ThE misSiOn of hIgHer EduCatiOn
shines through your personnel
Dr. Uju Anya is a university professor and researcher in applied linguistics, critical sociolinguistics, and critical discourse studies primarily examining race, gender, sexual, and social class identities in new language learning through the experiences of African American students.
This is so critical to sociology as turd ballistics is for engineering
It still is :
Just install this version of firefox and no the darknet won't eat you.
If you think Greece is bankrupt i would like to tell you about our lord and savior Italy...
On a more serious tone there are no national governments only "the companion" in Brussels where everyone circle handjob each other and all together kiss the ass of OSullivan and Victoria Nuland.
They were always play games, mostly with our nerves but why are stats so important to you?
I play starsector and i bet 90% of the gamers me included are minmaxing retards, so fucking what?