dbomb 6 points ago +6 / -0

I agree that Uvalde and Vegas shootings are pretty similar.

The key thing is that Uvalde shooting and Vegas shooting don't involve what obnoxiously looks like federal support. Maybe the Vegas shooting has some suppressed information that suggests the feds were involved but nothing gets more ridiculous than someone being allowed to impersonate federal officers (an officer already contacted the killer before the spree and told him that he is not allowed to drive the car as it was currently painted... somehow not realizing that no one paints their car like a federal officer's car by accidental) and get more way more guns than he could have possibly acquired without someone noticing (Canadian gun laws are very strict).

I'd say Canada is worse because things like this happen and then no one does anything or even remembers. Our Charter doesn't even have free speech in it and your right to representation isn't even properly enforced.

dbomb 13 points ago +13 / -0

2020 Nova Scotia attacks. Dentist with known history of violence gets RCMP uniform (no clue how he got it) and car (via auction) and despite police knowing that he painted the car to resemble an RCMP vehicle was allowed to go on a large killing spree targeting people's homes and then eventually random people driving down the road.

dbomb 13 points ago +13 / -0

Considering we had a dentist go and buy a bunch of RCMP uniforms and guns. Then sit on a road for several hours dressed as an RCMP stopping and killing everyone who came near... AND we still don't have a reasonable explanation for how this happened (the government response was to ban 1.5k types of guns including guns that don't exist and ignores the fact that you don't need any special kind of gun to kill people who think you are a police officer and have stopped their vehicle also the fact that his weapons were illegally acquired)... I'd say yes.

This isn't even mentioning the obviously corrupt antics of a certain prime minister.

by folx
dbomb 14 points ago +14 / -0

it's funny because sword and shield had characters people were finding attractive. Even the MC female character could be customized to be pretty good looking (at least not an eyesore like the people in the top right image) and plenty of people thought she looks good even at default.

Given the current political trends, I guess they decided it wasn't enough to dumb down pokemon gameplay, animations and storyline (sword and shield had pretty much non-existent villians; the danger was completely by accident) but also to destroy the graphics and character designs even further.

dbomb 1 point ago +1 / -0

The idea I'm going for is the lack of foresight and the inability to really understand what it is they are actually doing and instead going for grandiose gestures to show how powerful they are (don't think we didn't see the flying trees in that city or in Mao's case how insane it was to kill birds instead of just building enclosures or something). They're doing this to look cool

In this case, this city isn't even meant to help agriculture so that definitely wasn't the angle I was going for. The city is meant to preserve nature... even though it kills the birds... who are apart of nature. Kinda like how Mao killed the birds to preserve his agriculture... even though those birds were a net positive to his agriculture (and this is ignoring the egoism of the "smash sparrow" campaign which we shouldn't ignore because both the campaign and the city are very egotistical in presentation; the smash sparrow stuff was apart of a an extermination list of 3 other creatures, flies, rats, and mosquitoes but since it was hard to kill those, they just went for sparrows apparently)

dbomb 2 points ago +2 / -0

Why did the mao regime kill all those birds? There are particular end goals and ideologies their philosophies have in common.

dbomb 5 points ago +5 / -0

Reminds me of family guy precancellation.

Tsunami insurance. But germany doesnt have to deal with tsunamis? Dont you think its about overdue for one? Touche salesman.

dbomb 16 points ago +17 / -1

Well they already tried a 4th game. Andromeda sucked except for okay multiplayer

dbomb 3 points ago +3 / -0

Well they already castrated the netcode and gameplay

dbomb 25 points ago +25 / -0

Wait, if it's shameful to send women and daughters to war why is woke media constantly shoving women and daughters into ww2 and other conflicts where they barely made up the combatant population? Sorry but you normalized sending this demographic into combat.

dbomb 3 points ago +3 / -0

Games that come with bribes addressed to local Chinese official?

dbomb 8 points ago +8 / -0

The only major research I've seen that wasn't mindless droning from MSM that mentions myocarditis is that the vaccine causes it. Research typically mentions that covid19 is a respiratory illness. Meanwhile the MSM have claimed with minimal evidence that sure the vaccine causes myocarditis but so does covid19 and covid19 does it worse (citation needed also define worse myocarditis?). But the vaccine also doesn't prevent infection and isn't the same as getting covid19 so you can get vaccine and covid 19 problems... eh why not just take both to maximize your chance of myocarditis? and thrombosis... and dying from covid 19 strains?

