randomuser88385 4 points ago +4 / -0

I loved Cryptonomicon. Excellent book, although I first read it in 2001, so it is now dated. If you can get yourself into a 1990s mindset it can work for sure.

Anathem was decent. This one took a TON of setup and world building (and language!) but the payoff was worth it.

Snow Crash. I read late, and did not find it to be particularly memorable. I don't intend to ever read this again.

I also read most of the Baroque Cycle, but man, I can take some setup for payoffs (I mean I read all of ASOIAF) and there were indeed some brilliant moments in there, but I ended up giving up. I might try again, but it's a slog and could use some editing to get to the point faster.

Haven't read "Fall".

So really, I'd love to read some more of his work, but when I read general summaries of stuff I haven't read I get put off for one reason or another.

If you want something having to do with mind uploading you might try The Reality Dysfunction by Peter Hamilton (First book in Knight's Dawn trilogy). Not without its faults, but good overall in my opinion.

randomuser88385 9 points ago +9 / -0

I fully believe 30 plot lines. I slogged through Dance and some of them are fantastic, but there is a whole raft of people and places that I just couldn't give a shit about. I can't decide if the Dorne stuff or Iron Islands is worse, probably Iron Islands.

At this point I'm done. It's been 10 years since I read the last book and I'll never be able to piece it all together again so fuck it.

randomuser88385 21 points ago +21 / -0

Solar power sucks ass in Germany. On average about 11% capacity factor. In other words 1000 W of solar panel will only produce 110 W averaged out over the year (this includes night). In winter near the solstice is only 2% while the summer is 22%. Chicago is probably a couple percent better than Germany on average, like 13-14%.

randomuser88385 26 points ago +26 / -0

This doesn't bother me because Trek ended in 2002. It was a good run.

randomuser88385 10 points ago +10 / -0

They had to do this lest they forever be called Putin's bitch. Will be interesting to see what happens to the German economy with not enough/very expensive energy.

randomuser88385 21 points ago +21 / -0

Moisture management in the south is no joke.

You really need to pay attention to the weather in the spring and fall to keep your house from becoming a sauna. When the humidity breaks you need to open windows to get the steam out, or run the AC. Then when you run the AC you can't shut it off and leave it because the system is full of moisture and will mold up the ducting, you should really switch directly to heat, then you can turn it off.

Not sure I blame Pitt for this, reusing CA house designs in other climates has been an issue for decades. Toll brothers did that a lot and screwed people over in northern climates.

randomuser88385 4 points ago +4 / -0

What happened to the border blockade on that highway? I assume that's over now?

randomuser88385 6 points ago +6 / -0

My work laptop i5 (quad core) is absolutely crushed by all the garbage. Still on Win10 for work, but I paid $20 to upgrade the RAM to 16 GB myself (added a 2nd 8 GB stick) a while back, I don't know how people survive with 8. Splunkd is probably the worst.

I don't want to open word docs in Teams thank you, open in app, Are you sure you want to open in app?

randomuser88385 9 points ago +9 / -0

The Atlantic is reporting a lot of facts here, void of the normal critical tone used when writing about the right leaning.

There is no doubt that had this exact situation happened under Trump it would have been a disaster of epic proportions and he would have been impeached over it, two more times, the second being the disastrous missile attack.

"Cool story bro" but Biden already got a pass on this.

randomuser88385 8 points ago +8 / -0

I know a family moving there in the spring. The dad got a job at a Palo Alto based startup (that is doomed to fail by my own analysis). They're pretty lefty, can't say I really like them all that much but our kids are friends.

I think they are completely crazy and don't know what they are in for.

randomuser88385 25 points ago +25 / -0

You young ones may not know but this is Stern's game. He has been doing it for decades: say something ridiculous and get people talking about him.

He has and always will cater to morons. The less we hear about him the better. Not to mention his model has been copied innumerable times in the last 30 years.

randomuser88385 23 points ago +23 / -0

It could be argued in multiple ways. First in this (and many) cases, there was a racially motivated crime committed against themselves. Secondly, scapegoating a target race encourages animosity and erodes community trust, which is exactly what a hate crime does.

Of course a law like that would never pass because only precious POC ever fake hate crimes.

randomuser88385 41 points ago +56 / -15

Going after Arbery with a gun was a terrible idea. Yes he was a criminal scumbag who attacked the chasers instead of surrendering, but I understand why they were found guilty here.

Agreed on the nation is doomed and deserves it.

randomuser88385 16 points ago +16 / -0

I'm no expert, but this is in fact a common reason for the supreme court to weigh in. Multiple cases for similar law conflicts with different outcomes.

Now I'm not certain that another circuit court can overturn the injunction nationwide, but I'm sure that won't stop the commies.

randomuser88385 26 points ago +26 / -0

Jokes on them, haven't watched a single second of NBA game or bought any merch in over 2 years. I don't even look up scores or know who is in the playoffs. Same with NFL.

by borga
randomuser88385 5 points ago +5 / -0

Experts you say? Alright I'm in.

by borga
randomuser88385 6 points ago +6 / -0

So you have/are going to collect 10s of thousands of dollars from me to pay for old peoples healthcare, but then once I hit 65 you'll cut me off?

Great thanks.

randomuser88385 3 points ago +3 / -0

I agree with your analysis, however you can't go by the overall election numbers for the state unless the pool of votes being counted randomly comes from there.

You need to look at the precinct level, it is known that some cities/areas can be 98% D, and when those were added to the total.

With areas that are high % D that are densely populated, ballot harvesting becomes extremely effective. Even more so if the population has a lot of people that need to be "assisted" with their voting, or may just give up a blank ballot to a harvester.

randomuser88385 5 points ago +5 / -0

Only NPC believe what Biden says. His handlers consistently have him read out blatant lies to serve whatever purpose is required for the moment.

randomuser88385 5 points ago +5 / -0

Kim "TallBear" = Taking getting a BA in BS to a whole new level.

"For this conversation with Marcelo Garzo Montalvo, Professor Kim TallBear will discuss how her work in Indigenous STS recently expanded to a new focus on decolonial and Indigenous sexualities. Building on lessons learned with geneticists about how race categories get settled, TallBear is working on a book that interrogates settler-colonial commitments to settlement in place, within disciplines, and within monogamous, state-sanctioned marriage. As she writes in “Disrupting Settlement, Sex, and Nature — and Indigenous Logic of Relaitonality”: Indigenous peoples—post-apocalyptic for centuries—have been disciplined by the state according to a monogamist, heteronormative, marriage-focused, nuclear family ideal that is central to the colonial project. Settler sexualities and their unsustainable kin forms do not only harm humans, but they harm the earth.” TallBear considers how expansive indigenous concepts of kin, including with other-than-humans, can serve as a provocation for moving into more sustainable and just relations. Both of our speakers would like this event to be a conversation format. Come prepared with questions to contribute to this important and timely discussion with a leading scholar in the field! "

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