Yes, call them what they are: communists. The people the nazis were fighting, and who they lost to. The "good guys" that have been running things for decades now.
The National Socialists were fighting Capitalism. They allied with the Soviets, and spent most of their time inn Germany converting Communists and Socialists to their side. The only reason Hitler went to war with the Soviet Union was because it was Russia, which was a geo-political threat. Even under National Socialist doctrine, Judeo-Bolshevism was the result of Judeo-Capitalism. The Soviet Union only existed because it was an extension of money from New York and London Capitalists.
The cops are quite similar to the Nazis because they are both Race Communists.
Bruh you're reaching so hard. Buzzword buzzword buzzword. Russia was not in existence anymore. It was the USSR, a fundamentally different regime.
And why would the nazis be against them? Oh idk, maybe atheist bolsheviks had just slaughtered the Tsar and his family, and started wholesale extermination of the Russian people via the soviet state with their stated goal of EXPORTING AND REPEATING the same thing worldwide.
Russia was not in existence anymore. It was the USSR, a fundamentally different regime.
Regime type doesn't matter, as any realist IR scholar will tell you. Germany was anti-Russia in 1914 when Russian was tsarist, it was anti-Russia in 1941 when it was communist, and it's anti-Russia now when it's Putinist.
maybe atheist bolsheviks had just slaughtered the Tsar and his family, and started wholesale extermination of the Russian people via the soviet state
Just so I understand your position: you're arguing that Hitler was upset that the communists killed the tsar and his family... who had brought Russia into war against Germany, and that the authors of General Plan Ost were upset about 'the wholesale extermination of the Russian people' that they were planning themselves?
No. Communism is the enemy of all nations, because they stated goals are worldwide overthrow of nations. That's the point. Germans were afraid of communists, especially since Antifa and Marxists were active and trying to control Germany. Read hitler.
You can even hate a foriegn people and yet still understand how communism could spill over from their country and destroy your own country. Communists literally advocate a worldwide revolution and they seek to export Marxism internationally. Read Lenin and Marx.
I don't have to love Mexico, i might even hate their regime, but if they were overthrown by atheist radical Marxists who began vocally planning and funding revolutions in my country I would do well to take heed and prepare to fight.
Russia still existed, that's why there was a Russian Nationalist movement in the 90's. The Russians were ruled by predominantly ethnic Rus Communists, and in the Soviet Union, Russia was the most influential state.
The National Socialists never cared about the Czar. His death, and the death of Russians was never a major issue to either the National Socialists, nor the Social Democratic Party of Germany, nor the Kaiser or German Military during WW1.
The first thing the Germans cared about was the Realpolitik issue of an industrial Russia bowling over Europe until it reached the English channel. This has always been a major concern.
The secondary concern was Bolshevik revolution in Germany exported from the Soviet Union. However, negotiations with Stalin proved that so long as Stalin was in charge, that was never going to happen. It was true because Stalin understood his place as unifying and solidifying the Communist revolution in the Soviet Union first, as Lenin had dictated. This is why he had Trotsky killed, the USSR couldn't afford another war after the rebuff of the Red Army from the Battle of The Vistula. This is why the Ribbentrop-Molotov Pact was signed. Germany had been funding the USSR for years under Hitler, and it was apparent to Stalin that Hitler was a good ally, that could be trusted, and was not interested in starting a war with Russia (he was wrong). Hitler, from his position, felt that Socialist Autarkey in Germany could only be accomplished with oil from Romania and the caucuses, and Germany's economic recovery under the Hunger Chancellor was being undone by their own policies. Germany needed the oil to be self-sufficient and the Soviets were standing in the way. Beyond that, once Stalin lost power, there was a concern that the Capitalist west may further push the Soviets to invade.
Hitler didn't want a Bolshevik revolution in Germany, but that's why he welcomed them into the fold. He recruited Communists and Socialists. This is why so few Socialists and Communists in Germany were actually executed. They were even sent to prisons that would later become death camps, but instead were where he basically tried to brainwash them into National Socialist ideology. His problem was not with Bolsheviks by themselves, but because he believed that the Bolsheviks were Useful Idiots to Capitalists.
Even the Soviet Union wouldn't do that, they have their OWN home grown rapists and pedophiles be in charge of the 'internal security' services, not outsource it!
Going after foreign criminals backfired a bit, though. I'm sure the britbongs wouldn't have repeatedly refused peace talks if the krauts hadn't arrested the Baron Rothschild after merging with Austria.
Just to be clear, you actually think that the British refused peace talks because the Germans arrested and released a Rothschild 6 months before they went to war?
No, it's because Germany was making a run at hegemony, and obviously so, which is what Britain has always fought against as an offshore balancer.
