A classic from the DNC archcuck Ezra Klein:

The Yes Means Yes law could also be called the You Better Be Pretty Damn Sure law. You Better Be Pretty Damn Sure she said yes. You Better Be Pretty Damn Sure she meant to say yes, and wasn't consenting because she was scared, or high, or too tired of fighting. If you're one half of a loving, committed relationship, then you probably can Be Pretty Damn Sure. If you're not, then you better fucking ask…

The Yes Means Yes law is trying to change a culture of sexual entitlement. That culture of sexual entitlement is built on fear; fear that the word “no” will lead to violence, or that the complaint you bring to the authorities will be be (sic) ignored, or that the hearing will become a venue for your humiliation, as the man who assaulted you details all the ways you were asking for it. “No Means No” has created a world where women are afraid. To work, “Yes Means Yes” needs to create a world where men are afraid.

For that reason, the law is only worth the paper it’s written on if some of the critics' fears come true. Critics worry that colleges will fill with cases in which campus boards convict young men (and, occasionally, young women) of sexual assault for genuinely ambiguous situations. Sadly, that's necessary for the law’s success. It's those cases — particularly the ones that feel genuinely unclear and maybe even unfair, the ones that become lore in frats and cautionary tales that fathers e-mail to their sons — that will convince men that they better Be Pretty Damn Sure.

It could hardly be more obvious that that repellent little worm is seething at Chad and exuberantly fantasizing about destroying Chad's life while posturing as the Nice Guy- erm I mean Male Ally, when really he just wants to punish Chad for having sex that he can't. Heck, maybe "Chud" is a Freudian slip, it is rather close to "Chad" after all.

This is from an old essay of his from the height of metoo, and lefties try to gaslight everyone about metoo not having been as batshit insane as it actually was, when they really only reeled it back a bit for rapefugees, trannies, and Joe Biden. Because of course it was never really about protecting women.

But it's important to not allow the memory of metoo to fade, because the gender war is being dialed back up again, spiteful troons and landwhales are still brainwashing kids with the metoo ideology, and it's important to emphasize that it isn't just randos on tumblr or twitter or tiktok espousing these insane beliefs. A high-level DNC propagandist openly and explicitly advocated for a totalitarian policy with the intent of destroying the lives of innocent men, and they're gearing up to try it again with zoomers, even as they allow vibrancy and troons to rape little girls.


There are three reasons why pro-life is such an unpopular position, even in red states, that most people are too polite to say out loud, but which make a helluva lot more sense than the explicitly stated reasons for being pro-abortion.

  1. Most people are absolutely terrified of the prospect of not being able to abort a cripple or retard baby. Throughout most of history, outright infanticide was often used to dispense with such profoundly burdensome people. And tbf, people can barely afford to raise a normal child in our dysfunctional economy, nvm a child who will never really "grow up," will always be as tedious to attend to as a toddler in terms of having to protect them from themselves, to say nothing of the medical costs.

  2. The nigger population would explode. No matter how much groid worship Baizuo engage in, no matter how much public self-effacing bullshit and BLM signs they put up, etc, even shitlibs are absolutely terrified of this happening. Hell, functional blacks are terrified of this as well.

  3. Only a complete degenerate would have an abortion of convenience, rather than of necessity. So why in the world do you want trash like that to reproduce, and to raise kids? They're only gonna resent and often abuse any kids they're forced to have, because kids to these people = no more fun.

You don't have to like it, or agree with it, but this is the subtext behind why pro-life is such an uphill battle electorally. Moreover, even if it is killing babies, most people don't actually have a principled stance against infanticide - sure, it's unpleasant, nobody wants to see it, but history and even third world countries today attest to the fact that a principled opposition to infanticide is a luxury belief.

Even a principled opposition to homicide is a luxury belief, as there are plenty of contexts where we're willing to kill people, even civilians. It's just that you can't have a functioning society where people are allowed to kill each other, whereas you can have a functioning society where people are allowed to kill their babies.


It's election season, and there's a video of a cop shooting a mentally ill old black woman who was trying to throw boiling water on them. The usual arguments are happening of course, but it's not dominating the news like it normally would.

Two possibilities stick out to me as plausible.

