If you go to a therapist they shouldn't even be telling you to take pills. If pills are being prescribed on the first visit (when no one has been hurt and you clearly aren't at risk of going to jail) then you have a shit therapist who is just trying to farm people for money.
As for actual anger management, you should always work on different ways of interpreting things so that they don't become offensive to you. Lengthening the fuse won't really be helpful if too many things set off the fuse. When it comes to misplays costing you the game, it always helps to see it as a learning experience (or potentially as a game you'd have lost anyway since there was no telling how your opponent might have reacted had you even done your "correct" action) instead of as a one-time missed chance that you personally ruined. How you frame things deeply affects how you interpret them.
50 thousand usd complex slow reload interception missile with 10 percent failure rate and limited stockpile vs 300 dollar light artillery rocket made and stored in some garage (hospital, school or other civilian facility in the hopes of not being airstriked)... Im sorry was any actual tips needed to beat the iron dome?
Most public jobs that involve vulnerable populations like nursing require you to be of upstanding character and to avoid or at least disclose behaviour that could damage trust with the general public. A nurse who fails to disclose that they got a dui can lose their license regardless of whether it was work related.
So it stands to reason that running a service that is synonymous with prostitution would be a public trust issue
They were not allowed to be on the Ontario ballot.
I could not find any way to actually vote for this party in the Ontario ballot. No clue if it will be the same deal this year.
I like the honkai impact 3rd version of red riding hood where she asks the wolf if he ever wondered why her hood was so red before pulling out a scythe and killing him. The context being that the tale was intentionally altered violently to scare children who of course actually enjoyed the alteration and are now inspired to "reverse all creation".
Despite clearly being a joke (this occurs during "seele's one day adventure) it's still more creative and unpredictable than girl power saves the day.
The thing that makes lower decks tolerable is the idea that it is basically non-canon. It makes the joke that Starfleet has minor expendable ships with crews that are routinely unprofessional, violent and given the lamest assignments (because the federation high command knows they suck) somewhat tolerable.
It's shame they're taking way too long to make Mariner actually tolerable as a character especially since its only in the later half of season 3 that she actually starts to face repercussions for her constant need to show off. Because if she wasn't in the show or was less obnoxious, a lot of the show's issues would simply evaporate.
Be cynical until star wars is actually owned and run by competence again. Major reason why current star wars is bad and eu was discarded was writer's rights needed to be renewed and disney obviously didn't want to do that
So the end result was content that ripped off the eu but never actually did proper world building like the eu did. Part of this penny pinching also meant hiring many people who work basically minimum wage but are underqualified to write the stories (this is the same process used for the dying comic book industry).
Until we get people who arent penny pinching plagiarists, there isnt really any reason to not be cynical. The media is easily bought off. The only reason they write that the eu is good now is because disney aint paying and they want the clicks.
Just to ask the question, is tidal power any good?