Can someone explain to me what this guy is/was about and if he's changed? I haven't followed him very closely, but I don't remember him being a complete and utter retard until recently. Starting out he seemed pretty reasonable if milquetoast: Opposing compelled speech wrt tranny pronouns, wrecking Cathy Newman in that interview, etc. But he's also some cock carousel rider's betabux and raised a whore daughter who fucked Andrew Tate. He succumbed to a benzo addiction at some point, and now he posts stupid tradcuck shit all the time. Am I missing something?
Comments (51)
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He's a liberal psychologist who got popular for his basic life advice to fatherless young men ("clean your room"), wrote some books, and decided he needed to use his new international influence (and wealth) as a sort of controlled opposition for conservatives - arguing to allow the right-wing just enough free speech to act as a pressure valve and prevent the rise of dangerous far-right nationalists. (edit: see the video yoisi linked for proof)
After his addiction controversy he joined Ben Shapiro's Daily Wire to support Israel.
I don't hate him. Like Tim Pool he can be a good gateway drug to the Right. People should just be aware of what he is doing.
I hate him and everyone else like him who is smart enough and paying enough attention to know what's going on and chooses to side with evil.
what evil has he done or sided with?
He's an avowed Zionists, but he hypocritically preaches against identity politics for Whites. He knows about anti-White discrimination very well, too.
Comment Reported for: Rule 16 - Identity Attacks
Comment Approved: This doesn't do that.
Look up the video where he's explicitly asked about a certain question related to a group wearing tiny hats, and his response basically tells you who he sided with and why.
This is a vague answer. The post is how he's bad with no data to back that up. I ask how he's bad and you say to research and find a certain video about tiny hats. I actually searched youtube and found no video.
But if he's such a bad guy why cant you just summarize why in one word or phrase? So I think you're a shill for the democrats. There's actually more evidence of that than Jordan Peterson being bad.
Here is the video I am referencing:
It's not easy to find on YouTube for obvious reasons, I believe it's shadowbanned which is why you were not able to find it.
There is a follow-up video here but he still does not disentangle it nor addresses the question the young man posed (and others) in the first video:
So you hate him and want to tell others how bad of a person he is because he chose to not respond to a question about a book he didn't read and a complex question (more like a speech)?
Give me a break.
No, it's about his stance and being noncommittal (even after reading the book, hence the second link) by avoiding the issue presented so he doesn't have to talk about something that affected a lot of people.
Unfortunately, people are reporting my previous comment despite it being innocuous, and the mods seem to think it comes "close" to violating these nebulous rules, so I will leave it here, since this is not a free speech forum wherein things that offend people to a certain extent are not allowed to be discussed.
Comment Reported for: Rule 16 - Identity Attacks
This is close but no cigar.
Comment Reported for: Rule 16 - Identity Attacks
Comment Removed for: Rule 16 - Identity Attacks
Citing jews as inherently evil.
He helped me as a gateway to get off the liberal plantation. I found him at just the right time around 2018. Haven't listened to him in a long time though. I feel like I've outgrown him.
Have similar thoughts about him: a useful guide for a portion of my journey I've since moved beyond.
He's not a "leader" and anyone who thinks of him as such will be disappointed. But as a as a reasonably intelligent person who thinks some hetrodox things he can be useful for someone coming into this thing to say "hey this guy who's obviously pretty smart also thinks this thing is stupid; maybe I'm not crazy".
See also: Scott Alexander.
Which is still pretty damned useful: how many people here began their journey by asking "if they're lying about this inconsequential obvious thing, what else are they lying about?" That line of questioning is as much a snowball rolling down a hill as progressivism itself is.
And I think the other side realizes this, which is why they'll treat a Jordan Peterson or Scott Alexander the same as they do a Jared Taylor.
The first step in the Red Pill is listening to Jordan Peterson.
The next step is moving past him.
I appreciate his work in getting young men to snap out of the gynocentric mindset of today. However, to put it bluntly, he has outlived his usefulness, especially after his [benzo?] addiction crisis. He is not the same as he was before.