How many Allied soldiers do you suppose died because of the irrational insistence on unconditional surrender? But England is owned by the Rothschilds, who were very insulted by how the head of the family had been treated, and piles of extra dead Englishmen mean nothing to them. And nice bit of doublespeak there, if anything, Germany getting out from under the crippling terms of Versailles would be a minor threat to the hegemony enjoyed by the global superpower called the British Empire.
How many Allied soldiers do you suppose died because of the irrational insistence on unconditional surrender?
I don't know, you have not established that that insistence was 'irrational'. Whether or not it's correct, you're the first one to connect it to the Rothschilds... who I agree were and are bad people, but they had nothing to do with this or anything.
But England is owned by the Rothschilds, who were very insulted by how the head of the family had been treated
I assume you don't have any evidence for your claims that... the Rothschilds controlled England, as you are providing none.
Germany getting out from under the crippling terms of Versailles would be a minor threat to the hegemony enjoyed by the global superpower called the British Empire.
Germany was a threat to British hegemony even before World War I, which is why first the British and then the Americans entered the war.
I don't know what branch those people belong to, but the Gestapo was a thing. There's something familiar about cops going after political opponents or people guilty of wrongthink.. Maybe that doesn't mean one's a traitor to one's country.
You worthless faggot. The National Socialists betrayed their own people repeatedly, and would absolutely let Muslim rapists take over their own country because they fucking did.
"Wait, I don't remember that happening in WW2?" Yes, that's true, the NSDAP didn't do that in WW2. Their members did that later when a half dozen of them or so founded the German Green Party. This is the same party that is attempting to dissolve the AfD, and who's members celebrated that Germans would be a minority within their own country. In fact, Klaus Schwab's father may have been Gunter Schwab who was a moderately important figure in the NSDAP's Environmentalist wing, and was one of the founding people involved in creating the Carbon Dioxide narrative, as well as creating multiple international socialist organizations dedicated to controlling countries environmental policies to facilitate depopulation efforts.
As for WW2 specifically, Hitler and his merry band of retarded faggots centralized the economy and caused so much absolute havoc economically that there were shortages everywhere including in food. Even when the Germans were winning the war, Germany was going through a proper famine in 1941, before allied bombings, even according to Gobbels who was desperately trying to get the situation under control, while intentionally starving the Poles, Slaves, and Greeks to death to do it. They also started one of the worlds most violent wars because of their retarded "We Wuz Frost Giants And Sheeet" narrative that killed more Germans than any war in all of Germany's history, and devastated it more completely than any war in Germany's history, even compared to the 30 Years War where multiple foreign armies from both sides pillaged the land and killed over a million people. They Allied with the Communists initially, and spent most of their time in Germany trying to convert German communists over to their ranks. They could have not gone to war at all, but Hitler wanted one because of his narrative. They could have stopped in France, but they were drunk on success. They could have stopped after Normandy, but the Sunken Cost fallacy kicked in, and Hitler would rather kill his best generals rather than be told that they couldn't win the war. They could have stopped the war before the Soviets literally raped their way across Germany, but being in charge was more important than the survival of German women. They could have evacuated German civilians out of occupied territory so they wouldn't be exposed to reprisal attacks, but they figured that spread "der blud" would work some magic, so fuck 'em. In the end, Hitler wanted Albert Speer to carry out an order to destroy the last remnants of Germany because the German people had betrayed him. Again, if you surrender to the Americans in 1944, you save all of East Germany form Red Army Rape, and Communist occupation. Most of the political and military leadership would not only have survived but been uncharged and undamaged. Japan figured this out, but the Nazis, Hitler in particular, wanted civilizational death instead. None of this even brings up just the regular old tyranny of fucking over the German people with retarded bureaucracy, and insane control over every aspect of their lives. We just don't have time to get into the normal retardation.
Hell, we can talk about pre-war Germany and show that the NSDAP were spreading violence and chaos through the streets of Germany and making German's lives worse. One of the reasons for the Holocaust being kept mostly quiet to the German population is that Kristallnacht had been so violent that even anti-Jew Germans were appalled by Nazi barbarism and savagery. Even members of the NSDAP came out and denounced it (before they knew that Hitler had fucking ordered it).
In the end, if the figures are right, despite the National Socialists dedicating themselves to exterminating jews, they may have gotten more Germans killed in the war than Jews killed. Which stands to reason considering their fucking Race Communists, so they will typically fail by hurting their own people. You're currently whining about Race Communism fucking over your country, and you think that more Race Communism will help it.
Nothing in Germany's history has been as bad as National Socialism. The Germans probably should have a law against you, because you're so fucking dangerously stupid that you'll kill everyone, especially everyone that supports you.
