86% Local Government Leaders: 'We Need Gaijin or We'll Go Extinct!'
Local government leaders across Japan recently partook in a survey on population decline, on which 86% responded that there is a need to promote the acceptance of gaijin for human resources due to serious labor shortages in agriculture, forestry, and fishe...
If we accept their false premise that the country will be destroyed without foreign labor, then temporary workers with no opportunity for future immigration would be fine. A little bit like what you said, but instead of "deport people who have been jobless for a certain amount of time" you automatically deport the foreigners after a certain amount of time, and bring new ones in if necessary.
This is sort of what the "trainee working visa" program was supposed to be for, except it's totally corrupt.
(Also need to make sure if a foreigner male gets a Japanese woman pregnant, the child is not given Japanese citizenship and must go home with the father. The woman can leave too. This is to prevent anchor babies.)
Currently they already have strict short term workers who can't get social welfare entitled to citizens, divorce between foreign men and japanese women usually ended up with women keeping the kids, mostly because foreigners have very little rights in Japanese courts. Japanese women probably want to keep their half white kids, but will let the shit skins go with their dads
Yes, I agree, but for that this was what was tried in Europe with 'guest workers'. But then they demanded citizenship, and that was what the elites wanted to begin with.
Ius sanguinis is the best ius.
most of that sounds good except for the anchor babies policy. I do agree that they should not be like the United States, meaning a baby born to two foreigners while on Japanese soil should not receive Japanese citizenship.
However, I think it would be fine for children born to a single Japanese citizen to receive Japanese citizenship. In the cases of rape or one night stands gone wrong, this would provide stability for the child. In natural cases, this would allow couples who love each other to be together without having to worry about the feds separating them. There likely would be a slight bump in genetically half Japanese children, but they would be raised under the Japanese culture so I don't see any downside.
Culture doesn't change genes.
culture defines a person way more than genes ever will.
culture is downstream from genetics
No, it doesn't. Culture is defined by the people and how they behave. There's a reason why certain races were still the stone age while others were off sailing the globe and forming dynasties. The reason for that is not "culture".