I think that kinda highlights the problem? What's the point of going to church when the priest running it tells you to accept the globalist politics? What's the point of being patriotic when it means screwing over the actual people living in the country for profits of foreigners and globalists?
Why have children when you won't have the money or time to take care of them and they'll end up being indoctrinated and groomed by the broken public system (or the state will just take your kid away because politics)? Who is going to get involved in a community when all the actions allowed are just going to be globalist garbage (and it makes you more visible so you're more likely be targeted for getting mugged on the grounds that only well off people can afford to spend time like this)?
I'm not saying people shouldn't want children (they definitely should) but they aren't going to want children or to do other generally accepted things in a society that simply hates reason and values obedience to globalist doctrine.
What? Shows tailor made for "hatewatching" don't cultivate a real audience and have no real financial success? How could this be? Next you'll tell me that twerking over a corpse while covered in blood doesn't make someone a likeable character!
Why do you think they are importing more cultures that think groups should be killed on sight? Tolerance for sexuality based degeneracy is only found in the west and by the parts of the west that actually follow western values
Were the Square Enix execs like:
"Did I just do that?"
"well definitely with my assistance."
"I did not just do that."
"We did"
"I just closed a studio with my awful policies"
"Perhaps our connection has somehow awakened bankruptcy"
"I just got a hundred and fifty people laid off... with my politics."
"I keep hearing...I...I...I"
"I just got people laid off. With my freaking politics! Ha Ha! Yeah okay that is something I do now... I go woke, destroy game production, get people laid off - you know what? I'll probably push child love next"
"Now you're being ridiculous"
"Oh that's too far? Good to know there's a line"
Nvm those last two lines would never be spoken for real.
The people pointing out the white supremacist mass shootings should definitely avoid the global terrorism index.
What you mean that trailer that was basically "I grew up the daughter of a great fighter pilot" and did absolutely nothing to tease what rogue squadron would even be about could potentially be an even worse show than the current disney crap?
I think you're putting a lot more effort to say that the show with bad world building and filmsy conflicts (exactly how do you build tension when the closest you have to a really difficult fight was in season 1 when the vampire bitch got mind controlled?) hasn't really done all that much to establish a fun setting or interesting plot. This show is like watching one punch man but the fight scenes suck and the main cast are all pricks who never face any real difficulty because they're all overly powerful.
Obviously the source material probably does a better job (I don't read the light novels, especially when I can hear from people who have read it who state they're sick of the story's pacing and how bleak it is). The anime itself suffers from bad pacing and waste of characters (you know those likeable people in season 1? Yeah they're all dead). Then we get to watch season 2 where the stupid lizard people are too busy trying to do the horizonal monster mash then prepare for an incoming war and we already know the outcome of the upcoming battle. Then season 3 hit and they put even less effort than they did before with ugly CGI and trash tier villians (the ones that aren't the main cast but I'd argue that the main cast also fails to be exciting in the anime because they are very one note and don't do anything endearing).
tl;dr its a show where sociopaths fight other sociopaths while some of the sociopaths try to bang the other sociopaths. The fact that world building brings things out of nowhere and does little to be consistent is the least of the shows problems.
TBF since the show does a very poor job of explaining what rules are and aren't in effect (i.e does race affect your morality? Why do some people have powerful stuff while others don't and will never get anywhere close? what were people doing before Momonga came into be? What is even the point of Momonga's adventures? etc) it isn't really out of the question to examine if the characters actually meet their archtypes like the vampire who can cast holy... somehow. It is certainly a setting where game rules seem to be turned on and off whenever it would be convenient to the Nazarick tomb supremacy.
I agree that Uvalde and Vegas shootings are pretty similar.
The key thing is that Uvalde shooting and Vegas shooting don't involve what obnoxiously looks like federal support. Maybe the Vegas shooting has some suppressed information that suggests the feds were involved but nothing gets more ridiculous than someone being allowed to impersonate federal officers (an officer already contacted the killer before the spree and told him that he is not allowed to drive the car as it was currently painted... somehow not realizing that no one paints their car like a federal officer's car by accidental) and get more way more guns than he could have possibly acquired without someone noticing (Canadian gun laws are very strict).
I'd say Canada is worse because things like this happen and then no one does anything or even remembers. Our Charter doesn't even have free speech in it and your right to representation isn't even properly enforced.
2020 Nova Scotia attacks. Dentist with known history of violence gets RCMP uniform (no clue how he got it) and car (via auction) and despite police knowing that he painted the car to resemble an RCMP vehicle was allowed to go on a large killing spree targeting people's homes and then eventually random people driving down the road.
Sorry but your immigration request to Canada is denied because we can't hear you over the sound of all the shootings we have. We will be able to hear your request after the gun smugglers politely adher to our suggestions to sell less noisy guns to the local gangs.