emperor_nero 5 points ago +5 / -0

I assure you, I'm not going to be surprised by it whatsoever, but poilievre is the only contender worth anything. Maxime isn't even a footnote at this point.

If poilievre does 1/3 of what he said he's going to do we will be better off. It won't be far enough, but it'll be better.

emperor_nero 6 points ago +6 / -0

I too hate this place. Sadly, there's nowhere to run to escape it for now.

emperor_nero 3 points ago +3 / -0

I'm currently replaying Subnautica. It's worth. The game is very well done and the sound design is fantastic.

emperor_nero 11 points ago +11 / -0

You mean tyranny porn. That's a dude, man.

emperor_nero 6 points ago +6 / -0

The Day the Nigs Stood Still.

Where all the blacks were instantly frozen in time, and America was able to move forward without their scourge.

emperor_nero 27 points ago +28 / -1

This is how they get around the constitution and it is literally what fascism is about - getting worker unions and corporations to do the bidding of the government but outside of the boundaries of constitution.

You don't need to struggle to pass laws that will get struck down by the courts if you get corporations to do your bidding anyways.

emperor_nero 1 point ago +1 / -0

Hard to juggle that with kids under 3. But I agree. Once I can make it work I will.

emperor_nero 2 points ago +2 / -0

I feel that. I'm a software eng and I feel like I have to eat basically 1/3 of what I used to just to stay normal BMI. It's even harder since my employer moved us to work from home.

It'll get better when I finish building my gym in the basement but it's easy to see why IT people get fat.

emperor_nero 4 points ago +4 / -0

Isn't starving the basic state of being in India? How the fuck can they go on a hunger strike and why would anyone care?

emperor_nero 1 point ago +1 / -0

225 at 6'1" is pretty heavy. I'm 6, 195 and bench 2 plates but my deadlift is 450~ and my squat is 350~.

What's your body fat percentage? I have a friend who is pretty ripped at 145lbs and benches 315. I suspect you are pretty heavy on the fat side despite being strong.

emperor_nero 2 points ago +2 / -0

I had a similar situation occur with me. A guy I've known, and for my part was friends with, since grade 4 or 5 blocked me after calling me racist for disagreeing with affirmative action policies.

But dude, the way I see it... fuck those assholes. You don't need them in your life.

emperor_nero 2 points ago +2 / -0

Nearly all of the women I went to highschool with have blocked me for similar reasons.

Several have been because they posted some wall of text post trying to look smart by commenting on the political situation of the day and I would come in and disagree. Few would tolerate polite disagreement before resorting to name calling.

The last one I had was a bitch who was anti hunting. I just asked her if she ate meat, and when she said yes I told her she was a contract killer who paid men to kill and butcher her food for her so she didn't have to feel bad about also murdering animals. She didn't like that.

The one before that was complaining about our hometown being a small.white community and her mixed race son was being bullied by racist 9 year olds. I told her 9 year olds cannot possibly be racist by having racial hatred and that its far more likely they are bullying her son because he exhibits an out ground characteristic. She didn't like that and called me racist.

I have plenty of examples. Those people are better off out of my life 100%. I simply don't care.

emperor_nero 9 points ago +9 / -0

Right now, as a White middle class professional, I don't care about policies that don't help me because most policies are actually hindering me. I would be happy to see all the mouth breathing dangerhair faggots who called me racist and a bigot for opposing them suffer under the weight of poor policy decisions by our leaders.

I have the skills, the tenacity, the strength and intelligence to weather that storm. They do not. So fuck them.

emperor_nero 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yes. You're almost directly claiming he has issues with his mortality due to his atheism; had you watched the whole interview, you'd know that to be nonsense.

emperor_nero 3 points ago +3 / -0

It's decent. As far as modern television goes, it's better than 98% of the trash that has been released in the last decade.

It has problems, like by season 4 or 5 the number of boss bitches that shows up is too much. There are also some contrivances that are a bridge too far, but I think it's worth a watch.

emperor_nero 1 point ago +1 / -0

Exactly, pull out method at the very least. Otherwise, don't be a fool and wrap your tool.

emperor_nero 2 points ago +2 / -0

Thanks man I'll check it out!

Yeah what I heard in the past was 5% carbs is peak ideal keto but 5% limits how well your body can recover and put on new muscle mass while body building.

It's good to hear that 20 is still low carb, because I do feel much better limiting it to around that number, and my strength and muscle size is still going up, while I do seem to be slimming my excess fat at the same time.

emperor_nero 2 points ago +2 / -0

Do you have any references on hand I could look at for that? I'll look into it myself of course, but anything you could pass along I would appreciate.

I don't see complex carbs as being that much of an issue so long as you keep it down to about 20% or less of your macros.

emperor_nero 2 points ago +2 / -0

I am trying to recude carbs that's for sure, but I find the timing difficult. With trying to gain muscle I need to eat carbs bit to fascillitate muscle growth. So quick oats with a teaspoon of real maple syrup or honey, some fresh fruits like an apple, orange, banana etc. Rice with veg and a meat for dinner.

My "snack" is usually something like cottage cheese, sliced, salami and or some pickles.

I'm getting there, but it's tough to work full time, raise kids, workout AND maintain hobbies and necessary things like home repair, auto repair, etc. Such is life. But every time I do this and get back on track I get better and better. I think as long as I trend towards progress, then I'm doing fine.

emperor_nero 5 points ago +5 / -0

I struggle with intermittent fasting but I'm getting better. For me I try to eat only between noon and 6pm. We typically have late dinners otherwise I'd do 4pm as a stop time.

The morning is easier because I'm either too busy or I can have a black coffee to curb the hunger, but it's a hard shift when working from home.

The cheats and the failure days are becoming less and less.

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