So they are mad about that but not the ridiculous made up genders? I mean if you are a man who dates a man that believes he is a woman you are still dating a man. So that wouldn’t be straight
I’ll never understand why the very people who insist on following science are fine with celebrating a delusion. My grandmother heard voices when dementia set in. I guess we should’ve just accepted her reality
They’ve never followed the science, they followed gimmicky “science” and social “science”. This is why we have “my” truth and self reporting touted as science.
When science and history entered into fad facts was when the opportunists realized they could control narrative. The amount of half truth snippets being pushed is why we have anyone crying racism, sexism, etc.
Based on what I've seen lately, their position is now that "woman" is a meaningless label that only indicates membership to a set. Therefore, claiming to be a woman is literally the only thing needed to be a woman.
Because it's your side against their side. The only thing that trans activists and others like them respect is power, in this case the power to say that something they do, when done by people they don't agree with, is bad an heinous and should be banned.
Political correctness is communist propaganda writ small. In my study of communist societies, I came to the conclusion that the purpose of communist propaganda was not to persuade or convince, nor to inform, but to humiliate; and therefore, the less it corresponded to reality the better. When people are forced to remain silent when they are being told the most obvious lies, or even worse when they are forced to repeat the lies themselves, they lose once and for all their sense of probity. To assent to obvious lies is to co-operate with evil, and in some small way to become evil oneself. One’s standing to resist anything is thus eroded, and even destroyed. A society of emasculated liars is easy to control. I think if you examine political correctness, it has the same effect and is intended to.
(Dalrymple, T. (2005, August 31). Our Culture, What’s Left Of It. FrontPage Mag.)
I too dream of a day when we superstraights can live happily, LOVE HAPPILY, without the yoke of superphobia that society seems to so purposefully place upon our necks. Yikes, we're living in the current day and STILL superstraights are literally dying every day due to superphobia.
Love is love. I think there are a lot of superphobic bigot nazis in society who need to learn that.
In clown world not being gay is enough to get them honking. We are losing but at least the enemy will die mad because, like Lysenko failing to grow Soviet wheat, they will never ever convince normal people to suck the feminine benis, and that kills them.
Research in the 90's showed that 70% of minors reporting gender dysphoria grew out of it and just became gay, so yeah, most of them are just homos who wish they fit in with the heteros - which is quite understandable, but impossible.
The SuperLGB stand with the SuperStraights, generally speaking, in both oppression and desires, as unified Super Sexualities. Super Lesbians in particular are hard hit from what I hear.
"Super straight" means "straight, but directly opposes trans rape culture." It is hated by rapists who are furious that their culture of rape is getting pushback.
From another post I read here yesterday, I guess there should also be "super lesbian" as well.
What you posted on the other hand is listed as such because trannies and their sympathizers make up a really disproportionate amount of administration of certain sites.
There was. They subsetted the "Super" header to also include Super Gay and Super Lesbian, indicating a homosexual that only dates other homosexuals of the same physical gender - i.e. Lesbians that didn't want the girldick and Gays that didn't want to deal with the bearded lady. Like everything else related to the SuperStraight movement, they immediately got dehumanized and called out as being bigoted transphobes.
Don't forget the "B". Super-Bi exist too: They don't care which sex you are, so long as you've always been dedicated to being it. They get off to that devotion.
They literally can have genders and sexualities like OSGender [their gender is an operating system like Windows/Linux/Mac] yet we are not allowed to clarify a sexuality to only include our specific interests [as in, a woman who is a woman, has always been a woman, and is not a man nor a man that thinks he is a woman].
If we were to do what they did to superstraight [aka: should just be called straight if the world wasn't insane] and deny it in a way they do then they would consider us transphobe hate people or whatever, but they go ahead and refuse to let us identify our own sexuality.
But yes it is real look on their wiki and not as some joke. The lgbtq wiki or something there are a billion genders including that with each their own flag.
They have a point, even if it's not what they intended. Super straight is stupid because it plays on their terms. A straight man will only want to have sex with women. He doesn't need to claim to be "super straight", "extra straight", or whatever to say He doesn't want to fuck a man that's deluded themselves into thinking they're a woman. A man not wanting to fuck another man isn't special, that's just what it means to be heterosexual.
In other words, "super straight" is stupid because it's redundant and it allows the troons to set the terms of engagement.
(a) The idea may have run its course and was close to becoming repetitive. (b) Censorship: it was most active on Reddit, and all their subreddits got banned for "hate speech", and TikTok purged and banned accounts that promoted it.
Urban dictionary doesn't have a real vetting process, which is why anyone who ever took anything on it serious was retarded. You just need enough people to agree with you, often by appealing to their humor or politics, to get something on there.
And as it is the internet, its incredibly easy to get a brigade of angry trannies and wokesters to agree with anything.
Imagine thinking Superstraight was some kind of evil violent intolerant movement when in the middle east they actually kill you for being gay or trans...
Because pressing an advantage is for winners, and only leftists press an advantage after it's worked.
