86% Local Government Leaders: 'We Need Gaijin or We'll Go Extinct!'
Local government leaders across Japan recently partook in a survey on population decline, on which 86% responded that there is a need to promote the acceptance of gaijin for human resources due to serious labor shortages in agriculture, forestry, and fishe...
Pay better, do on the job training instead of demanding expensive degrees, remove the teaching class that teaches "university or mcdonalds" propaganda.
Labor is a supply and demand issue. If the demand is there and the supply is not, create the supply locally if you care about your country at all.
Japan's birthrate collapsed soon after becoming occupied by the west and adopting female emancipation. Get rid of anti-natalist propaganda and force women to get married, and your birthrate will recover. But that will never happen as long as the US has an army base in Okinawa.
Most men can't even get a woman in the first place.
I think they sort of immigrants they will mostly take will be from Southeast Asia, like Filipinos, Vietnamese, and Cambodians, though they do have Pakistanis too...
The birthrates collapsed accross ALL the West because sex can be bought and getting a woman naked is easy but relationships are 90% bad if you aren't with a woman that doesn't play society's dating game.
For all the 'Japan's rates are so bad they'll go extinct' (the majority of those stories are western propaganda to force immigration which thankfully the large older voting block is still saying fuck off to) compare them to China's birthrates and they aren't AS BAD. Japan could solve it's birthrate problem more telling the western media to fuck off and re adjusting their work life so it's less encouraging of overtime over personal life.
There must be more to it than that, because even relationships are less likely to result in children, where they would consistently get 4-5 children in earlier times. Part of it is that children are now a burden, when they were an asset to peasants (and societies where cultural norms are closer to agricultural ones).
I'm not sure how to fix it, but we first need to diagnose the problem.
Most people can't afford kids.
Or think they can't. The ones who actually can't afford to have kids are being taxed to pay for the children of those who actually can't, but did anyways.
Meh on this as sure, children require a lot of energy and investment but how are they MORE a burden now with modern agricultural technology able to do the work of 100 people with 1 person than back in time when everyone worked or starved and childhood didn't exist.
The answer is Legacy, we have no concept of it nowadays and it's all short term thinking. Relationships are a Legacy as you think of power couples or with grandparents staying together for decades creating several generations. Now , it's all instant gratification to the extent that kids are a burden to having more fun.
You're looking at it at a societal level. You should look at it from an individual level. On a farm, a kid is used to help from an early age, and more kids means more security in retirement - as the norm is that kids take care of their parents when they are old.
Right now, a kid only costs you stuff. You have to pay exorbitant sums on everything from food, clothing to college tuition. You have to forgo vacations and get a babysitter (who may be molesting your kid) whenever you're away from the home, so you don't have any freedom. And this for what? Certainly not for any tangible financial or other sort of material benefit. While that is not all there is to having a kid, it certainly doesn't help to have the material costs be so onerous.
But I know people who have stayed together for a long time without having kids. So like I said, there's more to it than just that, though the 60s culture definitely does not help.
Child labor, you just said that children are a burden when they used to be an asset. Parents could rent out their children to a factory for the price of food and a pod to sleep in.
Mandatory education is also a huge depressor. What's the point in having kids if you just act as a place that feeds them, keeps them overnight, and gets them ready for the real authority in the kids' lives, which is the government?
It turns out that when you take away people's authority (and charge them for the privilege), they become less invested in the product and less likely to have more of that product.
Strip women of their rights and birth rates will recover.
It's going to happen one way or another. Better it be at the hands of men who love them than at the hands of invaders who will simply take them as war brides or sex slaves.
tengus are just antisemitic trope!
Every nation but one. Just this week that nation did another crackdown on migrants with promises of wide scale deportation.
No need to guess about that. Not when the ones responsible are so open about it.
No, but there is the very real risk that when we make first contact with another sentient species, we're stuck here grubbing in the dirt with stone-age tech, unable to harvest surface iron or coal to bootstrap heavy industry a second time.
Not that it'd ever happen but what if instead of importing Indians there was a mass exodus of white "far right" dudes to Japan
Oh sure, 130 million on a few small islands is the edge of extinction. Whatever shall they do without every street corner swarming with NPCs.
