The guy wrote a fantasy about a girl on a field trip walking up to him in the bathroom and asking him how to use a tampon. The more you learn about him, the more you think that at some point he heard everything bad people say about trannies, and thought, "Those all sound like great sexual fantasies to act out, but they just don't go far enough for me."
Oh, dude has a history. Like he used to be active part and minor authority in the online fanclub of some band of little girls. Got removed for being a fucking creep.
He also kept asking questions about how he should "help" if a little girl asked him to help with tampons in a public bathroom where he is obviously in the women's one.
he also tried to set up a child swim hour at the local pool and that prohibited anyone who identified as being over the age of 13, including parents behind banned.
the left claims alphabet people aren't pedos, and then they crucified milo yiannopoulos, the dangerous faggot himself, for talking about being victimized by the pedo prevalence in the movement.
the solution is easy. just support extreme punishment for pedophiles, life imprisonment with no parole. watch the left oppose imprisonment of pedophiles.
Lefties need to start not being afraid to give any criticism to transgender individuals. They are so scared of being labeled transphobic, that they forget how important it is to protect women and children from predators. They don't understand that as soon as you let your guard down, even a little, predators exploit that to take advantage of women and children.
Way too much logic in this statement. I'm really starting to think that 99% of MtF trannies do it for the sexual rush - then when that wears off they set their sights on kids (I'm sure the amount of sexual deviance in between is far and wide).
This is like the always sunny thing where frank wants to create a song about not diddling kids. "Hey, let's discuss age of consent laws." "Don't you think that discussing age of consent laws will make people think you're a pedo?" "... Hey, let's discuss age of consent laws."
I really don't want to see the world in about 30 years when the current kids take over. It's totally changed my approach to family and friends, just because I've pretty much decided I'm going to hang on to the sane ones as much as I can.
I wonder if, in about 15 years, all these kids will realize that, without a shadow of a doubt, the system that was supposed to ensure their rights and protect them from monsters like this has thrown them under the bus for political reasons.
I have to hope they'll have the self-respect to tear it all down.
He just drank the feminist koolaid, aaaaaaalllllll of the feminist koolaid.
This is the logical end result of feminism: 30-something trannies trying to rape young girls with tampons while real women wax his balls. Stunning and brave.
This is the "shave my balls" trans dude? So he is also a pedophile? I'm shocked, shocked I tell you!
Well not that shocked.
The fact parents actually sent their kids to that "party" should scare the hell out of everyone.
The guy wrote a fantasy about a girl on a field trip walking up to him in the bathroom and asking him how to use a tampon. The more you learn about him, the more you think that at some point he heard everything bad people say about trannies, and thought, "Those all sound like great sexual fantasies to act out, but they just don't go far enough for me."
Oh, dude has a history. Like he used to be active part and minor authority in the online fanclub of some band of little girls. Got removed for being a fucking creep.
He also kept asking questions about how he should "help" if a little girl asked him to help with tampons in a public bathroom where he is obviously in the women's one.
When something terrible happens, they will do no introspection but spend 100% of their time covering it up.
Paraphilias are like a bag of chips, noone's only having one.
didn't this pedo get arrested?
he also tried to set up a child swim hour at the local pool and that prohibited anyone who identified as being over the age of 13, including parents behind banned.
the left claims alphabet people aren't pedos, and then they crucified milo yiannopoulos, the dangerous faggot himself, for talking about being victimized by the pedo prevalence in the movement.
the solution is easy. just support extreme punishment for pedophiles, life imprisonment with no parole. watch the left oppose imprisonment of pedophiles.
conviction and let the parents do what they want.
Problem is, some parents (generally single mothers), will take the kids back to the CNN producer's house.
Lefties need to start not being afraid to give any criticism to transgender individuals. They are so scared of being labeled transphobic, that they forget how important it is to protect women and children from predators. They don't understand that as soon as you let your guard down, even a little, predators exploit that to take advantage of women and children.
Why women?
The limiting factor on the growth curve of a genotype in mammalia is the number of healthy ovaries and uteri.
Way too much logic in this statement. I'm really starting to think that 99% of MtF trannies do it for the sexual rush - then when that wears off they set their sights on kids (I'm sure the amount of sexual deviance in between is far and wide).
If you consent to get your dick cut off you're either too young too make your own decisions or mentally ill
I forget who said it but basically it was to the effect of: leftists' end-goal is to fuck your children
Which, considering the shit they push for and the things they endorse and promote... if the shoe fits...
This is like the always sunny thing where frank wants to create a song about not diddling kids. "Hey, let's discuss age of consent laws." "Don't you think that discussing age of consent laws will make people think you're a pedo?" "... Hey, let's discuss age of consent laws."
I really don't want to see the world in about 30 years when the current kids take over. It's totally changed my approach to family and friends, just because I've pretty much decided I'm going to hang on to the sane ones as much as I can.
I wonder if, in about 15 years, all these kids will realize that, without a shadow of a doubt, the system that was supposed to ensure their rights and protect them from monsters like this has thrown them under the bus for political reasons.
I have to hope they'll have the self-respect to tear it all down.
I'm far too cynical about this shit at this point. What I see happening now and then is this.
Now: How dare you try to stop me?!
Soon™: Why didn't you stop me?!
Victim status will be maintained because it will quite literally be all they have left.
This is truth. These people are slaves in their souls. They cannot be trusted with themselves or anyone else.
Now that is one hell of a red flag
(As if we needed yet another)
Get the grinder. The industrial grinder.
all trans activists are reddit mods
Can’t confirm if that’s true. But all Reddit mods are trans activists.
I hope to God someone archived that.
put it on a pike with the rest.
It's a backdoor into mutants being legally allowed to fuck children, and it's disgusting.
Execute it.
The age of consent laws are not "archaic" though they could be enhanced by switching to half+7 up to 18.
Also: can we get an archive please?
Edit: why was I downvoted? I was saying we should strengthen our age of consent laws, and what I suggested would completely ban ephebophilia.
this has gotta be a parody account...
I'm convinced this guy is paid by some feminist organization to prop up their delusions.
Wouldn't be the first time they allied with a pedophile.
The weird amount of completely inorganic attention it has received rules that out.
Considering feminism has a history of recruiting pedophiles to do their dirty work, either is possible.
Nah, nothing so insidious, I think.
He just drank the feminist koolaid, aaaaaaalllllll of the feminist koolaid.
This is the logical end result of feminism: 30-something trannies trying to rape young girls with tampons while real women wax his balls. Stunning and brave.