misogynegro 2 points ago +2 / -0

There might be an opportunity for private military academies that operate paintball/airsoft courses to find promising recruits, and put them in apprenticeship programs. Only problem would be civil rights law and ESG bullshit, it would unfortunately need to be HQ'd in some LatAm country, although since LatAm is such a hotspot for mercs I suppose it's not the worst inconvenience.

Edit: Argentina would be the perfect place for such an academy, come to think of it. That country could become the Switzerland of the western hemisphere.

misogynegro 18 points ago +18 / -0

The fact that military men are often prohibited from maintaining their own damn equipment because of obscenely cronyist contracts genuinely shocked me the first time I heard about it. How the fuck are you supposed to fight a war if you have to wait for a licensed contractor technician to be sent over every time you need something fixed?

misogynegro 15 points ago +15 / -0

So many edgelords from the 00's have become total faggots, Maddox probably being the ultimate example of this. I think it's because they were always just edgy for the lolz, but were never willing to genuinely question their normie liberal beliefs.

Then in the early 10's a lot of these normie lib edgelords went anti-SJW for a while, but they got taken back into the fold by the bizarre brand of "it's not happening and it's a good thing" cognitive dissonance pushed by breadtubers (and social media in general) following Trump. Basically, they got brainwashed into thinking that SJWs were never a real thing, because the Orange Man scared them and they really bought the notion that mainstream conservatism was evolving into a form of neo-nazism.

As such, you have lots of these guys who are desperately holding up a jenga tower of cognitive dissonance, refusing to accept that politics has really changed, that SJWs are not only real but control the left, and that the left is the status quo. They just can't handle the reality that the "far-right" is the new counter-culture, that edgy humor is subversive to liberal dogmas, and that there's just no going back to the good ol days when being an atheist was edgy.

misogynegro 3 points ago +3 / -0

I gotta wonder if bots are gonna force all social media to be subscription-based, because otherwise the data harvested from these platforms is worthless.

misogynegro 18 points ago +19 / -1

Doesn't SCOTUS ever think about all the gang shootings and crimes of passion that are committed with modified AR-15's? Man walks in on his wife cheating on him, or a junkie catches his dealer trying to scam him, and before you know it, out comes the AR-15!

misogynegro 2 points ago +2 / -0

I thought the problem with ethanol is that petrol is just cheaper and so engineers design ICE's to run on petrol. But if petrol became prohibitively expensive, engineers could design ICE's that run on ethanol, even if it would still be a step back from petrol. Hell, small jet engines in cars have been done before, albeit experimentally, so they can certainly be done with today's tech, and they run on ethanol just fine.

As far as lab-grown meat goes, couldn't they just genetically engineer farm animals to have only the most rudimentary brains, so that there's no suffering involved? They would basically be GMO zombies and that would be creepy in its own right, but for anyone concerned with animal welfare that seems like the most obvious solution. Or maybe just lobotomize them when they're young, even simpler, albeit still creepy.

That disturbing possibility aside, fungi are a lot more like animals than like plants, even though they don't move, so with some infernal GMO sorcery there's gotta be a way to develop mushrooms that taste just like meat, have the same protein content, even the same iron content. You could literally splice animal DNA to make meat mushrooms, with something similar to blood, because blood is one of the key things that makes meat delicious.

misogynegro 2 points ago +2 / -0

I don't think that ceding the goddamn military to the enemy is a very smart idea, and anyone who's willing to endure such maltreatment for the sake of not allowing the vampires to seize absolute control is a hero.

misogynegro 9 points ago +9 / -0

They already got the Monkey King as the MC, is that not enough black representation?

misogynegro 16 points ago +16 / -0

They've been a dumpster fire for a long time, I guess now they've finally folded.

God that game is so overrated, dialogue reads like a second-year lit major's odiously tryhard pseudo-intellectual slop. And whenever I see someone with a Disco Elysium pfp, I know that I'm about to deal with a colossal douchebag, so I guess at least it works as a red flag.

misogynegro 1 point ago +1 / -0

You know, this might be something that blockchain tech is actually useful for. Botting on a blockchain would be prohibitively expensive.

Then again simply requiring a subscription to post would also make botting prohibitively expensive.

misogynegro 3 points ago +3 / -0

I admit, at least this is kinda funny, even though it's also retarded. Extremely rare leftist comic that actually knows how to set up and execute a joke, even if, again, the premise of the joke is retarded.

misogynegro 8 points ago +8 / -0

The prison planet theory makes more and more sense by the day. We all did something really bad in a past life to end up here.

misogynegro 33 points ago +33 / -0

This is just moving someone to another office, so to speak, not at all an indication that the censorship-industrial complex is failing.

misogynegro 14 points ago +14 / -0

The circumstances around Sandy Hook are incredibly sus. I don't think our government would be cracking down so hard if they weren't staging at least some mass shootings.

Now the Christchurch shooting I'm almost certain was a hoax, the video was unbelievably fake.

misogynegro 22 points ago +22 / -0

Right-wing "misinformation" causes people to freedom a little too much. Left-wing misinformation - the real kind - causes people to commit arson, assault and murder.

To this day most people still think Matthew Shepard was murdered for being gay, or that Trayvon Martin was shot for being black, or any number of famous "hate crimes" that turned out to be bullshit.

misogynegro 2 points ago +2 / -0

Blacks will be made a far smaller minority than they are now, which means the Dems won't have to give a single solitary fuck about black voters. On the other hand, beaners have a much higher rate of leaving the Dems and voting GOP, which isn't all that consequential yet since a strong majority still vote Dem, but who knows what will happen long-term.

misogynegro 3 points ago +3 / -0

TDS is finally starting to wane, not in the sense of libs switching over to MAGA, but just in terms of the Biden admin doing such a piss-poor job that only the most diehard koolaid-guzzling TDS cultists can still be animated by hatred of the orange man. Nobody who isn't either so deep in denial they could survive a nuclear war or is just insulated from our fraying economy can actually buy that inflation isn't happening, or that mass immigration isn't a problem, nevermind the fact that all the crocodile tears for illegal immigrants in ICE facilities dried right up after Biden was installed.

Everyone saw the instant phase-shift from comparing ICE to the Gestapo and ICE facilities to concentration camps to just dropping the issue like everything going on with illegal immigration just stopped happening once Trump left office, I'd bet that lots of people quietly realized that they were taken for a ride but are too proud to admit it so they just moved on.

misogynegro 5 points ago +5 / -0

It's unreal to me seeing aging millennials with troll's remorse frame their transition towards becoming insufferable blubbering vaginas as "growing up." Of course these types never actually grew up, they're just stuck in the adolescent phase of being fixated with appearing mature, and thus overcompensating by being aggressive buzzkills.

misogynegro 3 points ago +3 / -0

These same people claim that Norse mythology "is for everyone," but now it's problematic to display it.

misogynegro 4 points ago +4 / -0

Council member Ava added that they were told that "without context, our image could be taken the wrong way," suggesting that it could be interpreted as a promotion of white supremacy. She said that councilors were told to be "mindful that the image, despite it not being problematic, is something that could grow to be controversial."

God I hate this weasel-word HR speak.

...could be taken the wrong way...

...is something that could grow to be controversial...

So basically the standard we're at is, not only do your intentions not matter, it doesn't even matter if someone taking offense at what you said is reasonable or acting in good faith. You have to now woke-optimise everything you say and display to minimize the chance that some whiny, crazy and/or malicious asshole will figure out a way to take umbrage even if their interpretation is completely idiotic.

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