I've long suspected this religious devotion to these worthless dogs was literal, but fuck I hate being right
God, I hate this girl. She legit creeps me out, the awful artificial nose makes it even worse. I'd probably have uttered a full "BEGONE THOT" if she came up to me Holy shit Americans should never do the helium voice.
I'm sorry to ruin your last bit of naivete, but Ohio is real
Despite only being 1/400 Million, Sam Brintons commit over 52% of all luggage crime
Every time, people who should know better assume a Markov chain is God.
Zentreya is definitely a dude. Male humor (slapstick especially), male character design, male sensibility, the list goes on.
Very few of them are. A lot of that is literally ethots coping and seething, going "I bet SHE UGLY, tho"
You're among friends no need to be afraid of naughty words
Data Scientists are where the girls too ugly for influencer roles transfer to so they can do minimal coding.
He hired faggots and women, where's the surprise?
I was hoping it was Haachama or Pippa so they'd get a wall of weird shit back at them.
Advanced in-breeding. Ur-Mongoloid. This bitch of a family tree is more of a straight line, etc.
Fake and gay. That TV woulda fallen off that mantel if a Delivery truck passed by.
Among my many thoughts playing this decade old game, none of them were "what pp does the robot wish it had?"
It's time to stop
"Dey don e'n look lack mee how tha fuk dey be hatin on me lahk dis shit cray fr 😕😕😕
A benzo prescription is not even remotely the same thing. It's also a class of drug that's treated like Tylenol when it's alcohol without the liver damage, so there's millions of people with a doctor-provided dependency that can kill them if they stop.
His borderline personality wife did it. She married him because she likes the drama. He was her shaved ape on a not-short-enough leash.
I doubt it
Ah geez, this is worse than the time I didn't have sauce
Rainbow Six, too, right?
Spanish Flu*
It's been a struggle for over 100 years