Funnily enough, BSKY mods have been having to work overtime to deal with CP.
There are no links in the description or comments verifying that these leaks are real.
Maybe they are, but we all know at this point that there are truly deranged losers with nothing better to do than fabricate screenshots, and I'm not interested in hearing some unkempt overgrown edgelord who's not even funny awkwardly comment on shit that might not be real in the first place.
If she's willing to sacrifice more than 99% of the bloviating internet tough guys in the autist-right then yes it does change things.
said some words
And went to prison for those words. Seems like an important bit of context.
The Deep State props up the worst actors so that there are no strong nation-states to resist globalization.
Hell, MRA's are basically just turning feminism's own weapons against it. If victimhood is how status is to be apportioned, then two can play at that game.
What annoys me about this more than anything is that now hordes of soyboy faggots who couldn't fight their way out of a preschool are gonna do a bunch of internet tough guy gloating because one guy in ten thousand among their ranks can effectively mete out violence.
Woodward and Bernstein were just lucky, too. They were never the brilliant detectives that they're made out to be, and that's evident by what utter hacks they've been ever since.
Holy shit, a computer engineer trying to install Doom on an ancient alien computer found on Mars could be a premise for a Doom game.
It's fascinating to think about how cultural evolution would develop if industrial civilization gradually declined back into an agrarian paradigm.
I say gradually, because if it collapsed overnight the vast majority of humans would be doomed to starve to death. And billions of people starving to death would proceed to utterly ravage the environment consuming anything edible, until there's nothing left.
We still have a very long way to go until peak oil of course, and I'm cautiously optimistic about nuclear, hydroelectric, and geothermal power eventually replacing fossil fuels. But if that fails to happen, and we end up un-developing slowly enough to avert the aforementioned nightmare scenario, the various cultures that develop in the former US are gonna be absolutely wild.
Not just practical, but also more authentic at the same time. Socialism lives in denial of its true nature, fascism is when it stops coping and accepts itself for what it really is.
It doesn't work though, that's why he had to open it up and strangle that old lady. When tech fails you just gotta do things by hand.
There are already edits of her burning fags at the stake.
You can't dox who someone voted for, but you can dox whether they voted at all. So they're really threatening non-voters from groups that normally vote Dem but might sit this one out with ostracizing and harassment.
Lovely people.
Jewish academics and journalists and entertainers kept pushing the idea that it's okay to hate people who are successful because "punch up not down" and "racism is prejudice + power." Then everybody suddenly noticed which group has by far the most success and power of all given how brazen Zionists like the ADL and AIPAC have been in flexing their power.
This strikes me as similar to cease and desist letters, in that if you know how anything works you know that it's just a bluff and you can just ignore it or tell them to piss off. But the low-info might actually be intimidated by this shit because they don't know any better.
Defending the stupidest shit imaginable to own the chuds.
Excuse me, don't they know that physical exercise is ableist?
They celebrated when his diagnosis came out as terminal, for that matter.
IIRC all the way back in 2001 Game Informer's 100th issue had a list of top 5 game babes and a woman asked for a list of top 5 game hunks, so they responded in the next issue by providing a list of top 7 game hunks "to make up for it." But when you turned to the page with the list you got the then-staff of GI.
By the issue after that they cucked out and apologized for being "insensitive" or w/e, instead of telling the karens to take a joke. With the kind of faggy promises to "do better" that are all too familiar to us today.
And I don't think they even managed to churn out a game hunks list anyways.
I think you mean El Salvador not Ecuador. But agreed.
Pol Pot is easily the worst modern tyrant, on a per capita basis no one else even comes close to his rate of lethality. Not to mention the sheer amount of torture and sadism inflicted, including mass bludgeoning to death of condemned prisoners just to save bullets.
Then again this is the crowd that struggles with per capita.
They just blatantly ripped off Peter Watts' vampire concept for Blindsight. Except that Watts' version actually made sense, and is set in a sci-fi setting.
For being the victim of a heinous medical experiment?
I'm "simping" as much as you're acting like a histrionic radical feminist from the opposite direction. "All men are rapists and abusers" vs "all women are vapid nihilists" spot the difference.