It's okay. We don't blame you for being traumatized at a young age with holocaust propaganda. Forcing kids in schools to repeatedly watch imagery of corpses and other horrific war scenes and have to read propaganda like Elie weisels "night". "THEY KILLED A LITTLE GIRL IN AN ATTIC!!! Nazis bad!" They reuse whatever footage they have in order to brainwash people into associating all this stuff with pure evil. I mean look at how you are spazzing out about nazis but I could post some proMao content and you'd be much more rational.
That stuff traumatizes a young kid. We as children integrate it into our psyche. And it's why you have such a visceral response to some random genocide that you're supposed to eternally beg forgiveness for.
I mean look at how you are spazzing out about nazis but I could post some proMao content and you'd be much more rational.
McArthur was right, we should have nuked Communist China immediately because we would have killed less people in a nuclear war than what Mao did by being fucking retarded.
Everything I've said was rational, but you want to play the Leftist game of "dissent from Leftism is inherently irrational because Leftism is inherently good and rational". Evil must be rebuffed and destroyed, and Leftism is evil.
What you don't like is evidence, which is why you didn't say shit about what I said. But shit like "Night" is nothing compared to the actual evidence, and direct testimony of the National Socialists themselves.
You don't really deny the holocaust, you just pretend it didn't happen because you're hoping to recruit a Useful Idiot to serve as cannon fodder, so that you could actually get a bigger one next time. You just don't like the optics. No different from any Leftist that is currently denying Muslim race rioting, or claiming that Trump wasn't shot. You're the same people.
They could have not gone to war at all, but Hitler wanted one because of his narrative. They could have stopped in France, but they were drunk on success. They could have stopped after Normandy, but the Sunken Cost fallacy kicked in, and Hitler would rather kill his best generals rather than be told that they couldn't win the war.
Why do you spew such easily disproved lies?
a recently unclassified high-level British Foreign Ministry memo noted 16 separate German peace attempts from September 1939-June 1941. The British and French declarations of war on Germany in September 3, 1939 came as a shock to Hitler. He was obsessed with making peace with Britain and France as he never wanted to fight them in the first place as all his territorial ambitions lay eastward. Interestingly, unofficial British policy from 1935–1939 was designed to encourage Hitler to channel his aggressions eastward towards the Soviet Union, which is exactly what he did. The British military guarantee of March 1939 marked a major departure from previous British policy and caused the Polish government to refuse to negotiate a peaceful resolution of the Danzig issue. Hitler had hoped to get Poland and Britain to ally with Germany against the USSR but Polish refusal to return the “free city” of Danzig when he had not asked for one single inch of Polish territory caused Hitler to invade Poland. He subsequently made peace offers to the Western Allies on September 2, 1939, October 6,. 1939, July 1940 and May 10, 1941 with many in between.
Churchill had become Prime Minister on May 10, 1940 and he was determined to continue the war until Germany was destroyed once and for all no matter how generous the peace terms offered by Hitler. Britain actually came fairly close to accepting peace with Germany was on May 28, 1940 during the so-called War Cabinet crisis when Halifax who had turned down the offer to become Prime Minister instead of Churchill, but who was still serving as Foreign Minister, persuaded the majority of the War Cabinet to negotiate a peace agreement with Nazi Germany on favorable terms to the British even threatening to resign before Churchill outmaneuvered him. Had Halifax resigned, Chamberlain likely would have resigned with him resulting in the call of a no confidence vote in the Churchill-led coalition government. That would have likely led to Halifax reluctantly agreeing to serve as PM with the full support of Chamberlain, who was still the leader of the Conservative Party, and the King to negotiate an end to the war. The terms of such a treaty likely would have been similar to the terms offered by Hitler in July 1940 and May 1941. The terms stated below were very favorable to Britain as they essentially would result in the retreat of all German troops from all nations occupied during the war but Poland and Luxembourg causing Germany to retreat to its October 1939 line of control without the need for a single drop of British blood to be shed.
The May 1943 American Mercury article summarized the terms of Hitler’s May 10, 1941 formal peace offer, which was confirmed by multiple British sources and typed in both German and English on official German Chancellory paper, as follows: “Hitler offered total cessation of the war in the West. Germany would evacuate all of France except Alsace and Lorraine, which would remain German. It would evacuate Holland and Belgium, retaining Luxembourg. It would evacuate Norway and Denmark. In short, Hitler offered to withdraw from Western Europe, except for the two French provinces and Luxembourg [Luxembourg was never a French province, but an independent state of ethnically German origin], in return for which Great Britain would agree to assume an attitude of benevolent neutrality towards Germany as it unfolded its plans in Eastern Europe. In addition, the Führer was ready to withdraw from Yugoslavia and Greece. German troops would be evacuated from the Mediterranean generally, and Hitler would use his good offices to arrange a settlement of the Mediterranean conflict between Britain and Italy.
