There's about to be a lot of unemployed university professors
I'd go back to about Woodrow Wilson for a uniparty with some exceptions mixed in as President that didn't play along. Although the ruin of the United States goes all the way back to Alexander Hamilton. There's been issues from day 1.
I bet it's part of it. That or they have to lock it up and I guess have someone to retrieve it employed if you're lucky enough to find someone. Getting tired of being light on shoplifting making it a pain in the ass to get anything. I had to track someone down to buy a $15 tool at Home Depot recently, then they have to walk to the front and watch me pay for it. Those stores policy is otherwise to help the shoplifters out the door. I might just start carrying a magnet around in my car for when I want to buy something, I think that's all it takes to defeat most of those anti theft things.
My son regularly mixes with younger kids, kids his age, older kids, Gen Zers, Millennials, Gen Xers and members of the Silent Generation (he’s a little low on Boomers for some reason).
That made me think of what friends I had in school. I almost never had actual good friends my age at any point in my life. I consider that age segregation a factor to why I was so weird and quiet in elementary school age especially. Even now, my two best friends are 11 years older and 11 years younger than me. School age, what I remember positively more than friends are adults who gave me the time of day and would treat me like a person. (definitely were not teachers) My cousin is middle school age and homeschooled and has more good friends around his age than I did that age by far, despite not being forced around them all the time. It happens organically. He's also basically a friend with me in a lot of ways as he's never had beaten into his head that friends should only have been born +- 6 months of him. Cramming kids in a group of people their age and not really ever being around anyone else is not social development at all, I'd argue it's socially stunting.
Aren't tourism boards typically government funded marketing entities of the place they are advertising? Why would the Iranian tourism board try to scare people away by saying its dangerous? Their entire purpose is to bring tourism dollars to their place.
Who your neighbor is aside, love does not mean coddle unconditionally. Supporting someone’s choice to lead a life of sin that condemns them to hell is the opposite of love.
I got more than that at Christmas when I was a kid, but that was about the only time in the year my parents bought me fun things I wanted. There was no every time we go to the store you get something. Outside of Christmas I probably got $50 total on my birthday and got to rent a video game a few times a year and buy a few books.
Still, my family now loves to revolve around presents too much. They have all these rules they don't explicitly define but about money and how much it's supposed to be and the other person has to get the same amount, etc. I've noped out of most of it. I'll give my Mom, my nephews, and my teen cousin something, but it's totally random and specific to them. Mom is kinda broke so hers is just for that, and the kids are the only ones close to me. Sometimes I splurge, sometimes I'm cheap. They'd be fools to count on a specific fixed amount of present from me. Don't give to them in the big "party" to be seen either, it's not about the show of it to me.
I've told the kids before too that I'd much rather actually do something than give them things. Like a couple years ago I hung out with the cousin one night the weekend of his birthday, stayed up all night watching horror movies and playing games with him, went out at like 2am to drive around the empty town and get some junk food. He thought it was the greatest thing ever, and it cost me practically nothing.
It always reminds me of the attitude many atheists feel like they have to carry around with them where they talk down to everyone below them. It's not like they just don't like sports, they want to be condescending to anyone that does.
Sure there are issues with tons of these sports leagues all over the world and current year stuff, but watching men compete for entertainment goes back almost all of recorded history and is perfectly fine.
Had that argument years ago with people trying to convince me Joey Gallo was a superstar. Not a chance. He wasn't even capable of putting a ball towards the third base side when they leave it entirely open. But holy shit 40 HR wow! Turned out I was right. It's fun to watch the cat and mouse of a good pitcher and hitter. Watching a guy swing full tilt at everything and hope it goes out, not so much.
Yeah I don't see how the NFL could count as any sort of escapism anymore. I can manage baseball and hockey a bit and for the most part at least day to day it's just watching a sport. The NFL and NBA is like turning on The View and having a sports game break out.
Down with the south Oklahoma Rangers!
Sounds about like my Civics teacher. I suspect she was old school southern Democrat, because of the way she'd talk about certain politicians some. It was subtle though. She also talked about her guns a lot. I'll give her credit though, she had high standards, made sure you learned the stuff, and still managed to treat students totally fair and not feel like she had favorites.
Her tests too, damn. It was like a blank page. List the Presidents in order. Describe every amendment and what it does. Stuff like that.