He is a useful "nudge" in this direction. The thing about anti-liberal/progressive opinion is once you start questioning it's difficult to control where you end up.
If you held a gun to my head and asked me "what was your first red pill on the media?" I would truthfully answer "the Jon Stewart Daily Show segments where he showed 20 different pundits use the exact same phrase on the Sunday morning politics shows" Obviously his goal in showing that was to make me a leftist, but by showing how the trick was done he lost control over how and where his audience applied the method.
And now that we're in bizarro-world 2004 where everything is flipped and the "weird" people are all on the right, an honest application of his methods today leads one to the opposite conclusion as he would have wanted then.
His Interview with Kathy Newman really struck me back then. I'd never heard someone so calmly and thoroughly dismantle feminism before. I was stuck in the left wing media bubble.
Now he reminds me of a cringe boomer uncle on twitter.
If you pattern recognize long enough, you end up in the same place as the rest of us.
How come that when a crow recognizes patterns, that's cool. But if we do it, it's oyvey?!
I think there are 2 scenarios:
His addiction messed with his head to much and now has a paranoia about resurgence of the "far-right" - what ever that is. The pendulum is barely slowing while still going left but somehow the right is to be feared.
During Biden's presidency there was talk about a task force for anti-radicalization of the right. I would expect that meant paying influential right-wing figures to move their audiences to the left. A drug addict would have been an easy target for that.
As for the daughter, I think she is just your normal white woman that was exposed to much to leftism but somehow still wants to make bank using her fathers fame. I doubt she cares about him or that he influenced her upbringing.
If the rumour about him ending up in a medically induced coma during his addiction is true, then it's plausible that his mental capabilities now are much less than they used to be. He could just be genuinely retarded and more easily manipulated compared to his old self.
If the rumours about it being against his consent and waking up alone in a different country are true it could also have been part of an attempt to intimidate him into changing his tune.
All I know is I don't trust him anymore.
who else read this in a Seinfeld voice?
Jordan Peterson was always a crook
Interesting video from 5 years ago. Holds up well.
They could've saved 30 minutes though by essentially stating
Hey, you saved me the trouble of posting the video.
Beat me to it
They probably ordered him to dose on those pills on penalty of death, the poor devil.
Is this referring to his wife Tammy?
I don't know much about her other than that she mostly stays out of the spotlight, supposedly has stage 4 breast cancer for 5+ years (but is still alive & well) and supposedly was a physiotherapist.
Basically he had a serious case of oneitis. He was into her young and she passed him over for Chad and Tyrone. Then when she couldn't lock down a hawt guy she settled for JP. He's lucky she hasn't divorce raped him, although I doubt their sex life was ever very good.
She's not exactly a looker either.
I guess Peterson became rich & famous late in life.
Still odd that someone who looks like Mikhaila, even with all the smoke & mirrors, came from two people that look like her parents
Are we sure that Jordan Peterson is her father?
I wouldn't bet on it, that's for sure. Tricking a beta into raising an alpha's kid is the ideal female sexual strategy if she can't lock down the alpha she wants.
She looks a lot like something.
He is controlled opposition. He is about making sure that right wingers never go far enough to the right to actually be effective. And he is about getting stoney baloney on benzos.
He made reasonable points, got gangstalked and harassed constantly by internet leftists and didn't have the psychic defenses to handle it, then later destroyed his brain with benzos and now he's basically a living dead man.
He made a name for himself rejecting pronouns but has spent all time since attacking the right for being too extreme. He's a ticket taker and a media creation, some publicist and brand manager found him and made him big.
What does "ticket taker" mean in this context?
It means he's not an organic success, he was offered a deal for playing ball right. It means he's a controlled asset, not an independent actor.
Chemically lobotomized
Not sure which one of them I’d lose more respect for if this is true 🤔
I, for one, would like to see more of this type of high effort schizoposting on this board
Why are people downvoting this? It’s amazing lol
Zizek is one of the grossest people I've ever seen. He sounds like a slobbering slug slurping slushies.
Peterson is at least tolerable to listen to, even if he isn't right all the time.