posted ago by SpaceGeneral ago by SpaceGeneral +43 / -2

Going to, not should. Assume that all the "too big to steal" stuff falls through, and they really do say "Kamala got 150 million votes. We are going to swear her in. What are you going to do about it plebs?"

No wishful thinking about not pulling off another Steal, or fantasies about a million patriots marching on Washington or any of the usual PDW hopium. Not what should happen, what's your honest prediction of what actually will happen if they pull it off?

Any time frame you choose; the night of, the next day, the rest of November, in January, a year later, etc. An honest no shit cold assessment of the most likely real outcomes.

In a military operation order, there's two sections that deal with Enemy's Most Likely Course Of Action and Enemy's Most Dangerous Course of Action. Only fools only plan for a victory. Let's put the hope and optimism on the shelf for now, put our pragmatism hats on and actually consider outcomes from a falsified Trump defeat next month.