No belligerent or neutral country would be entitled to demand reparations from any other country, he specified. The proposal contained many other points, including plans for plebiscites and population exchanges where these might be necessitated by shifts in population that has resulted from the military action in Western Europe and the Balkans. But the versions circulating in authoritative circles all agree on the basic points outlined above … Hess emphasized that his Leader would not quibble over details -- Britain could practically write its own peace terms.”
In addition, Hess stated that “Germany had no designs on America.” German leaders informed the British that Hitler was willing to commit to the “restoration of a Polish state” which presumably meant a Polish puppet state aligned with Nazi Germany (which would be much better than having Poland continue under direct Nazi rule) and wanted to negotiate the return of former German colonies which had been taken from Germany after World War I. They also told the British that Hitler agreed to preserve Britain’s full independence and keep all of its other colonial possessions even proposing a 25-year Anglo-German alliance in which Germany would offer the use of its troops to defend the British Empire, if necessary. One of the express terms of Hitler’s peace offer was “the resettlement of the Jews in Palestine.”
Pretty much all the American, British and French lives lost during that period can be blamed on Churchill because 7 of the 9 countries Germany had invaded between 1939–1945 would have been liberated if Hitler’s final peace offer to Britain hand carried by Deputy Fuhrer Rudolf Hess had been accepted while the Jewish Holocaust (which Hitler did not plan until the British refused two years of his pleas to deport them from Europe) would have been averted. If the US and UK didn’t fight Nazi Germany after June 1941, then Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union would have likely continued fighting for control of Eastern Europe for many years beyond actual history though a temporary armistice might have been reached. The Soviet Union would have been weakened hemmed in by Nazi Germany in Eastern Europe and Japan in the Far East so the US would not have had to fight a Cold War and lose 100,000 troops in Korea and Vietnam. The Pacific War likely never would have been fought. China and North Korea would never have fallen to Communist control and would be US allies today. Over 100 million innocent lives, including six million Jews, likely would have been saved.
What, the Americans? Always opponents until each government saw an opportunity.
The British and French declarations of war on Germany in September 3, 1939 came as a shock to Hitler. He was obsessed with making peace with Britain and France as he never wanted to fight them in the first place as all his territorial ambitions lay eastward.
LOL. Hitler was expecting war with Britan and France since the annexation of Chekoslovakia. He couldn't believe that Chamberlain had given in. He was hoping to start a ware then and there. Instead Chamberlain gave him everything he wanted, including political security, and destroyed any attempt to overthrow Hitler from the anti-War movement in Germany that the Brits had previously worked with. Even Mussolini was originally supposed to be a check on Hitler's aggression before that backfired too.
Hitler had hoped to get Poland and Britain to ally with Germany against the USSR but Polish refusal to return the “free city” of Danzig when he had not asked for one single inch of Polish territory caused Hitler to invade Poland.
LOL. "The Poles made me invade them!". Poland was invaded with the full knowledge and support of the Soviet Union as they were allies under the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact. They had fucking parades together.
That whole second paragraph is retarded beyond recognition. Hitler never was prepared to surrender France and Belgium. I like the idea that Luxemburg is ethnically German, but not the Netherlands. K. The idea of leaving Greece? Total nonsense. If I even assume it to be real, it would be nothing but an utter lie by someone who's clearly winning.
Hess emphasized that his Leader would not quibble over details -- Britain could practically write its own peace terms.”
Hess was dead fucking wrong about all of that, not even close for a second. The man was trying to save a population he thought to be Saxon, and Hitler had no interest in helping a population he saw as already controlled by Capitalist jews.
“restoration of a Polish state” which presumably meant a Polish puppet state aligned with Nazi Germany (which would be much better than having Poland continue under direct Nazi rule)
That would have meant mass, intentional, famines at best. Which is what they got anyway.
They also told the British that Hitler agreed to preserve Britain’s full independence and keep all of its other colonial possessions even proposing a 25-year Anglo-German alliance in which Germany would offer the use of its troops to defend the British Empire, if necessary. One of the express terms of Hitler’s peace offer was “the resettlement of the Jews in Palestine.”
Of all the thigns that happened. This happened the most.
while the Jewish Holocaust (which Hitler did not plan until the British refused two years of his pleas to deport them from Europe) would have been averte
Ha ha ha! He started it before the war! This is just made up bullshit. "Well! I just tried everything I could! Now, I just have to kill all the jews!"
If the US and UK didn’t fight Nazi Germany after June 1941, then Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union would have likely continued fighting for control of Eastern Europe for many years beyond actual history though a temporary armistice might have been reached. The Soviet Union would have been weakened hemmed in by Nazi Germany in Eastern Europe and Japan in the Far East so the US would not have had to fight a Cold War and lose 100,000 troops in Korea and Vietnam. The Pacific War likely never would have been fought. China and North Korea would never have fallen to Communist control and would be US allies today. Over 100 million innocent lives, including six million Jews, likely would have been saved.
