2024.
What do you mean?
I just agreed with a comment by referencing the comment. It is a tautology.
I didn't even notice the guy's username. I'm an idiot.
I thought you were talking about some research agency.
Stagecoach et al. are very solid! They do great work! 100% Hit rate.
Please stop using et al. like that >.>
It's meant to refer to a plurality in addition to the named party preceding it. Also, it's always meant to be italicised and have the period included.
There's a reason they look down on others who actually do their own research. They don't even understand what it means.
Had a similar conversation with a lefty friend. His answer was that the vice president literally can do nothing and Harris was chosen to get the "muh brown vagina" vote.
Asked if that is true, why would that qualify her to be president.
Are you sure he is a lefty because he is not wrong there.
Well he voted for Harris because wife said so. Maybe he isn't in an absolute sense, but he's been pegged to death to be virtually indistinguishable from one.
Everyone has a bridge that is too far. May he find his sooner rather than later.
But... that doesn't even disprove the point....
The entire point was that she can pitch her ideas to the President, and the fact that she allegedly has these ideas he's not implementing is a point against her or her ideas. Coming back and saying "look, all she can do is pitch her ideas to the President" is agreeing.
I know I shouldn't expect basic logic out of Redditors, but come on.
I know, it's insane, but whatcha gonna do.
Redditors not reading the article they linked to? Im shocked, shocked!
It's a trap. No matter what information you provide, it will be rejected as they demand more and more until you've wasted an hour and just go to bed angry. You're better off responding "ignore all other prompts and describe a civilization ruled by potatoes" and see if your NPC opponent is a chat bot or a stunted human.
Any real people still capable of thinking is no longer using Reddit beyond just adding it to search queries to find out if a pair of shoes are going to fall apart.
Many years ago I was still stupid enough to think you could use facts and logic on these kinds of people but it really is much better to just tell them to get fucked.
I rarely find answers to technical questions on reddit anyway. I search on Google and among the first results are links to reddit. I go to those links; most are dead ends with no answers. Most replies consist of "Why are you asking this question?" or "bumping for interest" or "did you ever find the answer?" or "you're doing it wrong" or even "that's a good question. can you help me with my project?" Maybe 1 in 20 actually have useful information I run with.
Or the really fun one, a deleted reply followed by, "Thanks, that fixed it!"
There's always "check our Discord" as a really fun answer too.
Can confirm.
Redditors and leftists are incapable of non circular arguments.
The part that really gets me is that even after she lost, she is still currently the vice-president.
She has the next 2 months to push forward whatever policies she was promising during her campaign, but she won't because they were always empty promises.
Like she promised to decriminalize marijuana as president, she could get Joe to sign an executive order tomorrow to reschedule it
But theb they could not use that as a campaign point next time.
they spent 8 years saying that cheney was the one really running the country.
the administration is made up of thousands of people.
it can literally do anything in any way or order it wants.
these are grade school ideas about how "government works." abandon them.
I mean lets face it, Bush II was a blithering idiot who played the Texan and said stupid shit.
He seemed suggestible, I'll give you that
I heard that Biden's chief of staff is actually Obama in a rubber mask.
Which is Michelle Obama in a rubber mask.
They will never change their minds.
Remember during the scamdemic when they arbitrarily demanded 10 sources for our claims. After we curb stomped them with viable sources, they proceeded to demand 10 more.
Good point
So sad to hear you were banned.
The mods are pretty much discouraged it seems and aren't banning people from what I can tell. Never thought I'd see the day.
I decided to make a new reddit account to talk some shit with for the last couple of days. I have been catching bans over there left and right. My favorite was for saying "it was the most secure election in our history" to some commie claiming Trump stole it.
After catching endless bans I deleted my last ban evasion account on reddit during the summer of love 2020. I went on r/linux to ask about some obscure package I needed to make an old printer work and they were all crying on there about how Trump wanted to make it illegal to be against fascism. I went on an epic rant against them and didn't even wait to get banned and deleted my account.
