dagthegnome 2 points ago +3 / -1

Do you believe that a teenager who is clearly a victim of emotional abuse and psychological grooming should be allowed to cut his dick off and attempt to transition to a girl? I'm hoping you answer is no.

In which case, it makes no sense to argue that a teenager, who is likely also the victim of abuse and psychological grooming by an adult who definitely should have his dick cut off, preferably while awake, is capable of being held to the same degree of responsibility as an adult when he commits a crime.

I am not arguing that this kid shouldn't be held responsible and punished. I'm arguing that holding him to the same degree of responsibility that we would hold a grown man to is not appropriate.

dagthegnome 17 points ago +18 / -1

And yet don't you think you should have been allowed to make that decision for yourself when you were old enough?

dagthegnome 2 points ago +3 / -1

You've missed the point entirely. Legal precedents are based on the principle of consistency. If you want to punish a 14-year-old as you would an adult for committing a crime, then you need to establish that a 14-year-old has the cognitive capacity, the maturity and the experience to premeditate and carry out an action with the same degree of agency that an adult would. If you succeed in making that case, then you will have set a precedent that will be used to justify letting 14-year-olds make all sorts of decisions that they shouldn't be allowed to make without a responsible adult.

A 14-year-old is not an adult. No matter how horrific his crime, you can't simply decide to treat him like an adult only when he commits a crime and not when he wants to live on his own, manage his own finances or cut his dick off. If he's not mature enough to do those things with an adult's degree of responsibility, then you can't argue that he's capable of an adult's degree of responsibility when he murders someone.

dagthegnome 2 points ago +4 / -2

Why don't we let teenagers drive? Why don't we let teenagers vote? Why shouldn't we let teenagers undergo radical hormonal therapies and surgeries in order to try and change their genders?

Either they're mature enough to be treated as adults with all of an adult's agency and the responsibility that goes along with it, or they're not.

This kid is clearly broken, possibly beyond fixing, but it seems clear that he is not entirely responsible for his own actions.

dagthegnome 1 point ago +1 / -0

Jordan was a Freemason: religious and quite conservative. He steered clear of openly portraying any sexuality in his books. He was also obsessed with women. I'm still not sure if all of the women in his books were portrayed as entitled, manipulative, controlling shrews in order to villainize them, or if he genuinely wanted the audience to like those characters. Either way, his fixation on "pillow friends" and corporal punishment regarding his female characters speaks to something else buried deep in his psyche, I'd say.

dagthegnome 5 points ago +5 / -0

There couldn't be any more lesbians. Pretty much every female character in the books sleeps with other women. Not explicitly, but it's heavily implied.

dagthegnome 2 points ago +2 / -0

I shoulda known you'd be behind this, Fiendish Dr Wu. Your knowledge of scientific-biological transgendrifications is only outmatched by your zest for banhammering treachery!

dagthegnome 11 points ago +11 / -0

I imagine they'll go all in on Silicon Valley real estate when its value crashes in a few years' time.

dagthegnome 14 points ago +14 / -0

Children only understand the causal link between wrong actions and negative consequences if the punishment is prompt and substantial.

dagthegnome 11 points ago +11 / -0

There's a tin-foil hat theory going around that Chapek asked DeSantis to do this so that he could use it as leverage to get the Disney board behind his original politically neutral agenda.

As much of a headache as the Special District revocation would be for the Florida government, there's no way that it's actually in Disney's interests to have this happen. On a financial level alone, they would be compelled to open the Disney World books to third party scrutiny in a way that they haven't had to do in 55 years.

Something tells me they'd like to avoid that.

dagthegnome 5 points ago +5 / -0

In a sane world I'd agree with you, but investors following the ESG framework might still spring for the IPO in spite of that.

dagthegnome 20 points ago +20 / -0

I'd say he looks pretty goddamn good for a guy who's pushing 60.

dagthegnome 21 points ago +21 / -0

Lorenz was one of the MSM attack dogs who went after and doxxed a lot of Gators back during Gamergate.

Most recently, she's the one responsible for doxxing the user behind the Libs Of Tik-Tok Twitter account.

Her MO is always the same: Make information public that could ruin the lives of people she doesn't like, then play the victim when people criticize her for it.

dagthegnome 25 points ago +25 / -0

Communist and socialist tyrannies will always do everything in their power to destroy any sense of community in the societies they govern, often while claiming they're doing the opposite. The result is that people cease to regard each other as human beings deserving of compassion or concern.

Not only does this make people less likely to protest the exploitation of others, it causes them to more easily accept their own dehumanization and alienation.

dagthegnome 51 points ago +51 / -0

Still the victim, I see.

This woman belongs in prison.

dagthegnome 43 points ago +43 / -0

All you need to do to derail their social engineering project is stop consuming.

dagthegnome 10 points ago +10 / -0

What's needed is a DeSantis in every state. Especially the deep red flyover states, where the Republican establishment is so entrenched that they constantly get away with RINO policies.

dagthegnome 7 points ago +7 / -0

We won't need to. Once the good times end and we're in the midst of a genuine economic collapse, they'll either die on their own due to a lack of necessary skills, or they'll be forced back into conformity in order to survive.

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