"person" is charitable.
"liquor licenses" are a fake and gay scam to begin with.
and then he went home and killed himself.
sucks to suck. the wall must be built.
uk conservatives have not conserved anything in 13 years. they are just progressives playing coy.
i accept that they suffered, but i don't accept that it gives them moral license over me.
why do they do this and then complain about "conspiracy theories"? just to gloat?
biden staring off into empty space confused somehow owns trump
this is not a human being. not even a bot.
the same fsf that ousted arch autist stallman, who founded the fucking thing?
the crime rate of illegals is 100%
his compliance isn't a factor. if they were serious they would 25 him tonight.
no they don't, that's a fake poll.
blue on blue
they should be so lucky
"asylum" is fake and gay and so are you
i'd rather they stick with biden than go for patrick bateman.
what does faggot marriage have to do with electronics?
talk is cheap.
this is the creature from that chugga thing isn't it
player character vs npc
bring back the closet.
with a bank vault door.