I rarely find answers to technical questions on reddit anyway. I search on Google and among the first results are links to reddit. I go to those links; most are dead ends with no answers. Most replies consist of "Why are you asking this question?" or "bumping for interest" or "did you ever find the answer?" or "you're doing it wrong" or even "that's a good question. can you help me with my project?" Maybe 1 in 20 actually have useful information I run with.
I rarely find answers to technical questions on reddit anyway. I search on Google and among the first results are links to reddit. I go to those links; most are dead ends with no answers. Most replies consist of "Why are you asking this question?" or "bumping for interest" or "did you ever find the answer?" or "you're doing it wrong" or even "that's a good question. can you help me with my project?" Maybe 1 in 20 actually have useful information I run with.
Or the really fun one, a deleted reply followed by, "Thanks, that fixed it!"
There's always "check our Discord" as a really fun answer too.