I can't recall the exact case name.. but this happened in Orlando Florida around Old Blossom Trail and the child of my friend's client.
They had a daughter in the early teens with a learning disability. She had ran away from home and got picked up. They drugged her, tied her to a bed and sold her body a dozen times a day. This went on for over a week.
But because of her own disorder and misunderstanding of the situation she was in, and they letting their guard down around her, she managed to escape and the cops found her.
They rescued multiple women.
It honestly happens more than people realize. It just doesn't make the news. And happens in the shit parts of the USA everyone ignores or in the nice areas and they're trying to keep it quiet to not disrupt things. Just Google 'human trafficking bust' wherever... They just don't give you the story of every woman rescued.
But just imagine that for a second.. 15 minutes from where you live, there could be someone's daughter strapped to a bed, drugged and being sexually abused multiple times a day by some gang members high fiving one another as they make her scream and bleed...
The food is pretty basic that ain't that great... simping over a waitress ain't enough to bring people in, specially when my area has so many Korean Fried Chicken/Wings that blow Hooters out the water.
"Sessions, Barr, Wray, White Hats are just playing 7D chess! Any moment now we'll see arrests!"
"Back in my day I worked hard by graduating highschool and getting a factory job that required no skills or education where I worked from 9-5.. so I could pay for a nice house, wife, nice car, vacations and everything else... And getting both social security and pensions, boy times were real hard!"
I remember catching a fb live video of a girl bawling her eyes out because her sister had just gotten shot at a BLM protest by another protestor.
Oh boy. Alex Jones was right again!
Dam... I think the created for diversity xmen isn't woke enough
It's about carbon taxes and a gateway to implementing a Global Tax on companies and individuals within a country.
I haven't delved much into warhammer 40k, tell me more about that genocide.
Cuz Kimmel cried, Colbert bitched and Lemon sucked a dick, that's why.
I used to be an avid movie goer, now a days, I just don't care... Hollywood's bullshit has turned me off from movies and even regular tv.
They can take their propaganda and shove it
You gotta replace Democrats and Republicans with Uniparty.
What's great is insurance will cover u catching covid, they may not cover your vaccine side effects lol.
Most Floridians stopped giving a fuck, about half the people I see in Liberal as hell Orlando aren't wearing any masks.
The main pple masking are those people that look new to florida or kept the Northerness... We have like over a thousand Northerners moving here every day, these people are masking up.
But the people who adapted to the Florida wildness, yea... They ain't masking.
There was some directive that went out that set new regs on the cycles, it was either the CDC or WHO.
Nah, nothing will happen over there.. France be having big protests and riots all the time and it always seems to just fizzle out n everyone goes home for a bit.
One actually lost wealth while president.
Yeeaaa, gender aside shes a good Zerg player. But funny as hell the first "female" to do certain things in the sc2 scene is kind of a dude.. like dudes having to break the female glass ceiling for the waman lmao
Scarlett was born with a dick tho, may still have it?.. maybe not the best example of a female pro gamer Lol.
Different things I think.
People from the 80s-90s grew up with cartoons based on comics, so the market just aged enough to afford to watch and enjoy the new content and Hollywood capatalized.
Big Bang theory had a huge bandwagon of pple who wanted to say they 'watched big bang and understood the jokes which makes me smart'. They wanted clout.
Neither, of these normal groups of pple r gonna care all that much about the culture.
Then along with everything that becomes popular, u gonna have leeches, here we have thots n feminist trying to make a living with their vagina.
Remember how before QAnon there was FBIAnon?
Someone should find out if don lemon ever dated a black man and then race shame him if no
100000% on board for this. Lets keep the Californians and New Yorkers out!!
If it aint broke, break it so you can say you fixed it.
Back around 08-10 pretty much every VFX and 3D studio in the USA was losing money, going bankrupt, over working artists and not paying overtime.
They solution? India, China and Canada were offering HUGE tax incentives for studios to relocate and train the locals.
And that's what happened.. majority of the industry in the USA just left and now majority of the industry operates on a scale up and scale down model hiring for projects and firing once it's done.