The boy is going to be emasculated as hell, she will resent him because high value men won’t commit to single moms and she will post all day about how he “is her world” and “how protective she is of her son” to save face for the resentment.
A guy politely trying to get your attention (by her own words, he was quite the distance from her saying 'excuse me' than sneaking up on her) is enough to cause a flight or fight response?
And the phrase 'I'm literally shaking' is a big giveaway nowadays to learned behaviour from the left. Any other sentence to express the adrenaline comedown does not carry that kind of ideological baggage.
I don't think he's a bad guy; just retarded. If a woman is displaying signs of mental illness you nope the fuck out of there.
Like this one time I ran into a woman with a big knife who was obviously in like mental distress. I didn't like go over there and yell at her cuz that probably wouldn't have gone well.
Kid is already setup for failure. She and her like are the reason why a percentage of domestic rule2 is justified, imagine coming home from work to this? Revolting.
Yes, but she acts like this and is even more unhinged in private, and when the man has enough of her and makes her into morning news one day they'll put all blame on him and she's going to be the poor victim, meanwhile who knows what she was doing to him and the son.
In Finland we have a big ''problem'' with domestic violence, and whenever a case of it is mentioned I always assume there is more to the story than reported, often times there is a reason for it, you don't just wake up one day and beat your nice, loyal wife for just no reason at all.
As a man however, you should indeed be warry of the kind of woman you're messing with, this is one of the reasons why promiscuity is bad for the man.
I am very well aware of this and I agree with you, hence why I put ''problem'' in quotation marks, because it's pushed as this huge issue in Finland but I know it's exaggerated and in some cases justified.
In New Zealand awhile back there were feminist groups maliciously trying to make it out that firefighters were domestic abusers.
Yes, feminists are behind these things almost always, it's one of many of their favorite tools to vilify men. I personally can't bother at the moment because I'm busy but if you can and you're curious, google search ''perheväkivalta'' (domestic violence) and I'm sure most of the results will be some NGO feminist initiative bullshit.
Their argument was that firefighters come back traumatised and beat their wives which is such a fucking dumb concept to begin with but predictably the media ran with it.
I wasn't aware of that, the only concept of theirs I knew of is the one about all cops being wifebeaters.
The bully hunters scam is a great example of this with ZombieUnicorn posting up dodgy online harassment statistics that 'targeted women'.
They stage things for their personal agendas, nothing new. This is like when the feds ''went over'' some shooter's search history, and it was basically along the lines of him unironically searching about how he hates minorities and women, whew, so convenient eh? I'm sure Imp being the woman hater he is, every day opens up google and types ''I hate women so much'', because that's totally what those evil misogynists search the internet for.
The universe has this wierd sense of humor, where the most unhinged women are overwhelmingly given sons as their offspring.
I'm sure there is some hormonal reason deep in the human body leading to both, but its still such a common trend for psycho women to just have their single son.
Raging psychopath single mom! How shocking, these delusional cunts really have nothing better to do with their lives than watch true crime stories and then envision any male interaction as them being targeted by a serial killer/ rapist/ human trafficker.
Wow, this one guy is simping really fucking hard here in the comments. Yikes.
EDIT: Said simp was arguing when I left this morning. He's still here in the comments arguing...and calling other people nerds and other names. Hahaha.
I thought about getting in on the fun in the morning but - rightly - decided it wasn't worth the hassle. Looks like that was the totally correct call.
I was thinking that at first too, but someone else speculated "he" might actually be a woman and that makes some sense. "He" clearly has some bias towards the woman in the video. Living in a high-crime area certainly doesn't help either.
But I'm mostly just annoyed seeing the topic getting bumped with no meaningful discussion. RIP thread.
There’s no reason to approach a woman alone with a kid in a parking lot.
Random, strange men are a potential threat to women, just like a pit bull in someone’s yard. We don’t know if that dog will bite, but it’s still a potential threat you need to assess.
And the correct response if she freaks out is to walk away and laugh it off. Not cuss her out.
A vast majority of crimes and assaults are because of opportunity. You’re naive to think women don’t get fucked with in parking lots.
By making a scene you can prevent a potential scene from happening. This is just common sense.
What’s the issue ? She hurt some random guys feelings ? She was afraid and has reason to. Big fucking deal. Better “be a bitch” than attacked or worse.
Random people owe you NOTHING. Politeness is a privilege, not a right.
You’re naive to think women don’t get fucked with in parking lots.