No aspect of any of this is true. Hell, there was no way that Japan wouldn't have continued to be aggressive against British, French, and American interests in the Pacific or China. And the State Department was already filled with Fabian Socialists, which means the US was always going to side with Mao eventually.
Your question will be to conflate Liberalism and Marxism, then ask me a question about Liberalism, which I would affiliate with because Libertarians are from Liberal thought. But maybe I'm giving you too much credit (despite the fact that Marxism is illiberal). Maybe you'll ask me something truly retarded.
White Nationalists are literally just punk-ass National Socialists. Lesser versions of NatSocs. Imagine admitting you're a Socialist.
Cool, you did exactly what I thought you would do.
I'll answer with a follow-up question.
What do you think I should do to you?
As far as I'm concerned, the Marxists and National Socialists have to be treated in exactly the same way. Both of you are hell bent on the extermination of all dissent, individualism, property rights, privacy, and freedom. You want to accomplish this with unrestrained violence and genocide. But, the non-aggression principle suggests that I should defend myself only when attacked... pre-meditated defense doesn't really exist since there's no imminence, and "collective self-defense" flies in the face of individualism. But there can be no denying that the Socialists are always hell bent on a conspiracy to destroy everything we have and stand for.
Since you are both dedicated to our deaths in this conspiracy; you are an enemy faction hell bent on violence. Is that not imminence? Can an individual Socialist not be considered a threat, but two are (by definition) a threat? Do we stop you from meeting each other at all? Do we need to have a mandatory value standard? If you don't agree to the NAP, do you need to be physically removed? Is it appropriate to stop you ahead of time? What force needs to be used to stop you from destroying the very society we work for? What do I need to do to stop you from raping and murdering my wife and children in front of me, since you will do it given the first opportunity. Since you're equally the same threat, because you are the same people... what I do to the Marxist, is what I must do to you. No exceptions. A Liberal society shouldn't punish collectively... but if you insist only on collective violence, then do we have to treat you as individuals? If you renounce your individualism, do I respect you and treat that as the collective threat you present?
So, think carefully. What do you want me to do to you?
Oh no, was I mean to the stormfags who always treat me like shit?
Only kindness and grace will convince the stormfags to not smash my head in with a pipe while ranting about "mudslimes", "streetshitters", "niggers", "foreskin munchers", "race traitors", and "kikes".
Try holding them to the standard you hold me to next time. I bet you that you've never posted a single comment that has ever said:
Yes. You post walls of text and people have learned that they aren't worth reading from previous experiences with reading through them. You then act surprised whenever someone mentions this.
Yes, call them what they are: communists. The people the nazis were fighting, and who they lost to. The "good guys" that have been running things for decades now.
The National Socialists were fighting Capitalism. They allied with the Soviets, and spent most of their time inn Germany converting Communists and Socialists to their side. The only reason Hitler went to war with the Soviet Union was because it was Russia, which was a geo-political threat. Even under National Socialist doctrine, Judeo-Bolshevism was the result of Judeo-Capitalism. The Soviet Union only existed because it was an extension of money from New York and London Capitalists.
The cops are quite similar to the Nazis because they are both Race Communists.
Bruh you're reaching so hard. Buzzword buzzword buzzword. Russia was not in existence anymore. It was the USSR, a fundamentally different regime.
And why would the nazis be against them? Oh idk, maybe atheist bolsheviks had just slaughtered the Tsar and his family, and started wholesale extermination of the Russian people via the soviet state with their stated goal of EXPORTING AND REPEATING the same thing worldwide.
Regime type doesn't matter, as any realist IR scholar will tell you. Germany was anti-Russia in 1914 when Russian was tsarist, it was anti-Russia in 1941 when it was communist, and it's anti-Russia now when it's Putinist.
Just so I understand your position: you're arguing that Hitler was upset that the communists killed the tsar and his family... who had brought Russia into war against Germany, and that the authors of General Plan Ost were upset about 'the wholesale extermination of the Russian people' that they were planning themselves?
No. Communism is the enemy of all nations, because they stated goals are worldwide overthrow of nations. That's the point. Germans were afraid of communists, especially since Antifa and Marxists were active and trying to control Germany. Read hitler.
You can even hate a foriegn people and yet still understand how communism could spill over from their country and destroy your own country. Communists literally advocate a worldwide revolution and they seek to export Marxism internationally. Read Lenin and Marx.
I don't have to love Mexico, i might even hate their regime, but if they were overthrown by atheist radical Marxists who began vocally planning and funding revolutions in my country I would do well to take heed and prepare to fight.
What's the 'overthrow of nations'?
Correct, 'Germans' were afraid of communists, like most Europeans.
Which works? Also, have you heard of 'socialism in one country'?
