misogynegro 21 points ago +21 / -0

Boys are raised to believe that a "good man" treats a woman's tears as sacred, plus a lot of single moms engage in "emotional incest" with their sons meaning they treat their son as a surrogate husband minus the sex. This includes being her shoulder to cry on.

Funnily enough though, being a woman's shoulder to cry on without any sex is basically a "progressive" "marriage" anyways. Guess betacuck husbands are their wife's surrogate son when you think about it.

I'm off to take a shower now (not with my mom).

misogynegro 2 points ago +2 / -0

There are lots of Christians in the Middle East, and there are also moderate Muslims. Not to downplay the fact that Islam is the 13/50 of religious violence and totalitarianism. The extreme end of the Islamic world isn't exactly a fringe unfortunately, but it's also not a majority either.

Ultimately the issue with marrying even a moderate Muslim is that the family will rarely allow it if you don't convert. Moderate Muslims are still conservative by Western standards, they're sorta like Mormons (or you could say that Mormons are sorta like Muslims), who also rarely allow interfaith marriages.

misogynegro 6 points ago +6 / -0

Just wait until all the pseud video essays come out declaring this game to be a masterpiece of exploring intersectional systemic systems of structural institutions blah blah blah.

misogynegro 2 points ago +2 / -0

This is true, but why East Asian women specifically, when plenty of Middle Eastern and Hispanic women are primarily Caucasian and come from trad backgrounds?

And I'm not just talking regular blokes either. Eric Swallow is a good example of an attractive high-status man who risked his political career to put his dick in a Chinese spy, even though Fang Fang is the most generic, mid, pancake face.

misogynegro 7 points ago +7 / -0

Have a game like Nioh but featuring Yasuke as the PC, for that matter. It's the context of this being the first AC set in Japan that makes it an issue. A standalone Yasuke game would just be an idiosyncratic Western take on a Japanese setting whereas this is a deliberate injection of Western racial politics into Japanese pop-culture.

misogynegro 32 points ago +32 / -0

Nobody thinks this was organic, they're just worked up into a collective psychosis that makes them say the sky is purple if a "chud" says it's blue.

misogynegro 16 points ago +16 / -0

And frankly? If any East Asian women were to feel some type of way about the fact that East Asian men aren't satisfied, fair dues.

Is this a nod to, I guess you could say, AAFLs?

Many of them are even worse than AWFLs in terms of sheer misandrist spite, and just general shitlibbery.

I'll also note that Asian women are way overrated, most of them are just mid pancake faces and the moment you're married to one all that kawaii uwu shit goes out the window. Then they'll have you realizing why so many Asian men neck themselves. I really don't understand why so many white dudes go nuts over them.

misogynegro 13 points ago +13 / -0

In the long run we need devs to understand that working with Sony just isn't worth it.

misogynegro 4 points ago +4 / -0

White America has for a long time basically agreed to ignore the ugly truth about IQ for the same reason that you ignore the fact that someone's kid is retarded. Some things you're just not supposed to mention in public if you're classy, and as long as everybody goes along their merry way it's fine. But the more these lunatics force us to outright deny reality, the more we have no choice but to point out the ugly truth, and we're made to choose between allowing certain groups the dignity of being treated with respect despite these differences, or allowing our civilization to survive.

This is our version of Lysenkoism, and the consequences of living in denial will be just as catastrophic. What really really sucks is that as a civilization, we had figured out how to allow underperforming groups to retain their dignity due to a historically unprecedented value placed on politeness and compassion for the unfortunate, and that beautiful paradigm of public virtue will have to be sacrificed if we want to not deteriorate to South Africa conditions.

