"Fun" fact, a large percentage, maybe up to half of all civilians killed in the blitz were from friendly AA fire coming back down.
Hard to tell the exact numbers obviously, doesn't really change anything but it's fun to "reinterpret boomer history through the lens of" whatever you want.
OP you basically asked google to entertain you because you couldn't get bored. I couldn't think of a search string that is more Female encoded than literally typing "why is my vagina doing X"
About 2019 apparently is when google search stopped being useful. Nothing nefarious just normal bullshit. There's a decent summary blog I remember reading from a guy who used to work there, IIRC basically the marketing division got a bit more power within google and used it to affect search results, essentially reducing the effectiveness of search so people would have to search again, for double the ad impressions. It made more money so naturally the process grew.
But that's why the first page of Google is now 10 different pages of the same "authoritative" website and "search within results" is no longer a feature.
New Vegas got banned in Aus for a while due to the drugs you took.
If only this game got banned because of this.
It's a political impossibility to deport hundreds of thousands
Million on the other hand...
Professional hits are rarely this "cinematic" Seth Rich never had messages on his shell casings. Or maybe he did we were never told.
I for one welcome the creation of a new slang term and being able to wish people a "full benefits under United Healthcare" as a way to evade rules against calls for violence
Apparently he wrote messages on each bullet casing, something along the lines of deny, deflect, defer or something akin to insurance claims being denied.
Is there an actual in context quote of what she said available?
Because I can say they are wildly different in terms of risks and technically I'm still comparing the two.
They did other ones where the Chad was on a domestic violence watch list/bail for rape/abuse etc. You can be that.
Damn that was 100% his specific target.
I shouldn't celebrate someone's death, but of all the things this is, surprising is not one of them.
It's from way back in the day on reddit, when "chadfishing" was a trend that was quickly banned. Years ago now. It's legit I do remember it. No doubt they're cherry picked and you have no idea of how many Women said fuck off but you can always try it yourself today.
I almost admire the authors skill who so obviously knows if he writes what he found it'd threaten his career so he has to invent a convoluted explanation to keep his job and career alive.
James lindsey for all his recent flaws, covered this in exhaustive detail in the marxism of education. I highly recommend slogging through the book.
According to the marxists they started taking over educational institutions in the 60/70's and this was complete in 1992 when they achieved total domination of all the teaching colleges in america. (These are the places that teach teachers)
Great start.
Phoenix Point is definitely better than Xcom 2 in some ways and definitely worse in others.
It's just as fun and frustrating, just in different ways.
If you got it cheap you didn't waste your money is the best thing I can say about it.
Indian guy named "Kash"
I really enjoy the conspiracy theory that in his lucid moments Joe is trying to fuck everyone over who couped him on the way out. He was smiling a little too much when wearing that Maga hat.
Good factoid I saw on X, the 10 year term was far more wide ranging then Nixon got.
I thought the story was fine, aside from the "call to adventure" mythos being answered by a Girl. I'm confident enough to say that little Girls do not dream of adventuring over the horizon into the unknown to save their people.
This mentality here is a fundamental reason nothing ever gets done from "the right" the complete lack of strategic thought beyond what's right in front of you.
Lotus Eaters are probably the most effective media channel in the UK currently for any type of heritage movement or whatever you want to call it. "We can't say that on youtube" is probably the most uttered phrase on the show.
How close do you think Carl and the rest of the organisation are to getting arrested? having armed cops burst in during a lads hour and cart them off?
What on earth would be the strategic benefit of saying something a single time that would be based and getting the organisation shut down?
I think your either a glowie or just pants on head retarded. What do you think progress towards any type of tangible goal looks like? What does an actionable plan actually look like?
I've only seen Moana and Frozen once and not the sequels but I think it was Peterson that said it wont do well because it's fundamentally not a mythical story like previous classic Disney movies are. I think there's something too that, people can't really tell you why they like them whereas they could with (original) snow white for example.
Your right.
How much more can they really go with Halo, story wise?
Head canon and mods.
Fine I'll add it to my library.
A full reboot.
Man Sasha Baren Cohen really outdid himself this time.