barwhack 5 points ago +5 / -0

Plot twist: no humans exist in that timeline, because they all set their sea men loose in the sewer... None came home.

barwhack 25 points ago +25 / -0

Woke cannot tell a story, other than their own story. Their own story is usually boring and smelly and dumb. But during the holey month of Ramadude, it creeps around in the night, to mutilate kids...


barwhack 0 points ago +2 / -2

His neck is already spun right 'round. Make of that what you will.

barwhack 4 points ago +5 / -1

Elly can afford to lose $42B, because Xi will gild him some gold pants with a special-access poo port.

Twitter will always suck. Gab elsewhere.

barwhack 2 points ago +2 / -0

Elon, social dope-a-mean media was a mistake. One in which you are currently part-$44B-owner; and which you seem intent on expanding into the chippy-chippy brain itself. Moralize at me, better.

barwhack 3 points ago +3 / -0

... it wouldn't run. It'd smear some on, and feel at home.

barwhack 13 points ago +13 / -0

Most adult animals kill regularly, and die horrendous deaths. They "play" at blood...

barwhack 7 points ago +7 / -0

ALL of corpus Monty Python will suffer under this principle:

Jokes aren't funny once the punchline is real...

barwhack 4 points ago +4 / -0

Just quit. Let the echo chamber chime, in splendid isolation.

barwhack 12 points ago +12 / -0

We waz fishifu...

barwhack 5 points ago +5 / -0

Woke: nacissistic histrionics, sometimes factitious, sometimes malingering, sometimes munchausen's, sometimes by proxy. ALWAYS disgusting faggy irrationality.

Repeal the 19th...

EDIT: italicized.

barwhack 11 points ago +11 / -0

Knock down, incinerate, repeat ad infinitum.

barwhack 4 points ago +4 / -0

"Tell you"? no. But I will assert both-and rather than either-or. I don't think in black and white. And I don't think Trump is God. He's just - it seems - the only mostly-good guy on the world stage, at present. He'd have done better; but he didn't because he stepped down.

barwhack 5 points ago +5 / -0

Nobody liked our gay groomer mary-sued revisions of Lucas' purchased imaginings. We'll learn from this: how to molest your children better, more efficiently, in the Future. --Disney

Demons failing upward.

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