orcwordlaugh 11 points ago +11 / -0

Have they never seen the Calarts style?

orcwordlaugh 9 points ago +9 / -0

They're basing the statement "looked up to Andrew Tate" solely on the ways he tried to make money? That's a bloody stretch.

orcwordlaugh 14 points ago +14 / -0


Dear Aasshole: for the record, I’ve not met, flown with, visited, or had any contact whatsoever with Epstein, nor will you find my name on any “list” other than the clearly-phony nonsense that soft-brained wackos like yourself can’t seem to distinguish from reality.

orcwordlaugh 35 points ago +35 / -0

Well, Kimmel said just a couple of days ago that if any documents come out connecting him to Epstein they're fake, so case closed!

orcwordlaugh 2 points ago +2 / -0

For me it's depends on if it's a movie or a book. In books I like the social/political allegory stories as others have covered. In movies I rather survival stories, which mostly take the form of survival horror.

Take a group of people and place them in a location where there's no chance of outside help. Then introduce an imminent threat outside of normal human understanding, while still being based in science, and explore how they function. Alien, Predator, The Thing, Event Horizon, Sunshine, Pandorum, Underwater, etc.

orcwordlaugh 25 points ago +25 / -0

About time Destiny got what he deserves after that hit job he pulled on JohnTron.

orcwordlaugh 2 points ago +2 / -0

I've only watched the Anime, so I can't help with a comparison. I can understand your criticism, it's in no rush to get where it's going.

The character interactions are what made it great for me. I guess the main link I made in my head was smart young girl with strong father figures.

orcwordlaugh 1 point ago +2 / -1

The action, comedy, intrigue, and relationships between the characters were excellent and we all LOVED it. Like, a ton. Plus there was no fanservice which meant everyone could watch it without feeling uncomfortable.

The first thing which comes to mind is Ascendance of a Bookworm. Basically a woman who loves books is reborn in the body of a sickly young peasant girl in a medieval city.

Books are something only the wealthy nobles can get access to. She starts trying to make her own through various ancient techniques while dealing with her sickly body. Things happen and she ends up in charge of a long neglected orphanage (some heart breaking stuff around that), employing them to help her produce paper.

The intrigue comes from her interaction with the church and a girl who will do anything to avoid having to return the the orphanage she suffered neglect in.

That's the gist without spoiling too much.

orcwordlaugh 2 points ago +2 / -0

More than that, he's a teacher. He chose to enter a profession where he interacts with children all day. If you can't handle some ribbing then get another profession.

I doubt the girl is even antiemetic, the teacher provided pressure point so she pushed on it. When he reacted, she kept pushing.

He is supposed to be the mature on in the room. If he didn't carry on like a child himself, she would have dropped it and moved on.

Lol by herg
orcwordlaugh 11 points ago +12 / -1

I saw people saying they have Alucard get sodomised in an incestuous threesome...

orcwordlaugh 3 points ago +3 / -0

The gynaecologist Barbie is a real life tranny.

orcwordlaugh 12 points ago +12 / -0

“I’m at the Mercure Hotel in Sheffield and I fancied using the swimming pool. I couldn’t get my locker key to work on the ladies. Turns out the assistant had ‘assumed’ I wanted the unisex changing room. With me dressed like this.”

The only poor assumption the assistant made was that this guy isn't a sex pest trying to gain access to the women's change room, and so would be satisfied with a personal change room.

orcwordlaugh 1 point ago +1 / -0

The difference is that the "right winger opinion" uptick was likely natural. Subs become left wing echo chambers by banning dissenters, which is probably what this is a lead up to.

orcwordlaugh 3 points ago +3 / -0

I read somewhere that they'll be emphasising the lesbian aspect, which Spielberg apparently now regrets having not done originally.

orcwordlaugh 8 points ago +8 / -0

GN is great but they don't do the crazy server stuff that LTT does. I stopped watching Jay a while back, I don't remember why, I'll have to give him another shot.

orcwordlaugh 41 points ago +41 / -0

Linus Tech Tips, one of the largest tech Youtube channels, suddenly begins referring to one of their male crew as "Emily" and "she".

I've been watching these guys for years, since they were running their server out of bathtub in Linus' house. I had already stopped watching the podcast recently because of some of the nonsense their editors would slip into the notes. Now they just throw some frosted tips on an obese, balding man and suddenly start calling him "Emily".

I am so sick of this bullshit infecting every part of the entertainment industry. I just want to relax with some funny tech videos and I get a [redacted] shoved in my face. I can't be the only one annoyed by this as the video link gets auto-deleted at pReddit KiA2.

orcwordlaugh 7 points ago +7 / -0

First I've heard of Nagatoro, what's the fuss there about? A female bully?

Shield Hero is pretty good. Be warned that some episodes of Redo border on pornographic, more than the more risqué episodes of Interspecies Reviewers.

orcwordlaugh 2 points ago +2 / -0

Autists are particularly susceptible to the tranny recruitment machine, so it's a bit of a Venn diagram situation.

orcwordlaugh 61 points ago +61 / -0

Jennifer Scheurle, Lead Game Designer of Guildwars has been posting about her involvement with Riot Kitchen.

Riot Kichen is the bus police raided as they stopped on the way to Kenosha, filling up petrol cans -

Police claim the vehicles contained helmets, gas masks, protective vests, illegal fireworks and suspected controlled substances. They also claimed the van tried to drive away before the arrests.


orcwordlaugh 8 points ago +8 / -0

YouTube doesn't like to be embedded here. You need to click the link to YouTube proper.

orcwordlaugh 5 points ago +5 / -0

I saw this posted elsewhere and it's supposedly from 2016 and just some idiot girl at a graduation event of some sort, having nothing to do with SJWs or wokeness.

Edit: Found an article on it https://toronto.citynews.ca/2016/10/18/video-shows-police-horse-kick-woman-who-slapped-it-at-queens-homecoming/

A Kingston police horse didn’t wait for the court system to mete out justice after a woman appeared to slap the animal on the behind during Queen’s University homecoming festivities on the weekend.