Back around 08-10 pretty much every VFX and 3D studio in the USA was losing money, going bankrupt, over working artists and not paying overtime.
They solution? India, China and Canada were offering HUGE tax incentives for studios to relocate and train the locals.
And that's what happened.. majority of the industry in the USA just left and now majority of the industry operates on a scale up and scale down model hiring for projects and firing once it's done.
Back around 08-10 pretty much every VFX and 3D studio in the USA was losing money, going bankrupt, over working artists and not paying overtime.
They solution? India, China and Canada were offering HUGE tax incentives for studios to relocate and train the locals.
And that's what happened.. majority of the industry in the USA just left and now majority of the industry operates on a scale up and scale down model hiring for projects and firing once it's done.