And look at what Hitler did, he brought communism right into 1/4 of Germany.
Russia still existed, that's why there was a Russian Nationalist movement in the 90's. The Russians were ruled by predominantly ethnic Rus Communists, and in the Soviet Union, Russia was the most influential state.
The National Socialists never cared about the Czar. His death, and the death of Russians was never a major issue to either the National Socialists, nor the Social Democratic Party of Germany, nor the Kaiser or German Military during WW1.
The first thing the Germans cared about was the Realpolitik issue of an industrial Russia bowling over Europe until it reached the English channel. This has always been a major concern.
The secondary concern was Bolshevik revolution in Germany exported from the Soviet Union. However, negotiations with Stalin proved that so long as Stalin was in charge, that was never going to happen. It was true because Stalin understood his place as unifying and solidifying the Communist revolution in the Soviet Union first, as Lenin had dictated. This is why he had Trotsky killed, the USSR couldn't afford another war after the rebuff of the Red Army from the Battle of The Vistula. This is why the Ribbentrop-Molotov Pact was signed. Germany had been funding the USSR for years under Hitler, and it was apparent to Stalin that Hitler was a good ally, that could be trusted, and was not interested in starting a war with Russia (he was wrong). Hitler, from his position, felt that Socialist Autarkey in Germany could only be accomplished with oil from Romania and the caucuses, and Germany's economic recovery under the Hunger Chancellor was being undone by their own policies. Germany needed the oil to be self-sufficient and the Soviets were standing in the way. Beyond that, once Stalin lost power, there was a concern that the Capitalist west may further push the Soviets to invade.
Hitler didn't want a Bolshevik revolution in Germany, but that's why he welcomed them into the fold. He recruited Communists and Socialists. This is why so few Socialists and Communists in Germany were actually executed. They were even sent to prisons that would later become death camps, but instead were where he basically tried to brainwash them into National Socialist ideology. His problem was not with Bolsheviks by themselves, but because he believed that the Bolsheviks were Useful Idiots to Capitalists.
"Ignore literally every single word of Hitler's speeches and Mein Kampf and what every single National Socialist ever said on the matter."
I literally think you're a new alt of GayTexasPede/PandasForTrump/MarxHatedJews.
My position is taken explicitly from Mien Kampf, idiot.
Who were these New York and London capitalists eh?
You say this like you somehow don’t understand that Nazi Germany was engaging in free-market capitalism
French collaborators seems more appropriate
Even the Soviet Union wouldn't do that, they have their OWN home grown rapists and pedophiles be in charge of the 'internal security' services, not outsource it!
Going after foreign criminals backfired a bit, though. I'm sure the britbongs wouldn't have repeatedly refused peace talks if the krauts hadn't arrested the Baron Rothschild after merging with Austria.
Just to be clear, you actually think that the British refused peace talks because the Germans arrested and released a Rothschild 6 months before they went to war?
No, it's because Germany was making a run at hegemony, and obviously so, which is what Britain has always fought against as an offshore balancer.
How many Allied soldiers do you suppose died because of the irrational insistence on unconditional surrender? But England is owned by the Rothschilds, who were very insulted by how the head of the family had been treated, and piles of extra dead Englishmen mean nothing to them. And nice bit of doublespeak there, if anything, Germany getting out from under the crippling terms of Versailles would be a minor threat to the hegemony enjoyed by the global superpower called the British Empire.
I don't know, you have not established that that insistence was 'irrational'. Whether or not it's correct, you're the first one to connect it to the Rothschilds... who I agree were and are bad people, but they had nothing to do with this or anything.
I assume you don't have any evidence for your claims that... the Rothschilds controlled England, as you are providing none.
Germany was a threat to British hegemony even before World War I, which is why first the British and then the Americans entered the war.
Hard truth
I don't know what branch those people belong to, but the Gestapo was a thing. There's something familiar about cops going after political opponents or people guilty of wrongthink.. Maybe that doesn't mean one's a traitor to one's country.'s-Gestapo:d
Post Reported for: Rule 12 - Intentional Falsehoods / Disinformation (x2)
While it may be true, this is one of those cases where it's not _dis_information because it's not intentionally false. OP's just a NatSoc.
Glad I wasn’t born there.
Adolf Hitler was a foreign criminal.
I'd like all 3 to be dealt with like the enemies of civilization that they are. Eradicated and then replaced by proper, traditional western law.
Nazis killed 7 million Jewish Germans and started a world war. They sold out not only Germans but the concept of decency as well.
Never forget the 10 million jews.
just japanese ones.
He's talking about Japan's invasion of China during WW2. Japan was allied with Germany.
The Nazis didn't control China.
I'm just trying to make sense of the comment.
You worthless faggot. The National Socialists betrayed their own people repeatedly, and would absolutely let Muslim rapists take over their own country because they fucking did.