Local leaders like who? Kenjiberg Fukuyamastein?
We aren't having enough kids because our women are feminist trash. Better bring in black people to save us. At least the black people will rape our women considering our men are too nice. Great logic.
I'll bet most, if not all, of the imports will be communists.
Why is that the title image of a labor article.
That's the site mascot. The content is usually not so serious, at least when it gets linked here. Sanakucomplex articles are usually about H-games, not the inevitable result of post-industrial society.
Ah I see thanks.
just let your country right-size.
He tried to save them 😢
if japan did something about their weeb culture, i'm sure that would be a big help
as long as they are judicious, it will be okay. don't let in anyone with a criminal record, only let people in who have skills and a job lined up, deport people who have been jobless for a certain amount of time, deport people when they break the law, and require green card holders be able to speak Japanese enough to be able to hold a conversation.
Japan is an island, so it has naturally secure borders. this can be done.
Yet the somali prank YouTuber is still active in japan
He’s a great long term asset to Japan.
They are learning the consequences of immigration with minor long term damage (assuming he gets arrested and forcibly deported soon)
When I was in Tokyo back in June there was a shocking amount of black people in the city.
Look up "Guy blasting music loses it in Japanese Starbucks"... basically aggro as hell and seems to be almost violent. Who the hell wants to live with one of these guys.
I found it -
I wish I lived in a country where the police have the resources to show up to kick disruptive customers out of starbucks.
In the US a black guy incited black riots because he was asked to leave after like 3 hours (he wasn't even purchasing a starbucks drink...)
Yeah. Not many videos of japanese being aggro/violent even though theres cell phones everywhere. Just too bad as a society, they living on borrowed time with globohomo trying to constantly get into japan's panties so they can be raped by foreigners and gay pedos.
He should indeed be deported
Japan is such a nice country because it is a homogeneous country, with one ethnicity and one culture. Even if you bring in people who are worthy, let alone if the bar is so low as 'not a criminal', you are going to lose that.
Europe tried this (I am an immigrant myself), and we've had no end of trouble because of it, and we're having to spend vast sums on immigrant criminality (mostly second and third generation, so "not a criminal" does not work there) and benefits - which if spent on the domestic birth rate, could actually have done a great amount of good - if with an 18 year delay.
It's not worth it.
If we accept their false premise that the country will be destroyed without foreign labor, then temporary workers with no opportunity for future immigration would be fine. A little bit like what you said, but instead of "deport people who have been jobless for a certain amount of time" you automatically deport the foreigners after a certain amount of time, and bring new ones in if necessary.
This is sort of what the "trainee working visa" program was supposed to be for, except it's totally corrupt.
(Also need to make sure if a foreigner male gets a Japanese woman pregnant, the child is not given Japanese citizenship and must go home with the father. The woman can leave too. This is to prevent anchor babies.)
Currently they already have strict short term workers who can't get social welfare entitled to citizens, divorce between foreign men and japanese women usually ended up with women keeping the kids, mostly because foreigners have very little rights in Japanese courts. Japanese women probably want to keep their half white kids, but will let the shit skins go with their dads
Yes, I agree, but for that this was what was tried in Europe with 'guest workers'. But then they demanded citizenship, and that was what the elites wanted to begin with.
Ius sanguinis is the best ius.
most of that sounds good except for the anchor babies policy. I do agree that they should not be like the United States, meaning a baby born to two foreigners while on Japanese soil should not receive Japanese citizenship.
However, I think it would be fine for children born to a single Japanese citizen to receive Japanese citizenship. In the cases of rape or one night stands gone wrong, this would provide stability for the child. In natural cases, this would allow couples who love each other to be together without having to worry about the feds separating them. There likely would be a slight bump in genetically half Japanese children, but they would be raised under the Japanese culture so I don't see any downside.
Culture doesn't change genes.
culture defines a person way more than genes ever will.
culture is downstream from genetics
yes, but I believe it's more complicated than that. genetics, location, history, and geopolitics are all rivers that merge into the massive river that is culture.
No, it doesn't. Culture is defined by the people and how they behave. There's a reason why certain races were still the stone age while others were off sailing the globe and forming dynasties. The reason for that is not "culture".