I don't think they keep statistics on this, but what percentage of interactions between a man and woman in a parking lot do you think result in a crime?
I'd be shocked if it was more than 5%, but I'd personally put it at 1% or less.
As a married man I agree with this woman entirely.
There’s no reason for a man to approach my wife in a parking lot. Ever
And if she has a kid with her it’s a double no-no.
The fact that the dude reacted like that shows ill intentions.
It she had a flat tire in the car and he was warning her, for example, then he would have reacted much more calmly or just walked off shaking his head.
for example, then he would have reacted much more calmly or just walked off shaking his head.
You think there's a calm reaction to the way she's acting? My God, the standards for men are so high that we're taking it for granted that we're supposed to behave politely when people are treating us like shit and making a scene as if we're some thief, rapist, or murderer.
BTW if you're that scared for your wife, you should teach her self-defense and give her a weapon that she can carry on her. That way, you don't need to be worried and tear apart the fabric of society.
There no self defense a 5’2” woman can do. And yes, we both plan to carry. But in the above situation she did the right thing. You don’t instantly pull a gun. You avoid the situation entirely which the woman did perfectly well.
And yes - the standard for anyone, but especially men, is to be the bigger person. That’s how society works. When did young men become such fucking pussies that “wahhhh it’s not fair that a woman is acting irrationally”. She’s a fucking woman - of course they are irrational at times.
When someone is a retard, don’t out-retard them for equity purposes.
I tell my wife it’s better to be labeled a crazy woman, racist, or sexist than dead. Avoid the nigger at all cost. Avoid strange men.
As a man, your alarm should be going off if ANY man approached you randomly.
This is an argument for pre-women's lib society, where women did not go anywhere without a male chaperone.
To be fair, I agree with this stance, but I'm not sure you do. If women want to be free to wander alone, they need to deal with men approaching them. There's no alternative.
Yes, lock your doors, and don't allow women outside unprotected. Same thing. The point is that women want it both ways, they feel entitled to male protection while also expect total freedom. You can't have both. If men are responsible for you then men have authority over you. It's a natural law. Children are dependent on their parents, thus parents have authority over them.
Anyway, you're clearly a woman. FYI, men do not say "as a man..." unless they're joking. It's a tell.
If you think me as a man trying to help her out with a scenario such as you mention should calmly walk away when a woman goes nuts on her then you are part of the problem. How about tell your wife to not act like a fucking bitch about it. Start screaming at a guy like that randomly and she deserves to be cussed at.
Or to your other point, when did everyone become such pussies that they should treat others like shit and expect the other to just not back down and be taken back by it? I'm damn well walking away in this situation but not without telling the bitch to take her attitude problem and shove it up her ass on the way off.
It she had a flat tire in the car and he was warning her, for example
You brought up the helping scenario and I answered how I would react. Oh but you're the all seeing oracle who can tell what the hell was going on in this unknown scenario.
The cognitive dissonance of this group is amazing. “Well I wouldn’t hurt a woman! She’s irrational!” All while ignoring the overwhelming statistics of violence against women by men
So it's unacceptable to approach a woman up to 30 feet away have her go bat shit crazy, then continue as you are walking away and I'm bad for telling her to fuck off? Listen to the damn story, the dude immediately started walking away and continued on his way while avoiding coming near her. Not only could I see myself I DID JUST THIS A COUPLE WEEKS AGO! I told a woman in the grocery store parking lot a few weeks ago that they had left their gas cap open as I was walking by, they said thanks and no bitching out ensued.
You are wanting to create a world of a bunch of pussies walking around treating each other like shit because they are afraid of each other.
Do you know how much unwanted attention women like this get ?
She did the right thing. His intentions were not pure. Yours were. Quit thinking others act and think like you.
Woman get assaulted like this commonly. I personally sat in court on a case where two niggers approached a woman loading groceries in the parking lot. They pushed her into her own car and raped her for 6+ hours while they drove around. Both got double life.
You know what I'm going to give in a bit and say I get it if the guy looked sketchy. I still think the normalization of treating people like shit randomly and expecting not even a verbal recourse has to go.
If I have to guess, you live in a large blue city with a high crime rate. Random strangers being nice to each other is normal elsewhere.
If you can't handle the inherent possibilities that come from being in public, then you shouldn't be in public. Its not societies problem to deal with your fragile, emotional reactions.
