and the police let his car in the area why?
beyond cucked.
how much money did it take for him to sell his dignity?
a tthis point i could not possibly hate them any more without isising them on live tv.
jaffa! i am unas, the first one. KILL THE HUMAN, and we will feast... together.
i still remember the video we watched in 5th grade about how in the future we'd have to wear hazmat suits at recess
how about not getting involved at all?
it doesn't matter. they shouldn't be here at all. send them all back.
i'd prefer occupied pikes at the border, facing mexico. a line of them, all across the border. i fucking dare you to cross it after seeing that.
treat them like the enemy they are
they're going to leave, whether they're alive or not is up to you.
schrier is the same faggot that thought the sorceress from dragon's crown was a pedo's wet dream.
y'know, the one with tits bigger than her head.
why am i supposed to care about the russian funding? show me one piece of confirmed russian propaganda that they pushed.
clancy brown is the superior luthor.
they can try.
men ARE the gaming space.
but we have to do our part and live with less in america
and also apparently let one of these run our country despite her incompetenc and lack of qualification to even hold the office.
everyone since 1965.
sanctions are fake and gay, and so is ukraine. nobody should have to suffer for a fake country that started shit and got hit.
and whipping his cock out
israel is on the other side of the planet. i seriously do not care what happens to it.
weird how aids and china virus both happened under a republican and both helmed by the same guy.
make them take loyalty tests the woke would absolutely fail.
very swiss name.
why do the swiss allow this foreigner to pretend to be politician?