I fucking despise these lunatics for setting us on a path where a more ruthless and unforgiving world is the better road to go down compared to the low-intensity race war, grinding poverty, and ecological mismanagement that awaits us at the end of the other road.

misogynegro 6 points ago +6 / -0

They're lucky they didn't accidentally eat something poisonous. So many urbanites get themselves killed the first time they venture out of their concrete hive, same reason for all those AWFLs who "chose the bear" lol.

misogynegro 30 points ago +30 / -0

It's almost like they're deliberately crushing the middle class because they want all the proles to be permanent renters, debtors and wagies. Unleashing the lumpenproles is how you dissolve communities, then you purge the uppity lumpenproles once they're served their purpose of shredding the social fabric. Then you can offer a seemingly "generous" deal to the proles whom you've reduced to slaves.

misogynegro 3 points ago +3 / -0

Kinda wonder if all the Yasukes bringing vibrance to Japan will inadvertently stifle attempts by the lizards to institute a gender war there like what's going on in S. Korea, since Jap women will suddenly realize they need Jap men to protect them from the Yasukes. Could be wishful thinking on my part though, lord knows Scandinavian men are cucked while their women continue welcoming the enrichment, even though Scandis used to be a feared and admired warrior culture just like the Japs.

Although young Scandis are also shifting to the right, at least in some countries, and the blackpill is cucked in its own right.

misogynegro 11 points ago +11 / -0

It's beyond obvious that there are glowies, moles, or both, who've come here to say the most depraved shit in the hopes of getting everyone else to go along with it, so that they can run back to their hole and get one of their roach friends to run a hit piece.

misogynegro 21 points ago +21 / -0

Implement this policy as law and before you know it businesses will do everything they can to avoid hiring women.

misogynegro 6 points ago +6 / -0

It's like a particularly depraved online protection racket. Sign away control of your sub to the pedo mafia or else they'll spam CP because they know you don't have time to constantly mod your own sub, so you have no choice but to assign the task of modding to a power mod, or to have extremely strict rules for who's allowed to post on the sub which kills its growth potential.

misogynegro 24 points ago +24 / -0

They consider it injustice when you fight back, you're a member of the untouchable caste so how dare you not take your beatings and beg for mercy from your betters.

misogynegro 4 points ago +4 / -0

Really can't be overstated how much these people have made everyone way more racist. It's like they've turned race into The Game, and then incessantly interrogate you for losing The Game when they can't STFU about The Game.

misogynegro 11 points ago +11 / -0

a black professor needs protection due to a white supremacist militia threatening her

The world these people live in is wild.

misogynegro 7 points ago +7 / -0

Hollywood has also been heavily Jewish, and has propagated Jewish cultural values among white Americans, to the point that the "American" identity in the 20th Century became as Jewish as it was WASP, Irish and Italian. Which to be clear, I don't inherently have a problem with, the JQ can be addressed as a legit subject without having to go full-reichtard. Even the history of the Third Reich itself can be analyzed in a way that acknowledges the two-sidedness of the ethnic rivalry between Germans and Jews going back centuries, without simply demonising or lionising either side.

My point here isn't to sperg about da juice, although no ethnic group should be beyond reproach, and Jews have made both very positive and very negative contributions to Western culture (while still not quite being Western themselves). It's merely to point out that if leftists wanna play this game, they leave themselves a huge opening, because once you validate "representation" as a problem, you open the (wooden?) door to examining the JQ in media.

I don't even think the Jewiness of Jewish-produced media is deliberate for the most part. As with anyone else, it's only natural that Jews would produce media featuring Jews and brimming with Jewish cultural biases. Which in and of itself is fine, but if largely Jewish activists wanna start harping on white people this and white people that, that conversation can go both ways.

misogynegro 1 point ago +1 / -0

This is the same reason why tattoos, piercings, neon hair, and just general "alt" fashion has become so cringe. Not because of the thing in itself, but because of the kind of insufferable weaselly shitbags who tend to wear that stuff. Conspicuous "diversity" used to just be an aesthetic quirk, but now it's a signal that some spoiled brats who only ended up in their positions because they got on the track from private high school to expensive liberal arts college to the corporate bureaucracy deliberately placed that shit in there as a middle finger to anyone who's not part of their soylennial bay area milieu.

misogynegro 3 points ago +3 / -0

Or a miniseries about the heroic British navy smashing the slave trade.

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