My biggest beef with the “healthcare is a human right” is that the vast majority that say it (in my experience) are very overweight people who have horrible health habits.
If I lived in a country full of people who took care of their health and we weren't constantly importing diseased third worlders, I'd be in favor of universal healthcare too. But we don't, and every day we get further and further from that ideal, so I am not.
Canada is outright telling it's citizens that they should kill themselves for the Greater Good. Healthcare is a finite resource, why waste it on people past their productive years who might be nostalgic for the way things used to be and vote accordingly?
Healthcare isn't a limited resource, but peoples time is. The phrase "Healthcare is a human right" is the cry of a slaver because it demands that doctors, nurses, technicians, etc no longer have the right to set the terms for their skills, labour and time.
The time of doctors et all are an integral part if healthcare and thus makes it a limited resource. There's also the material components to consider; medicine, bandages, clean sheets, etc. It's also why an ambulance ride costs like a thousand bucks, they can't ferry everyone to the doctor all the time.
My biggest beef is that it would entitle people to the labor of another. Also, the statement has no limits, which is fundamentally unrealistic, so they should at least have the decency to change their catchphrase to "health care should be a human right until some nameless person in the giant government bureaucracy decides it's too much and that its no longer a right."
Here's the reality. In 2018, there were 985,026 licensed physicians in the USA. There are 330,150,668 people in the USA. Let's say everyone in the USA exercises their human right to an annual physical. If we say a physical takes 20 minutes, every doctor in the country would have to work 80 hours a week every week.
Leftists just sort of hijacked liberties into rights. Liberties are yours independently of government, and codifying them is just an attempt to limit government. These kind of rights to goods are codifying socialism.
It's a human right to have a government control what procedures you can get and when you can get them. 6 month waiting list for brain tumor removal in Canada. Denied hip replacements in the UK. Sorry, no asprin in Cuba for non-military non-tourists, here's a stick to bite on.
"healthcare is a human right" and open borders are explicitly contradictory. look at the uk, the system was simply not designed for millions of extra foreigners.
I drank an entire bottle recently and was surprised at how little it affected me. I wasn't exactly stone cold sober, but I've been more drunk off a couple shots of liquor.
I was gonna say you can tell it's a liberal because they're pounding wine and getting drunk. A conservative would drink wine all night unaffected or slam a 12 pack and get hammered. there's 2 types
My biggest beef with the “healthcare is a human right” is that the vast majority that say it (in my experience) are very overweight people who have horrible health habits.
If I lived in a country full of people who took care of their health and we weren't constantly importing diseased third worlders, I'd be in favor of universal healthcare too. But we don't, and every day we get further and further from that ideal, so I am not.
Canada is outright telling it's citizens that they should kill themselves for the Greater Good. Healthcare is a finite resource, why waste it on people past their productive years who might be nostalgic for the way things used to be and vote accordingly?
Healthcare isn't a limited resource, but peoples time is. The phrase "Healthcare is a human right" is the cry of a slaver because it demands that doctors, nurses, technicians, etc no longer have the right to set the terms for their skills, labour and time.
The time of doctors et all are an integral part if healthcare and thus makes it a limited resource. There's also the material components to consider; medicine, bandages, clean sheets, etc. It's also why an ambulance ride costs like a thousand bucks, they can't ferry everyone to the doctor all the time.
My biggest beef is that it would entitle people to the labor of another. Also, the statement has no limits, which is fundamentally unrealistic, so they should at least have the decency to change their catchphrase to "health care should be a human right until some nameless person in the giant government bureaucracy decides it's too much and that its no longer a right."
Here's the reality. In 2018, there were 985,026 licensed physicians in the USA. There are 330,150,668 people in the USA. Let's say everyone in the USA exercises their human right to an annual physical. If we say a physical takes 20 minutes, every doctor in the country would have to work 80 hours a week every week.
Leftists just sort of hijacked liberties into rights. Liberties are yours independently of government, and codifying them is just an attempt to limit government. These kind of rights to goods are codifying socialism.
It's a human right to have a government control what procedures you can get and when you can get them. 6 month waiting list for brain tumor removal in Canada. Denied hip replacements in the UK. Sorry, no asprin in Cuba for non-military non-tourists, here's a stick to bite on.
Oh you guys have some kooky beliefs but we are all Americans
I mean you guys are pretty open about hating America despite the insurmountable corruption coming from your side
Why do you fucking commies go out of your way to downplay if not violently defend pedophilia?
You see I disagree with this tax file, but that's okay.
It's pretty obvious that a lot of our politicians have some severe skeletons in their closets.
Das Juden und ihre degenerierten Verbündeten sollen von unseren Grenzen gesäubert werden!!!
Then cousin john gets in the faggots face and says "what did you say motherfucker!?"
Then the faggot looks at the floor and mumbles "I just meant we could all be more tolerant" or some other weasly non-commital platitude.
The funny thing is all this merely happened in the leftist faggot's mind... and his cousin still won.
Funny that they think the revolution they envision would spare them. Most of them are well off white people.
Revolution spares no one.
For many the body dies. For those left, their souls do.
This would be an improvement on their ability to communicate. They don't even need the bottle to scram that cousin john is a fascist.
Classic leftist slipping incest in there.
Of course it's wine. Just eat some grape-flavoured candy if all you want is sugar, you pretentious lightweight.
I just read that last week. I think Hosea and Jeremiah say the same.
I prefer "healthcare is a human plight."
Have these people just never had their asses kicked
Leftist aren't family. They're leftists.
"healthcare is a human right" and open borders are explicitly contradictory. look at the uk, the system was simply not designed for millions of extra foreigners.
... so you've met my uncle?
So how many swigs of wine before this bottle winds up their butt?
On their own or volunteered?
Guess it wouldn't take much wine, they seem to be willing to do it normally, hunh?
I drank an entire bottle recently and was surprised at how little it affected me. I wasn't exactly stone cold sober, but I've been more drunk off a couple shots of liquor.
I was gonna say you can tell it's a liberal because they're pounding wine and getting drunk. A conservative would drink wine all night unaffected or slam a 12 pack and get hammered. there's 2 types