One is that the Dems and their mouthpieces in the MSM are sitting and waiting to push this story at the right moment, as they've calculated that it isn't a good time to make it go viral yet. While the other possibility is that they've simply dropped the BLM shit because even their own voters are sick and tired of it, which the election of Eric Adams over Maya Wiley among many other developments was already indicative of.

The fact that Kamala has a record as a "tough on crime" DA and AG and was roasted by her own side for trying to ride the BLM wave probably makes it next to impossible for Dems to promote chimpouts with her as their candidate.

I've definitely noticed an angle to the gender war among blacks being that black women are more apt to be stridently pro-cop (God help anyone who's ever at the mercy of a black female cop btw), and to say the quiet part out loud about how black male criminals won't stop unless you're ruthless with them. Considering that black men probably despise Kamala as the epitome of a bossy black woman, and how Trump is a felon who was shot at, I have to wonder how that'll affect the black male vote - not that I'm holding my breath.

Now that black girl magic boss babe police brutality is the hot new thang, white women are also feeling emboldened to say the quiet part out loud. "Karen" doesn't really work anymore either. I've long believed that Western police states would ultimately ground their legitimacy in feminist rhetoric, of course that's already blatantly been the case in the UK for a long time so it's not like I'm Nostradamus here.

Plus VAWA was in and of itself a huge expansion of the American police state. Funnily enough, back in the day Biden got Bernie to vote for the 94 crime bill by pairing it with VAWA, and Bernie supporters talk about that like it was a dirty trick, but if you really think about it, Biden was being the more logically consistent one, since VAWA and the crime bill both meant more blacks in prison LOL!


It's a tragedy to have to stoop to the left's level, but for every sanctimonious Con Inc fuckwit virtue-signaling about "principles" at this point, how many of these same loathsome cuckolds stood up for James Fields when he was framed by a kangaroo court for fleeing a psychotic mob?

Oh right, these brave defenders of principles were nowhere to be found because they were afraid of being called not-sees. When the fire was raging and the left was setting the precedent of guilt-by-political-opinion, anyone with REAL principles was committing optics suicide by speaking out against the framing of an extremely unpopular target of state persecution. And they had to suffer that fate because of all the Con Inc cowards who wouldn't put their foot down and say it doesn't fucking matter what someone believes, they could be a nazi or a commie or a Scientologist and it has fuckall to do with whether a given individual is actually guilty of the crime they're alleged to have committed.

These insufferable faggots didn't even stand up for Kyle Rittenhouse until it was safe. Meanwhile for a year Kyle got fucking hosed by a Lionel Hutz greaseball of a lawyer who grifted a bunch of donations because Con Inc was nowhere to be found. Point being, if Con Inc had had real principles when it was actually hard to do so, we would have never had to stoop to this level in the first place.


Propaganda is an attempt to persuade the audience to see things from your point of view. And propaganda is a legitimate art form, with the best propaganda not even coming across as propaganda. But proglodyte slop doesn't even attempt to persuade anyone, it's only aimed at preaching to the choir.

So calling that slop "propaganda" is simply giving it way too much credit. One of the things that art and entertainment is supposed to be good for is getting people to consider points of view they'd otherwise dismiss, what with the mark of an educated mind being the ability to entertain an idea without accepting it. I'll even admit that the Soviets managed to put out some good propaganda in their day, and it's saying something when proglodyte slop is so utterly rancid and lacking in even the most superficial merit that it makes old-school commie propaganda seem refreshing by comparison.


Not a rhetorical question, despite the flippant phrasing. I'd absolutely love to see crypto succeed, but it doesn't look like it's gonna be useful for white and grey market transactions any time soon. For those not familiar, the white market is the documented, above-ground economy, the grey market is the informal/unlicensed economy, and the black market consists of goods and services that are outright criminalized.

Using crypto for white market transactions would arguably defeat the purpose, but on the grey market cash continues to be king, even though this is exactly where you'd expect crypto to be useful. Gold and silver intuitively seem like a good option for grey market transactions, but they're way too traceable, and while the grey market is usually left alone, when the piggies do get sicced on a given grey market you're up shit creek.


I know better than to romanticize prior generations of leftists, they've always been this vile. But I don't think they've always been this retarded. My experience engaging with them over the years has been that I used to engage in actual arguments with them, to nowadays trying to educate them about their own ideology.