We take vaccines to protect ourselves... except the vaccines don't protect individuals, to protect others! except the vaccines don't prevent spread... to save just one life... by maximizing the chances of death or injury... no wait... we take these vaccines because people in the government tell us to take it. That's what vaccines are supposed to be about, taking it because people who can't be coherent or consistent told you to take it. I'd write more but then my post would look like a lefty meme.

dbomb 1 point ago +1 / -0

I don't think most humans would do what he did. Most humans at the time made a run for it, screwed over the system, did the minimal possible or turned traitor as soon as it became possible. The Nazi's had it pretty bad in terms of people being loyal. Italy basically overthrew itself as soon as it became relevant. Operations in France were never good and loads of German staff tried to kill Hitler and disarm the SS.

Many people like to point out that the superior orders defence aka the Nuremberg defence could help protect you since you're just doing your job but the defence immediately collapses one you have a moral choice. There was no gun to his head, there was no shielding of the information. He knew what he was doing was wrong and he did it. We can see now that loads of people are happy to be fired over not taking a vaccine, these are the people who are under tough times and yet they are not compliant and taking the vaccine wouldn't kill anyone under most circumstances (but so would not taking it but that's besides the point). Most people would not be happy or even willing to do Soro's job and that's not even commenting on what he does at the present.

dbomb 1 point ago +1 / -0

I think the point is that no one is really comparing adverse reaction to that. The real thing to compare to is the protection from covid hospitalization (i.e severe reaction) and death. And the numbers clearly show that the vaccine will cause more severe adverse reactions (in addition to minor adverse reactions) than there would be covid deaths or hospitalizations for young demographics.

dbomb 2 points ago +2 / -0

The problem with those numbers is that the vaccine doesn't stop the coof so you got increased risks from the vaccine and from the coof. I mean you can have both now. That's hardly encouraging.

dbomb 18 points ago +19 / -1

You realize they only sent in women because all the men were dead right? Its considered insulting and a sign of weakness when you put women in danger as an intentional strategy. It's not progressive when you are doing it due to desperation.

dbomb 35 points ago +35 / -0

They would... if they weren't constantly banned for doing so

dbomb 14 points ago +16 / -2

That's not even true to begin with. Women got underpaid in the soviet union constantly. What are they going to do, ask for more worthless money?

They earned 65 to 75 percent a man earned https://www.econstor.eu/bitstream/10419/173508/1/wp_899.pdf

Edit: Thanks supreme reader. I did it on my phone before I went to bed.

dbomb 10 points ago +11 / -1

He's infected with a virus that spreads on contact and stays behind as the island is blown up by missiles. Bond is clearly enveloped by the explosion. Even then having super death virus on him that kills on contact would mean he can't be 007 anymore anyway https://youtu.be/PpXBtGnjwJM Link updated. I will not update again if linkis down. Just type bond death no time to die into youtube Someone put it on camcorder

dbomb 3 points ago +3 / -0

I work in Canada and the local hospital just mandated that workers cannot work from home without being fully vaccinated. They are that stupid.

dbomb 17 points ago +17 / -0

Just to let everyone know. Across Canada entire industries are being forced by unelected officials (chief medical officers aren't elected yet decide health policy) to mandate vaccinations. Many have decided that you can't even work from home unvaccinated. So it's no jab no pay Canadian edition.

I predict our Healthcare systems are going collapse from this because they were already poor paying and mandatory discrimination doesn't help at all. Not to mention lying again about how the vaccine was voluntary then pulling this stunt. Best option is to get a medical exemption on any grounds you can. Many doctors are surprisingly aware of how stupid the situation is. Either that or hold out for novavax and pray they don't Bork that too.

dbomb 4 points ago +4 / -0

I understand what you are going through emotionally. Please understand that the people of the country have every right to pick what they want. They were given billions of dollars with years upon years of enlistment and recruitment campaigns and constant daily reminders of how brutal and violent taliban are.

Yet time and time again. They sold the equipment they were given. They abandoned their positions and gave the equipment straight to the taliban. The afghan army couldn't even enlist more than 500k people. They didn't want what the western world wanted to give them and Biden breaking withdrawal treaty that Trump made with the taliban probably didn't help matters either

dbomb 4 points ago +4 / -0

There's also references to Trump. Episode 5 season 1. Kazuya is talking about how a girl should try to find one good thing about a guy and then says "next thing you know it he'll be living rent free inside your head" I don't think the Japanese would even know that phrase when the show was made.

Then in another case in the same episode she and Fujiwara accidentally tell a girl she should fight the system. In the fansubs the characters state that they shouldn't be encouraging a couple to be anarchists. The dub has that same character saying "they're going to become antisocial deviants". There is nothing antisocial about not liking the government...

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