Because if this was a man with ill intentions, she just absolutely fed his predatory ego by showing how easily she is broken and shaken by him just existing near him. She has shown massive weakness as a response to being under threat, which makes her actually retarded. The fact that he responded that way, proves his intentions weren't that ill in the slightest.
Also, trusting a woman's recollection of an event she is emotionally invested in and in which she is the victim to be accurate in the slightest is also retarded. Its entirely possible his reaction was calm, and she perceived it as far harsher than it was to fulfill the narrative her paranoid mind had already created.
Why are you so triggered that this woman didn’t act with the utmost kindness and politeness when she felt threatened? Would you rather her just politely discuss with the man when he’s 3 feet away? What’s the appropriate response? You are not owed politeness by a random person.
And yes - causing a scene CAN deter a threat. As was said in her other video, the parking lot was nearly empty and the guy (negro) was walking QUICKLY directly at her.
If your alarm bells aren’t going off you’re living in a fairy land.
Because "felt threatened" and "actually in threat" are not the same. We have spent decades enabling women's paranoia that every man is out to get them at any moment, which means I believe little of her actual details are accurate. While you seem to believe every single one, because I guess "believe women." The story told, the immediate video after with "literally shaking you guys omg" ring more alarm bells of "victim milking" than any possibility.
You aren't owed politeness, in either direction. If if it totally acceptable for her to react like a histrionic to him with no provocation, he is totally acceptable in doing the same.
Immediately ticks the first box of 'sign of mental illness'
I feel sorry for her son, she's the type to try and trans them
The boy is going to be emasculated as hell, she will resent him because high value men won’t commit to single moms and she will post all day about how he “is her world” and “how protective she is of her son” to save face for the resentment.
Not really, adrenaline is a hell of a drug. You clearly haven't spent enough time driving in rush hour traffic with literal psychopaths.
A guy politely trying to get your attention (by her own words, he was quite the distance from her saying 'excuse me' than sneaking up on her) is enough to cause a flight or fight response?
And the phrase 'I'm literally shaking' is a big giveaway nowadays to learned behaviour from the left. Any other sentence to express the adrenaline comedown does not carry that kind of ideological baggage.
Fair counter point.
It could be self-induced, but that does still point back to mental illness.
I don't think he's a bad guy; just retarded. If a woman is displaying signs of mental illness you nope the fuck out of there.
Like this one time I ran into a woman with a big knife who was obviously in like mental distress. I didn't like go over there and yell at her cuz that probably wouldn't have gone well.
Practically alone in a parking lot and he’s walking incredibly fast directly towards her as she is putting her infant in his car seat
That wouldn’t raise any alarm bells to you?
It should. Never relax.
You're insane.
A nigger quickly walks directly at you while you’re putting your infant in its car seat and your alarm bells aren’t ringing ?
Tiktok is cool 😎
if that was the case then he wouldn’t react by cussing at her and following her.
No. It’s really not
Would you really cuss out a woman for this when you were just trying to give her keys to her ?
Or would you laugh at the misunderstanding while holding up the keys in your hand to show her.
Men are a threat to woman when they’re alone. Especially in a parking lot like this.
You’re right. Crime doesn’t happen in the day.
My apologies.
Do you think the mans behavior was sound ?
Would you ever approach a mom with a kid, then cuss her out and follow her because of ANY reason ?
Then you’re a fucking retard
Way to out retard an irrational woman 👏
You really showed her
I don’t think she’s irrational at all. All data points to her being smart and protecting her child.
I’m saying if YOU think she’s irrational, then it’s a bitch thing to do to match her energy
Free relationship lesson for nerds
Did we watch the same video? Exact quote, "and he immediately started going in the other direction."
Kid is already setup for failure. She and her like are the reason why a percentage of domestic rule2 is justified, imagine coming home from work to this? Revolting.
She is hot and people still stick their dick in crazy
Yes, but she acts like this and is even more unhinged in private, and when the man has enough of her and makes her into morning news one day they'll put all blame on him and she's going to be the poor victim, meanwhile who knows what she was doing to him and the son.
In Finland we have a big ''problem'' with domestic violence, and whenever a case of it is mentioned I always assume there is more to the story than reported, often times there is a reason for it, you don't just wake up one day and beat your nice, loyal wife for just no reason at all.
As a man however, you should indeed be warry of the kind of woman you're messing with, this is one of the reasons why promiscuity is bad for the man.