Also, engaging with boomer Marxist professors and the like is infinitely more pleasant than engaging with millennial and zoomer activists, though I'm sure a lot of that has to do with age. Plus these boomer Marxists laid the foundation for the California Baizuo pozz to emerge in the first place.

Maybe it's as simple as back when conservatives and even classical liberals still had a seat at the table, leftists had to be on their best behavior, to stay in their motte so to speak, which meant adhering to a modicum of intellectual standards. But now that they have a monopoly on cultural production and social discourse, they can finally enjoy the bailey.

Plus college standards have taken a nosedive, esp outside of STEM, and frankly calling the average proglodyte with a grievance studies degree a "Cultural Marxist" is giving them way too much credit. Most of them probably couldn't tell you the first thing about Gramsci or Horkheimer or Foucault.

Speaking of, most of them are frankly clueless about their own ideology's past with promoting pedophilia. They're genuinely useful idiots, who are super animated about being activists, despite having never read a book by any of the demons they may or may not have even heard of. Which is why "proglodyte" is such an apt term for these types, they're genuinely just ignorant and stupid and it's legitimately more difficult to argue with a retard than with an intelligent opponent because the retard is genuinely too fucking dumb to even understand their own "arguments," let alone your arguments.

Decided to make a spinoff thread.

Yellow Fever has always struck me as odd. It's not that there aren't attractive E. Asian women, there definitely are, but I see white dudes losing their minds over the most basic mid pancake faces. And if you think that E. Asian women are all trad kawaii uwu waifus, you're in for a rude awakening. Let's just say that you'll find out why so many E. Asian men neck themselves.

Look at Eric Swallow for instance. He's a high-status, attractive white man, grew up in California so he had his pick of Asian waifus, and he would still have his pick of waifus in an actual E. Asian country. Yet he risked his political career to put his dick in Fang Fang, a Chinese spy, despite her being a mid pancake face.

It's not like there aren't plenty of primarily Caucasian women outside the West either. Primarily Caucasian populations exist all over the Middle East, Central Asia, and Latin America, and most of these cultures aren't exactly friendly to prog sentiments.

Although I'll add the caveat that the "global audience" is a thing, in terms of young, college-educated urbanites having a sort of "global" culture that includes shitlibbing. Affluent, status obsessed people in the third world will often send their kids to Western unis for the prestige, and their kids will end up mimicking whatever's fashionable in the West as a status signal, and they'll have primarily foreign friends. So you end up with these little bubbles in most big cities around the world.


I'm not unaware of the reality that most entertainers are degenerate lowlifes and the Romans had it right when they treated entertainers as akin to prostitutes. This applies to most "based" content creators too, including and especially tradthots.

But I feel conflicted about MM, because on the one hand, she's pretty entertaining, and can actually communicate pretty well the message to normies that love and acceptance are two very different things. She can even communicate the idea that SJW shit is Satanic without looking totally insane, and I say that as an agnostic.

However, being that she's unmarried and childless in her late thirties, and has a bunch of tattoos and dresses in a low-key provocative way, I can't take her seriously at all. It would be one thing if her brand of anti-SJW content was coming from a lolbertatian direction, as at least lolberts are honest degenerates. But she gives normielib manchildren like Asmongold a valid point when he bashes her for clearly not living the strict conservative Christian values she preaches.

She also gives me closeted lesbian vibes, which would make her behavior suddenly make a lot of sense lol. Someone like her could have easily gotten a high-value man when she was young, and her infatuation with Lara Croft and tomboyish characteristics gives me the impression that she's a connoisseur of carpets behind closed doors.

Which again, I wouldn't even care about if she was honest about the kind of person she is. I'm not even saying that I doubt her sincerity as a Christian, at least not anymore than any other prominent Christians on social media, and she probably has a lot of guilt over her likely love of pussy, and her womanchild lifestyle. But the contradiction is so blatantly obvious that even normies can pick up on it, which is a shame since, again, she has a knack for explaining certain points in a way that normies can understand.

Though maybe I'm just being autistic about this and no one really cares if they're already receptive to her message.

Also, before anyone accuses me of being a simp, I've never sent her a cent, or commented on any of her videos. Although I would absolutely hit it if I could.