We're not leftists, we've made our point, now if we keep identifying as super straight, we might actually push a little too hard on this pressure point and we can't have that now can we.
You don't want to be like one of those awful people who actually stuck up an its ok to be white poster in their local community do you?
Imagine a fat inbred noble swinging his sabre and hurting innocent poor villagers until one youth decided he had enough of it and wrestles the sabre out of the fat ass arm and pointed at his chin.
The rest of the nobles learn of this and decide to execute the youth, cut his corpse into the pieces, feed it to the pigs, make the family watch it and then burn the entire village down.
There's actually some truth to this. "Super straight" is arguing the unprincipled exception (with a pinch of trolling). The principled position is "I'm straight so I'm not attracted to people who are my own sex" which is of course by the left's principles transphobic. "I acknowledge that transwomen are women but I just happen to not be attracted to them, just one of my many quirks, you know-" is buying into the left's principles but arguing an exception to them, and it's a losing position on that field because they'll just ask "so if the perfect woman (looked, acted, etc exactly to your taste) was available but she was born as a man you wouldn't be interested" so you either concede the point or admit that they couldn't be the perfect woman because they aren't a woman.
I want to have biological children with my partner.
If that is not possible with a woman then I don't want to date that woman. And yes, that includes biological women who cannot/don't want to have children.
So they are mad about that but not the ridiculous made up genders? I mean if you are a man who dates a man that believes he is a woman you are still dating a man. So that wouldn’t be straight
I’ll never understand why the very people who insist on following science are fine with celebrating a delusion. My grandmother heard voices when dementia set in. I guess we should’ve just accepted her reality
They’ve never followed the science, they followed gimmicky “science” and social “science”. This is why we have “my” truth and self reporting touted as science.
And why science magazines are obsessed with climate change.
When science and history entered into fad facts was when the opportunists realized they could control narrative. The amount of half truth snippets being pushed is why we have anyone crying racism, sexism, etc.
The do not follow, they worship. And it isn't science, it's The Science (tm)
Based on what I've seen lately, their position is now that "woman" is a meaningless label that only indicates membership to a set. Therefore, claiming to be a woman is literally the only thing needed to be a woman.
Oh. Gotcha.
Because it's your side against their side. The only thing that trans activists and others like them respect is power, in this case the power to say that something they do, when done by people they don't agree with, is bad an heinous and should be banned.
Political correctness is communist propaganda writ small. In my study of communist societies, I came to the conclusion that the purpose of communist propaganda was not to persuade or convince, nor to inform, but to humiliate; and therefore, the less it corresponded to reality the better. When people are forced to remain silent when they are being told the most obvious lies, or even worse when they are forced to repeat the lies themselves, they lose once and for all their sense of probity. To assent to obvious lies is to co-operate with evil, and in some small way to become evil oneself. One’s standing to resist anything is thus eroded, and even destroyed. A society of emasculated liars is easy to control. I think if you examine political correctness, it has the same effect and is intended to.
(Dalrymple, T. (2005, August 31). Our Culture, What’s Left Of It. FrontPage Mag.)
They are just prejudiced against super straight people.
Most likely they themselves cannot stand unabashedly straight people.
They view their own tranny degeneracy as normal and logical.
This is a sad and pathetic projection.
It's our cross to bear. Maybe one day people will be able to accept the love between a biological man and a biological woman.
Until then we simply do the best we can.
I too dream of a day when we superstraights can live happily, LOVE HAPPILY, without the yoke of superphobia that society seems to so purposefully place upon our necks. Yikes, we're living in the current day and STILL superstraights are literally dying every day due to superphobia.
Love is love. I think there are a lot of superphobic bigot nazis in society who need to learn that.
fucking bigots
In clown world not being gay is enough to get them honking. We are losing but at least the enemy will die mad because, like Lysenko failing to grow Soviet wheat, they will never ever convince normal people to suck the feminine benis, and that kills them.
It has been brigaded by tumblr. The votes on the serious answers are all downvoted; all the ones calling the choice 'made up' (scoff) are upped.
To answer your question, this is what happened to it.
99.9999% of lesbians won’t date a trans woman. What are those lesbians called?
I doubt 0,0001% of gays would date trans men either.
Eurofag get out REEEEEEEEEE
We use decimals here son.
A top might, but any gay dude that ever wants a dick in his ass (or mouth) rather than the other way around is gonna look elsewhere.
Sneaking suspicion that transfaggots are ashamed they like men so convincing themselves they are women makes getting a cock in the mouth/ass "normal".
Research in the 90's showed that 70% of minors reporting gender dysphoria grew out of it and just became gay, so yeah, most of them are just homos who wish they fit in with the heteros - which is quite understandable, but impossible.
Bigoted transphobes.
Remember all the times those freaks called you "misogynists".
The SuperLGB stand with the SuperStraights, generally speaking, in both oppression and desires, as unified Super Sexualities. Super Lesbians in particular are hard hit from what I hear.
You can tell it gets to them by how angry they sound. I'm glad it touched a nerve with them.