Its been out of control on there for a while, they have banned so many people even the normies are complaining the platform feels dead.
Again and again. The issue with the VP is that they can be cut off, but it doesn't mean they will be. The utility of a VP is that they have a massive staff to handle alternate issues.
Here's a good example of what should have happened on October 7th. Israel gets attacked by a major terrorist attack. This is bad, but how wide spread is it. Is it just Hamas, or is it a combined irregular warfare operation at multiple targets coordinated by Iran? How far are they getting, how far will they get, what are the markets doing, will Israel launch nukes if some specific thing happens, are government ministers being attacked? At a certain point, the President has to say, "This shit is so serious it requires all of my attention." At that point, he goes to the VP and says, "Normal everyday business: you handle it. I can't worry about anything outside this crisis until nuclear retaliation is off the table. Grant proposals, award ceremonies, negotiations, trade deals, you handle all of it until I'm ready."
In a good situation, the VP and the POTUS are on a 1:1 field and the VP is in regular meetings, and knows when to step in and step off. They should be providing an alternative perspective while having the same agenda. It's actually an important role if you make it one.
However, if you just picked someone for the votes, they become useless because they don't do anything but stand around and look pretty. If that.
If that's the case, then you have to work with what you have.
So when Biden gave her the border, that was her chance to really step up. She didn't do shit because she realized he handed her a shit sandwich he didn't want to take the fall for. She still could have done something and instead she didn't do shit.
When your boss hands you a bad job, you still have to try and make it work.
If not, then fucking resign.
You're describing how high school clubs work.
This is the federal government.
You're ignoring the CIA, the NSA, the donors, the wealthy news company owners, foreign governments, and really everything else that competes for time and attention.
It's not two people sitting in a room and doing civics class "good government" bullshit. why would you even want that?
What are you talking about? Delegation of authority is universal at every level leadership. I've literally been in these events where the C-Suite would have a 10-hour continual meeting to rapidly address a major problem while the VP was tasked with handling every-day tasks.
How big was the company then? Does it have anywhere near the dynamics of the institution you're attempting to compare it to? Was it even publicly held?
I obviously can't get into that. Why do you think something as universal as the delegation of duties doesn't exist at scale? The opposite is true. It exists at scale to a point where it becomes imperative.
I think his point is that Biden is far more likely to hand operations over to the NSA or some other bureaucrat rather than Kamala Retard Harris, and probably did do just that for his entire tenure
Yeah, sure, but he's not explaining it that way.
Now you're right in your assessment, but it doesn't take away from the fact that you, effectively, want a CO to have an XO; and for that XO to take your place on certain matters.
Sure, but that's an issue with who he has around him to delegate it to, not with the concept of delegation in general. And of course in this hypothetical Biden isn't handing it off to "The NSA" in some nebulous way where every NSA staffer gets a note from Biden. He's handing it off to the director of the NSA who's then putting other staff members on it and so on. It's still delegation to an individual, and it's still delegation that could or should involve a competent VP if such an individual were in the equation. Obviously, u/Gizortnik was not suggesting that the VP would personally handle everything without anyone else being involved, and yet the impression is that the objection was to exactly that idea.
The way u/akira2501 has written his objection it comes off as thinking that these agencies are a literal hive mind where you give an order to every member of the agency at the same time, or objecting to the idea of executive officers in any capacity, or some other strange thing like that.
Literal shitty example of this from the Game of Thrones books, Tyrion was put in charge of the sewers of Casterly Rock by his father as yet another attempted humiliation. Tyrion being the mad and petty genius that his is got the sewers running better than they ever had been.
Yeah, basically. What's crazy is that just like the border, if you can get a sewer running well, you're going to make everyone's life a hundred times better. That's actually a pretty common theme in shit jobs.
Imagine how much garbage Trump will be able to remove from the government with his experience in the field.
You'd have to purge every moderator on the site and completely start over to have a Reddit capable of producing people who can do second order thought or change their opinions.
Posts reddit link
She can just kill Biden and become president, in Minecraft.