I am very well aware of this and I agree with you, hence why I put ''problem'' in quotation marks, because it's pushed as this huge issue in Finland but I know it's exaggerated and in some cases justified.
Yes, feminists are behind these things almost always, it's one of many of their favorite tools to vilify men. I personally can't bother at the moment because I'm busy but if you can and you're curious, google search ''perheväkivalta'' (domestic violence) and I'm sure most of the results will be some NGO feminist initiative bullshit.
I wasn't aware of that, the only concept of theirs I knew of is the one about all cops being wifebeaters.
They stage things for their personal agendas, nothing new. This is like when the feds ''went over'' some shooter's search history, and it was basically along the lines of him unironically searching about how he hates minorities and women, whew, so convenient eh? I'm sure Imp being the woman hater he is, every day opens up google and types ''I hate women so much'', because that's totally what those evil misogynists search the internet for.
I understand. Curious if Imp has delved into this, I'm sure he could provide some information on the feminist initiative with domestic violence.
The universe has this wierd sense of humor, where the most unhinged women are overwhelmingly given sons as their offspring.
I'm sure there is some hormonal reason deep in the human body leading to both, but its still such a common trend for psycho women to just have their single son.
Raging psychopath single mom! How shocking, these delusional cunts really have nothing better to do with their lives than watch true crime stories and then envision any male interaction as them being targeted by a serial killer/ rapist/ human trafficker.
She has a husband
Dude was walking fast directly at her in a relatively empty parking lot.
The women haters in here are coping hard.
Why are you so triggered by a woman getting attention from a video?
Let’s look at the real issue you have with this
I hate about 90% of women
This woman, however, I agree with
Haha, exactly. This is honestly how I want my girl responding to randoms in the parking lot.
Men should never approach women. We get it.
Women need to be property again.
Practically alone in a parking lot and he’s walking incredibly fast directly towards her as she is putting her infant in his car seat
That wouldn’t raise any alarm bells to you?
It should. Never relax.
Lol. I’m sure crazy eyes would never lie to complete strangers on Chinese spyware app.
Ah yes. The desperate cope of living in a low trust society full of shitty people and nuggets
Just accept it and embrace it
You raise alarm bells to me.
Maybe it was a Jehova's Witness. Lord knows she needs Jesus.
This is a humblebrag. Women love being "victims", it's the highest status in our society they can attain. This guy made her day, if it was even real.
Yes, avoid single mothers at all costs.
She’s married
Still good advice ;)
Wow, this one guy is simping really fucking hard here in the comments. Yikes.
EDIT: Said simp was arguing when I left this morning. He's still here in the comments arguing...and calling other people nerds and other names. Hahaha.
I thought about getting in on the fun in the morning but - rightly - decided it wasn't worth the hassle. Looks like that was the totally correct call.
I was thinking that at first too, but someone else speculated "he" might actually be a woman and that makes some sense. "He" clearly has some bias towards the woman in the video. Living in a high-crime area certainly doesn't help either.
But I'm mostly just annoyed seeing the topic getting bumped with no meaningful discussion. RIP thread.
Bitches be crazy.
Here's another good one someone posted in the comments:
What is so taboo about parking lots? This bird has issues.
Yeah. Shes pretty and doesn't like random dudes around her or her children. Fucking crazy man.
Inshallah, has she considered conversion to Islam?
Sharia law where the only premarital contact men have with women is through a father, brother, or other trusted male guardian.
lol one of my mutuals, good guy
Hate to break it to you, chief, but the only women on far right forums are in the FBI and I’m not a faggot
But to each their own 👌🏻
I’m not a huge fan of women, but this thread is very bitter, MGTOW territory.
Try making some arguments defending this behavior instead of taking shots at people you disagree with.
Already have
There’s no reason to approach a woman alone with a kid in a parking lot.
Random, strange men are a potential threat to women, just like a pit bull in someone’s yard. We don’t know if that dog will bite, but it’s still a potential threat you need to assess.
And the correct response if she freaks out is to walk away and laugh it off. Not cuss her out.
What part of this do you disagree with ?
Do you believe someone who wants to cause harm is seriously to care what this bitch is doing?
In fact, if they had half a brain, they wouldn't even call for her attention, they'd just sneak up.
And, by her own admission, the guy in question was 30ft away and walked away as soon she started acting out.
There's no reason to behave like a total cunt, let alone post it on the internet and brag about it like you're some kind of hero.
"Haha, she just made me look like a thief/rapist/murderer and now everyone is looking at me with a weird face!"