"Wait, I don't remember that happening in WW2?" Yes, that's true, the NSDAP didn't do that in WW2. Their members did that later when a half dozen of them or so founded the German Green Party. This is the same party that is attempting to dissolve the AfD, and who's members celebrated that Germans would be a minority within their own country. In fact, Klaus Schwab's father may have been Gunter Schwab who was a moderately important figure in the NSDAP's Environmentalist wing, and was one of the founding people involved in creating the Carbon Dioxide narrative, as well as creating multiple international socialist organizations dedicated to controlling countries environmental policies to facilitate depopulation efforts.
As for WW2 specifically, Hitler and his merry band of retarded faggots centralized the economy and caused so much absolute havoc economically that there were shortages everywhere including in food. Even when the Germans were winning the war, Germany was going through a proper famine in 1941, before allied bombings, even according to Gobbels who was desperately trying to get the situation under control, while intentionally starving the Poles, Slaves, and Greeks to death to do it. They also started one of the worlds most violent wars because of their retarded "We Wuz Frost Giants And Sheeet" narrative that killed more Germans than any war in all of Germany's history, and devastated it more completely than any war in Germany's history, even compared to the 30 Years War where multiple foreign armies from both sides pillaged the land and killed over a million people. They Allied with the Communists initially, and spent most of their time in Germany trying to convert German communists over to their ranks. They could have not gone to war at all, but Hitler wanted one because of his narrative. They could have stopped in France, but they were drunk on success. They could have stopped after Normandy, but the Sunken Cost fallacy kicked in, and Hitler would rather kill his best generals rather than be told that they couldn't win the war. They could have stopped the war before the Soviets literally raped their way across Germany, but being in charge was more important than the survival of German women. They could have evacuated German civilians out of occupied territory so they wouldn't be exposed to reprisal attacks, but they figured that spread "der blud" would work some magic, so fuck 'em. In the end, Hitler wanted Albert Speer to carry out an order to destroy the last remnants of Germany because the German people had betrayed him. Again, if you surrender to the Americans in 1944, you save all of East Germany form Red Army Rape, and Communist occupation. Most of the political and military leadership would not only have survived but been uncharged and undamaged. Japan figured this out, but the Nazis, Hitler in particular, wanted civilizational death instead. None of this even brings up just the regular old tyranny of fucking over the German people with retarded bureaucracy, and insane control over every aspect of their lives. We just don't have time to get into the normal retardation.
Hell, we can talk about pre-war Germany and show that the NSDAP were spreading violence and chaos through the streets of Germany and making German's lives worse. One of the reasons for the Holocaust being kept mostly quiet to the German population is that Kristallnacht had been so violent that even anti-Jew Germans were appalled by Nazi barbarism and savagery. Even members of the NSDAP came out and denounced it (before they knew that Hitler had fucking ordered it).
In the end, if the figures are right, despite the National Socialists dedicating themselves to exterminating jews, they may have gotten more Germans killed in the war than Jews killed. Which stands to reason considering their fucking Race Communists, so they will typically fail by hurting their own people. You're currently whining about Race Communism fucking over your country, and you think that more Race Communism will help it.
Nothing in Germany's history has been as bad as National Socialism. The Germans probably should have a law against you, because you're so fucking dangerously stupid that you'll kill everyone, especially everyone that supports you.
It's okay. We don't blame you for being traumatized at a young age with holocaust propaganda. Forcing kids in schools to repeatedly watch imagery of corpses and other horrific war scenes and have to read propaganda like Elie weisels "night". "THEY KILLED A LITTLE GIRL IN AN ATTIC!!! Nazis bad!" They reuse whatever footage they have in order to brainwash people into associating all this stuff with pure evil. I mean look at how you are spazzing out about nazis but I could post some proMao content and you'd be much more rational.
That stuff traumatizes a young kid. We as children integrate it into our psyche. And it's why you have such a visceral response to some random genocide that you're supposed to eternally beg forgiveness for.
McArthur was right, we should have nuked Communist China immediately because we would have killed less people in a nuclear war than what Mao did by being fucking retarded.
Everything I've said was rational, but you want to play the Leftist game of "dissent from Leftism is inherently irrational because Leftism is inherently good and rational". Evil must be rebuffed and destroyed, and Leftism is evil.
What you don't like is evidence, which is why you didn't say shit about what I said. But shit like "Night" is nothing compared to the actual evidence, and direct testimony of the National Socialists themselves.
You don't really deny the holocaust, you just pretend it didn't happen because you're hoping to recruit a Useful Idiot to serve as cannon fodder, so that you could actually get a bigger one next time. You just don't like the optics. No different from any Leftist that is currently denying Muslim race rioting, or claiming that Trump wasn't shot. You're the same people.
Kvetching tears are the best tears.
