simian 18 points ago +18 / -0

Don’t forget the gay bestiality!

simian 8 points ago +8 / -0

Yeah, but all those World Premiers! You can play so many games with a brown woman protagonist (probably a lesbian)! What more could you want?

simian 25 points ago +25 / -0

I don't understand the logic behind this. Yes, if the history is turned off, they can't tailor recommendations for you. Doesn't that give them carte blanche to just serve up whatever they want, like some kind of default profile of trends/propaganda? Haven't they already been doing that?

simian 9 points ago +9 / -0

But what about gay maggots kissing?

simian 22 points ago +24 / -2

That’s why they changed from “global warming” to “climate change.” That way they don’t look so silly when this sort of thing happens.

simian 15 points ago +15 / -0

“I assure you I am not a shill” That’s exactly what I’d expect one to say.

simian 16 points ago +16 / -0

I lost track of what it would mean to “win.” When this started, the media assured me that if Putin didn’t conquer all of Ukraine within a couple of days it would be a unmitigated disaster for him and prove how meaningless he and his army were. So how can he win when he apparently already lost? The media wasn’t feeding me bullshit, were they? :o

simian 26 points ago +26 / -0

It’s fucking terrifying that this is actually their argument. They care more about the rights (and I don’t mean the intellectual property kind) of fictional characters than, say, a fetus.

simian 64 points ago +64 / -0

But scientists don’t even know what a woman is anymore, so what does this even mean?

simian 5 points ago +5 / -0

It was Endgame hype and also female empowerment (same way Black Panther was carried by selling itself as a Black culture milestone).

simian 3 points ago +3 / -0

This is is mindblowing. Nobody expected the Marvels to do as well as Captain Marvel, but I doubt anyone anticipated it flopping so hard. This isn't superhero fatigue; GotG3 and Spider-Verse performed solidly. I expect Aquaman 2 will succeed. A lot of people enjoyed the first movie, so as long as this one isn't terrible I think it will enjoy good word of mouth and perform. If it does, it proves that superhero fatigue isn't a factor. It's shitty movie fatigue. People have endured so many mediocre Marvel movies that this was them collectively saying "enough." It's not a Marvels thing; if Thor 4, Doctor Strange 2, or Black Panther 2, or AntMan 3 had swapped places with it, they'd have shared the same fate. They were all really mediocre movies that survived purely on the Marvel branding, and that branding has finally lost its appeal. That's purely on Disney for making so many shitty movies and shows in such rapid succession.

simian 7 points ago +7 / -0

I was hoping for a bigot sandwich mode.

simian 12 points ago +12 / -0

What, really? So it’s not actually an adaptation of the comic?

simian 3 points ago +3 / -0

I know the video games one is due to nobody paying attention to the actual products that different demographics use. Ten or so years ago there were lots of "well ACTUALLY more than half of video game players are women" (of course, these days, "woman" is almost undefinable). Which was true, but women were generally playing mobile phone stuff, while guys were still sticking to consoles, and everybody played Minecraft. But that lead to a lot of ill-informed articles (you know, from Kotaku) bitching about how Assassin's Creed was ignoring half its audience by not having a playable woman. "Generally" is the key word there. Of course there were exceptions. Marketing and demographics are never about absolutes, but they are about targeting and effective use of resources. If 80% of your dildo business is going to women, and sure gay men buy 10%, and the other 10% is smattering of other groups with varied uses, you don't blow half your marketing and R&D budget on the .001% of your customers who use dildos for art supplies. Sure, they exist, but they're not worth going after.

simian 12 points ago +12 / -0

Only if you're racist. The acceptable form is "druggas."

simian 8 points ago +10 / -2

Nah. I've heard it before to refer to drug addicts in general.

simian 12 points ago +12 / -0

Thank you. This collage is very misleading, then.

simian 11 points ago +11 / -0

It’s weird to see an article like this where they pretend thar demographics don’t exist and that marketing isn’t driven by the concept. I’ll wager Forbes has ads catering to a particular clientele based on their own research into who generally reads their articles. Or maybe they practice what they preach, and figure a five year old girl is just as likely to be an avid Forbes reader as a male MBA and so charge the same rate for a Bluey advert as a Lexus one.

simian 8 points ago +8 / -0

What’s funny is that everybody sees this coming a mile away. We all know they’re just going to use diversity as a shield against criticism, as they inevitably do (when it sucks), but then they just gaslight and insist we’re being silly or paranoid.

simian 3 points ago +3 / -0

I don’t believe any of it. I don’t doubt life exists elsewhere in the universe, and probably intelligent life, but it’s not visiting here and conspiring with the government. Ghosts, demons, and that supernatural stuff likely isn’t real, either. But I wish it was.

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