I can't believe anyone would seriously think that is the appropriate response.
A vast majority of crimes and assaults are because of opportunity. You’re naive to think women don’t get fucked with in parking lots.
By making a scene you can prevent a potential scene from happening. This is just common sense.
What’s the issue ? She hurt some random guys feelings ? She was afraid and has reason to. Big fucking deal. Better “be a bitch” than attacked or worse.
Random people owe you NOTHING. Politeness is a privilege, not a right.
I don't think they keep statistics on this, but what percentage of interactions between a man and woman in a parking lot do you think result in a crime?
I'd be shocked if it was more than 5%, but I'd personally put it at 1% or less.
Not many. But it only takes one
I’ve never been bitten by a pit bull. But I won’t pet a random pit bull
Why even step out of your house if you're that paranoid?
There's million ways to die or get injured. Even worse, you believe you have a right to treat everyone like a piece of shit to justify your paranoia.
As a married man I agree with this woman entirely.
There’s no reason for a man to approach my wife in a parking lot. Ever
And if she has a kid with her it’s a double no-no.
The fact that the dude reacted like that shows ill intentions.
It she had a flat tire in the car and he was warning her, for example, then he would have reacted much more calmly or just walked off shaking his head.
I understand your perspective, but
You think there's a calm reaction to the way she's acting? My God, the standards for men are so high that we're taking it for granted that we're supposed to behave politely when people are treating us like shit and making a scene as if we're some thief, rapist, or murderer.
BTW if you're that scared for your wife, you should teach her self-defense and give her a weapon that she can carry on her. That way, you don't need to be worried and tear apart the fabric of society.
There no self defense a 5’2” woman can do. And yes, we both plan to carry. But in the above situation she did the right thing. You don’t instantly pull a gun. You avoid the situation entirely which the woman did perfectly well.
And yes - the standard for anyone, but especially men, is to be the bigger person. That’s how society works. When did young men become such fucking pussies that “wahhhh it’s not fair that a woman is acting irrationally”. She’s a fucking woman - of course they are irrational at times.
When someone is a retard, don’t out-retard them for equity purposes.
I tell my wife it’s better to be labeled a crazy woman, racist, or sexist than dead. Avoid the nigger at all cost. Avoid strange men.
As a man, your alarm should be going off if ANY man approached you randomly.
Guns are self defence a woman can do, you absolute fruitcake.
So you rather this woman pull a gun instead of telling this guy not to approach? Gotcha.
Yes. Because there’s no reason for a man to approach a woman alone with her kid in a relatively empty parking lot.
This is an argument for pre-women's lib society, where women did not go anywhere without a male chaperone.
To be fair, I agree with this stance, but I'm not sure you do. If women want to be free to wander alone, they need to deal with men approaching them. There's no alternative.
She dealt with the man approaching her
It’s just not to nerds standards
When a real threat approaches her, he won't be deterred by shrieks.
Perhaps she should just roll over and die then?
If a robber wants in your home, locking your door won’t help. Do you lock your door?
I’m amazed at how retarded some of you are. But then again, I imagine about 90% of men on here aren’t married.
Yes, lock your doors, and don't allow women outside unprotected. Same thing. The point is that women want it both ways, they feel entitled to male protection while also expect total freedom. You can't have both. If men are responsible for you then men have authority over you. It's a natural law. Children are dependent on their parents, thus parents have authority over them.
Anyway, you're clearly a woman. FYI, men do not say "as a man..." unless they're joking. It's a tell.
If you think me as a man trying to help her out with a scenario such as you mention should calmly walk away when a woman goes nuts on her then you are part of the problem. How about tell your wife to not act like a fucking bitch about it. Start screaming at a guy like that randomly and she deserves to be cussed at.
Or to your other point, when did everyone become such pussies that they should treat others like shit and expect the other to just not back down and be taken back by it? I'm damn well walking away in this situation but not without telling the bitch to take her attitude problem and shove it up her ass on the way off.
And the man wasn’t “helping”
That’s the issue. You’re playing a different game
He was either approaching her sexually or threatening.
How you can’t see this is beyond me.
You brought up the helping scenario and I answered how I would react. Oh but you're the all seeing oracle who can tell what the hell was going on in this unknown scenario.
The data is on her side
Let me guess - you don’t think a random black man approaching her is ANY cause for alarm
Probably just a good old boy who noticed she had a flat and is going to help
Get real.
