It she had a flat tire in the car and he was warning her, for example
You brought up the helping scenario and I answered how I would react. Oh but you're the all seeing oracle who can tell what the hell was going on in this unknown scenario.
The cognitive dissonance of this group is amazing. “Well I wouldn’t hurt a woman! She’s irrational!” All while ignoring the overwhelming statistics of violence against women by men
And the man wasn’t “helping”
That’s the issue. You’re playing a different game
He was either approaching her sexually or threatening.
How you can’t see this is beyond me.
You brought up the helping scenario and I answered how I would react. Oh but you're the all seeing oracle who can tell what the hell was going on in this unknown scenario.
The data is on her side
Let me guess - you don’t think a random black man approaching her is ANY cause for alarm
Probably just a good old boy who noticed she had a flat and is going to help
Get real.
Prove it. You can speculate what this person's intentions were (IF THIS EVEN HAPPENED AT ALL) but I'm sure you cannot provide ANY evidence at all.
The helpful black men approaching you at night just want to help! Don’t be racist
Lol dude I'll make a note to never help any woman in danger at night because they may be your wife
Why would you approach a woman with a kid alone at night in a parking lot ?
Is there any GOOD reason ?
We life in a low trust society. My wife will never be alone at night.
Because it’s pattern recognition
The cognitive dissonance of this group is amazing. “Well I wouldn’t hurt a woman! She’s irrational!” All while ignoring the overwhelming statistics of violence against women by men