I think his point is that Biden is far more likely to hand operations over to the NSA or some other bureaucrat rather than Kamala Retard Harris, and probably did do just that for his entire tenure
Now you're right in your assessment, but it doesn't take away from the fact that you, effectively, want a CO to have an XO; and for that XO to take your place on certain matters.
Sure, but that's an issue with who he has around him to delegate it to, not with the concept of delegation in general. And of course in this hypothetical Biden isn't handing it off to "The NSA" in some nebulous way where every NSA staffer gets a note from Biden. He's handing it off to the director of the NSA who's then putting other staff members on it and so on. It's still delegation to an individual, and it's still delegation that could or should involve a competent VP if such an individual were in the equation. Obviously, u/Gizortnik was not suggesting that the VP would personally handle everything without anyone else being involved, and yet the impression is that the objection was to exactly that idea.
The way u/akira2501 has written his objection it comes off as thinking that these agencies are a literal hive mind where you give an order to every member of the agency at the same time, or objecting to the idea of executive officers in any capacity, or some other strange thing like that.
I think his point is that Biden is far more likely to hand operations over to the NSA or some other bureaucrat rather than Kamala Retard Harris, and probably did do just that for his entire tenure
Yeah, sure, but he's not explaining it that way.
Now you're right in your assessment, but it doesn't take away from the fact that you, effectively, want a CO to have an XO; and for that XO to take your place on certain matters.
Sure, but that's an issue with who he has around him to delegate it to, not with the concept of delegation in general. And of course in this hypothetical Biden isn't handing it off to "The NSA" in some nebulous way where every NSA staffer gets a note from Biden. He's handing it off to the director of the NSA who's then putting other staff members on it and so on. It's still delegation to an individual, and it's still delegation that could or should involve a competent VP if such an individual were in the equation. Obviously, u/Gizortnik was not suggesting that the VP would personally handle everything without anyone else being involved, and yet the impression is that the objection was to exactly that idea.
The way u/akira2501 has written his objection it comes off as thinking that these agencies are a literal hive mind where you give an order to every member of the agency at the same time, or objecting to the idea of executive officers in any capacity, or some other strange thing like that.