They aren't helping their case blaming or mentioning directed energy weapons, only making it more easy to dismiss as just another crazy conspiracy theorist. Look at the facts, it's simple enough to draw much less crazy conclusions based on probability.
Lying fake victims are worse than the actual real criminals that do violent things. Yet the liars continue to win in the court of public opinion, because our public are idiots.
They have such a stupid made up case. The best smoking gun they can come up with is talking up a property to a lender. I mean really?! This guy is supposed to be the biggest threat to "our democracy" in history and that's the worst he did.
I still can't figure out how it's a crime. If I go to the bank and ask for a mortgage on my property and tell them it's worth 500k and an appraisal says it's worth 100k, I'm going to jail I guess? That's literally why property appraisal exists, they are the supposed experts on property value. I am not an expert, so why would what I say have any value?
Albeit, I could probably learn to be an expert at generic normie house appraisal. They can't do basic math and don't dare try to point out their flaws. As far as I'm concerned they can get replaced with AI.
So there once was this guy with a bulldozer. I've even thought he went a bit too far. I can understand though, because if this happened to me I might just be buying my own bulldozer.
Oh ok, I never buy old coins really and just stick to highly mainstream commodity grade coins, not collectible stuff. Although I do have some old 90% silver US coins, but those were just things I've acquired occasionally, and there are so many of those in existence they are a known commodity.
This is the second time Ive seen it today, I'm curious you're logic on being so insistent on bars. I tend to prefer coins if they don't come at too much of a price premium. They can be authenticated to a very high certainty by look and feel alone and come in various sizes for easy trade. It's not like whatever government minted them can decide later its not authentic after the fact.
Physical goods like they say. Buy tools and learn valuable skills. Sure, it's fine to learn like "modern job" skills , I work an office job. On the side learn to do things that will always be valuable in society. Buy a gun and learn to shoot. I'm not even suggesting that ad like a defense mechanism. There's value in marksmanship skills and firearms.
That's my super ultimate fall back plan. Being able to use tools to fix things and build things has value in almost all of human history.
No chance the official Trump campaign did this. Trump follower, maybe. Total fake, most likely.
I never minded Epic trying to take a piece of the pie from Steam. They put out money to compete. Why am I to blame developers for taking good financial deals. I mean guaranteed money can be a big thing. You've just taken a huge amount of risk out of your game release taking a big guaranteed check. Actually the part I never really understood is the size of the massive boner that so many have for Steam. It gets defended like a father should defend their children, and I think that's sick.
I wish Epic had done a bit of a better job on their software myself and actually made Steam take a hit and have to try. I still put it at #3 after Steam and GoG. They did a hell of a lot better job than garbage like or all the bullshit the EAs and Ubisofts do. No, I don't want your shitty additional launcher for the one awful game of yours I'd play, and if you want me to buy a game from your direct store, I'd probably actually be interested if you'd offer a DRM free download that did not require me to use yet another launcher.
Totally agree. Not everything needs any of these RPG elements. Especially character levels. Character levels aren't all that fun. That's one of the things I liked about Breath of the Wild, nothing had a level, you could decide to deal with an enemy or area if you wanted to in the way you wanted to and not be held back by a magic number. You see an enemy that appears overwhelming, you do like you would in real life, freak out and run away. Maybe it was easy, who knows, you have to judge for yourself and not just look at a number.
I do like numbers in some cases though, but that would be more something like KOTOR, where the entire game is based on dice rolls and skill levels.
Yet if you send a couple thousand to a blue city that encourages this shit, they freak out and say that's it they can't handle any more.
I'm anti-union, but it's more the union's relationship with the government. Unions and their employer, yeah whatever, but the employer should have the right to tell them all to piss off without government intervention. If you want to stay, earn the right to be missed. Union demands have gotten out of hand.
MLB is probably the worst too. There's some excellent umpires, Pat Hoberg is notable for calling a perfect strike zone in last years world series. He's also not known to be an egotistical prick. Getting a job as an umpire is about like replacing a supreme court justice though, you have to wait for them to die.
I haven't noticed the first bit in the US. Only the really hippy establishments use paper straws around here. I don't like disposable electric things though, like I saw a video recently about an electric lawnmower that broke and they don't even sell parts. Either its under warranty and they give you a new one or it's garbage. My gas lawnmower will have parts available for decades most likely with the prevalence of Honda engines out there. Also been looking for a toolbox and that stuff has cheaped up badly. Surprisingly quality hand tools are still very prevalent and made in western countries.