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And your side allied with them from 1917 to 1950.
Why do you spew such easily disproved lies?
What, the Libertarians? Always opponents.
What, the Americans? Always opponents until each government saw an opportunity.
LOL. Hitler was expecting war with Britan and France since the annexation of Chekoslovakia. He couldn't believe that Chamberlain had given in. He was hoping to start a ware then and there. Instead Chamberlain gave him everything he wanted, including political security, and destroyed any attempt to overthrow Hitler from the anti-War movement in Germany that the Brits had previously worked with. Even Mussolini was originally supposed to be a check on Hitler's aggression before that backfired too.
LOL. "The Poles made me invade them!". Poland was invaded with the full knowledge and support of the Soviet Union as they were allies under the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact. They had fucking parades together.
That whole second paragraph is retarded beyond recognition. Hitler never was prepared to surrender France and Belgium. I like the idea that Luxemburg is ethnically German, but not the Netherlands. K. The idea of leaving Greece? Total nonsense. If I even assume it to be real, it would be nothing but an utter lie by someone who's clearly winning.
Hess was dead fucking wrong about all of that, not even close for a second. The man was trying to save a population he thought to be Saxon, and Hitler had no interest in helping a population he saw as already controlled by Capitalist jews.
That would have meant mass, intentional, famines at best. Which is what they got anyway.
Of all the thigns that happened. This happened the most.
Ha ha ha! He started it before the war! This is just made up bullshit. "Well! I just tried everything I could! Now, I just have to kill all the jews!"
No aspect of any of this is true. Hell, there was no way that Japan wouldn't have continued to be aggressive against British, French, and American interests in the Pacific or China. And the State Department was already filled with Fabian Socialists, which means the US was always going to side with Mao eventually.
Lmao imagine admitting to being a Libertarian.
Yes you side allied with Marxists. And you still do it to this day.
And I can prove it with your answer to one question.
Your question will be to conflate Liberalism and Marxism, then ask me a question about Liberalism, which I would affiliate with because Libertarians are from Liberal thought. But maybe I'm giving you too much credit (despite the fact that Marxism is illiberal). Maybe you'll ask me something truly retarded.
White Nationalists are literally just punk-ass National Socialists. Lesser versions of NatSocs. Imagine admitting you're a Socialist.
No my question is if Marxists have the right to speech and own guns.
Cool, you did exactly what I thought you would do.
I'll answer with a follow-up question.
What do you think I should do to you?
As far as I'm concerned, the Marxists and National Socialists have to be treated in exactly the same way. Both of you are hell bent on the extermination of all dissent, individualism, property rights, privacy, and freedom. You want to accomplish this with unrestrained violence and genocide. But, the non-aggression principle suggests that I should defend myself only when attacked... pre-meditated defense doesn't really exist since there's no imminence, and "collective self-defense" flies in the face of individualism. But there can be no denying that the Socialists are always hell bent on a conspiracy to destroy everything we have and stand for.
Since you are both dedicated to our deaths in this conspiracy; you are an enemy faction hell bent on violence. Is that not imminence? Can an individual Socialist not be considered a threat, but two are (by definition) a threat? Do we stop you from meeting each other at all? Do we need to have a mandatory value standard? If you don't agree to the NAP, do you need to be physically removed? Is it appropriate to stop you ahead of time? What force needs to be used to stop you from destroying the very society we work for? What do I need to do to stop you from raping and murdering my wife and children in front of me, since you will do it given the first opportunity. Since you're equally the same threat, because you are the same people... what I do to the Marxist, is what I must do to you. No exceptions. A Liberal society shouldn't punish collectively... but if you insist only on collective violence, then do we have to treat you as individuals? If you renounce your individualism, do I respect you and treat that as the collective threat you present?
So, think carefully. What do you want me to do to you?
Answer my question dicklips. It's yes or no.
Quit reading here.
Are you sure you're not a false flag to make anti-Stormfags look bad?
Oh no, was I mean to the stormfags who always treat me like shit?
Only kindness and grace will convince the stormfags to not smash my head in with a pipe while ranting about "mudslimes", "streetshitters", "niggers", "foreskin munchers", "race traitors", and "kikes".
Try holding them to the standard you hold me to next time. I bet you that you've never posted a single comment that has ever said:
Did you know that you get verbose when you get emotional?
Or, I could just stand there and tell you the truth while you ignore it.
You'd have to address literally anything for me to be trounced.
Yes, but "shut up you retarded faggot" doesn't sufficiently explain my position.
Silly, you don't read.
I've explained this phenomenon to you before and how it is entirely your own fault.
What does that have to do with his comment? Are you talking about being verbose?
Yes. You post walls of text and people have learned that they aren't worth reading from previous experiences with reading through them. You then act surprised whenever someone mentions this.