Prove it. You can speculate what this person's intentions were (IF THIS EVEN HAPPENED AT ALL) but I'm sure you cannot provide ANY evidence at all.
The helpful black men approaching you at night just want to help! Don’t be racist
Lol dude I'll make a note to never help any woman in danger at night because they may be your wife
Why would you approach a woman with a kid alone at night in a parking lot ?
Is there any GOOD reason ?
We life in a low trust society. My wife will never be alone at night.
Then why have your hypothetical in the first place? If your wife is never going to be alone at night why be alone.
But like I said if I see someone mugging a woman in a parking lot at night I won't help. It may be your wife after all
Because it’s pattern recognition
The cognitive dissonance of this group is amazing. “Well I wouldn’t hurt a woman! She’s irrational!” All while ignoring the overwhelming statistics of violence against women by men
Yes. Come down to an irrational woman’s level. That’ll show those women!
Your masculinity is sooooo brave and strong
Don’t approach single women when they have a kid. It’s THAT fucking simple
If you could see yourself approaching a woman with a kid like this, the you are the problem.
So it's unacceptable to approach a woman up to 30 feet away have her go bat shit crazy, then continue as you are walking away and I'm bad for telling her to fuck off? Listen to the damn story, the dude immediately started walking away and continued on his way while avoiding coming near her. Not only could I see myself I DID JUST THIS A COUPLE WEEKS AGO! I told a woman in the grocery store parking lot a few weeks ago that they had left their gas cap open as I was walking by, they said thanks and no bitching out ensued.
You are wanting to create a world of a bunch of pussies walking around treating each other like shit because they are afraid of each other.
Look at the woman again
Do you know how much unwanted attention women like this get ?
She did the right thing. His intentions were not pure. Yours were. Quit thinking others act and think like you.
Woman get assaulted like this commonly. I personally sat in court on a case where two niggers approached a woman loading groceries in the parking lot. They pushed her into her own car and raped her for 6+ hours while they drove around. Both got double life.
Better a “paranoid crazy girl” than dead.
You know what I'm going to give in a bit and say I get it if the guy looked sketchy. I still think the normalization of treating people like shit randomly and expecting not even a verbal recourse has to go.
If I have to guess, you live in a large blue city with a high crime rate. Random strangers being nice to each other is normal elsewhere.
I agree with you
But we do not live in a high trust society anymore
My family and I won’t be victims
I don't think you belong on this forum.
I don't think he belongs in polite society, but I guess that's just me...
Because I don’t hate women ?
I mean - I don’t think they should vote. But I don’t hate all women and I do understand some of the struggles they go through
How comfortable are you with a nigger approaching your hypothetical wife when she’s alone with your kid ?
Yeah but you're a faggot.
You would probably think differently if you had a family.
But to each their own 👌🏻
You're a psychopath. As is she. End of story...
If you can't handle the inherent possibilities that come from being in public, then you shouldn't be in public. Its not societies problem to deal with your fragile, emotional reactions.
Because if this was a man with ill intentions, she just absolutely fed his predatory ego by showing how easily she is broken and shaken by him just existing near him. She has shown massive weakness as a response to being under threat, which makes her actually retarded. The fact that he responded that way, proves his intentions weren't that ill in the slightest.
Also, trusting a woman's recollection of an event she is emotionally invested in and in which she is the victim to be accurate in the slightest is also retarded. Its entirely possible his reaction was calm, and she perceived it as far harsher than it was to fulfill the narrative her paranoid mind had already created.
Why are you so triggered that this woman didn’t act with the utmost kindness and politeness when she felt threatened? Would you rather her just politely discuss with the man when he’s 3 feet away? What’s the appropriate response? You are not owed politeness by a random person.
And yes - causing a scene CAN deter a threat. As was said in her other video, the parking lot was nearly empty and the guy (negro) was walking QUICKLY directly at her.
If your alarm bells aren’t going off you’re living in a fairy land.
Because "felt threatened" and "actually in threat" are not the same. We have spent decades enabling women's paranoia that every man is out to get them at any moment, which means I believe little of her actual details are accurate. While you seem to believe every single one, because I guess "believe women." The story told, the immediate video after with "literally shaking you guys omg" ring more alarm bells of "victim milking" than any possibility.
You aren't owed politeness, in either direction. If if it totally acceptable for her to react like a histrionic to him with no provocation, he is totally acceptable in doing the same.