"Super straight" means "straight, but directly opposes trans rape culture." It is hated by rapists who are furious that their culture of rape is getting pushback.
From another post I read here yesterday, I guess there should also be "super lesbian" as well.
What you posted on the other hand is listed as such because trannies and their sympathizers make up a really disproportionate amount of administration of certain sites.
There was. They subsetted the "Super" header to also include Super Gay and Super Lesbian, indicating a homosexual that only dates other homosexuals of the same physical gender - i.e. Lesbians that didn't want the girldick and Gays that didn't want to deal with the bearded lady. Like everything else related to the SuperStraight movement, they immediately got dehumanized and called out as being bigoted transphobes.
Don't forget the "B". Super-Bi exist too: They don't care which sex you are, so long as you've always been dedicated to being it. They get off to that devotion.
They literally can have genders and sexualities like OSGender [their gender is an operating system like Windows/Linux/Mac] yet we are not allowed to clarify a sexuality to only include our specific interests [as in, a woman who is a woman, has always been a woman, and is not a man nor a man that thinks he is a woman].
If we were to do what they did to superstraight [aka: should just be called straight if the world wasn't insane] and deny it in a way they do then they would consider us transphobe hate people or whatever, but they go ahead and refuse to let us identify our own sexuality.
Lol if only.
But yes it is real look on their wiki and not as some joke. The lgbtq wiki or something there are a billion genders including that with each their own flag.
Urban Dictionary has been invaded by faggots and SJWs.
Just downvote the wrong definitions and upvote the correct ones.
Invaded? nah fam it was always like this hahaha
At least the term 'super straight' (and super gay/les) is useful in conversation, unlike pretty much all the tumblr gender terms.
Maybe that's why the don't like it - their brains rebel against anything practical or useful.
we went from "you can't help what you're attracted to, so whatever it is, it's ok" to "suck my girl dick, bigot" really fast
"It's not a slippery slope" -person pouring grease on the slope.
Trannies are desperate for recognition.
the complete and utter rejection of their delusional LARPing
They mad
They have a point, even if it's not what they intended. Super straight is stupid because it plays on their terms. A straight man will only want to have sex with women. He doesn't need to claim to be "super straight", "extra straight", or whatever to say He doesn't want to fuck a man that's deluded themselves into thinking they're a woman. A man not wanting to fuck another man isn't special, that's just what it means to be heterosexual.
In other words, "super straight" is stupid because it's redundant and it allows the troons to set the terms of engagement.
(a) The idea may have run its course and was close to becoming repetitive. (b) Censorship: it was most active on Reddit, and all their subreddits got banned for "hate speech", and TikTok purged and banned accounts that promoted it.
Urban dictionary doesn't have a real vetting process, which is why anyone who ever took anything on it serious was retarded. You just need enough people to agree with you, often by appealing to their humor or politics, to get something on there.
And as it is the internet, its incredibly easy to get a brigade of angry trannies and wokesters to agree with anything.
They're just ignorant and fateful of the lgbtqS community.
Imagine thinking Superstraight was some kind of evil violent intolerant movement when in the middle east they actually kill you for being gay or trans...
Because pressing an advantage is for winners, and only leftists press an advantage after it's worked.
We're not leftists, we've made our point, now if we keep identifying as super straight, we might actually push a little too hard on this pressure point and we can't have that now can we.
You don't want to be like one of those awful people who actually stuck up an its ok to be white poster in their local community do you?
Imagine a fat inbred noble swinging his sabre and hurting innocent poor villagers until one youth decided he had enough of it and wrestles the sabre out of the fat ass arm and pointed at his chin.
The rest of the nobles learn of this and decide to execute the youth, cut his corpse into the pieces, feed it to the pigs, make the family watch it and then burn the entire village down.
The fat noble are trannies
The youth is one kid who got fed with trannies
The other nobles are all other leftists
The village is the super straight subreddit
It's a TERF meme that was more obviously astroturfed than the vaccine.
There's actually some truth to this. "Super straight" is arguing the unprincipled exception (with a pinch of trolling). The principled position is "I'm straight so I'm not attracted to people who are my own sex" which is of course by the left's principles transphobic. "I acknowledge that transwomen are women but I just happen to not be attracted to them, just one of my many quirks, you know-" is buying into the left's principles but arguing an exception to them, and it's a losing position on that field because they'll just ask "so if the perfect woman (looked, acted, etc exactly to your taste) was available but she was born as a man you wouldn't be interested" so you either concede the point or admit that they couldn't be the perfect woman because they aren't a woman.
I want to have biological children with my partner.
If that is not possible with a woman then I don't want to date that woman. And yes, that includes biological women who cannot/don't want to have children.
REEEE! That's just a breeding kink! Disguisting transphobe. Be. Better.
No kinkshaming! All kinks are sacred!
Feminist retardation cult that advocates for gender-selective abortion and beating up toddlers.
Most of the anti-tranny movements and ideas are the work of angry lesbians.
Why does that matter?
I'm not whining. I don't care.
I just see it as a weak point in their armor to exploit to destroy their shitty cult for all the damage it did to men.