ailurus 38 points ago +38 / -0

So, if I'm reading this right, UK lost 3-2 on Penalty Kicks. Of the 5 UK kicks, the 2 that scored where by white people, and the 3 that missed were by black people. On top of that, one of the black people was taking his first-ever penalty kick on a big stage, and the other two were literally substituted in just to take the penalty kicks after having sat on the bench the whole game. That seems odd to me.

ailurus 2 points ago +2 / -0

That's fair. Between emotionally wrecking young people (forcing them away from their friends, taking away their jobs, etc.), public vilification of police, acceleration of the "white people are bad!" narrative, overlooking crimes of people as long as they have the correct race and/or political affiliation, and probably more...

ailurus 5 points ago +5 / -0

If people are curious why the split is happening, here's the agenda of the Tolkien Society's summer seminar that happened last weekend.

Short version if you don't want to throw up, the papers listed are focused on:

Trans, Disabled, Environmentalist, Feminist, Colonialism, LBGT, "voice of the Other", LBGT, "being a second-generation Indian Tolkien fan, LBGT, Communism, Caste Systems, Fanfiction, LBTQ, Trans

ailurus 3 points ago +3 / -0

“It’s an ethnic slur to begin with that’s been rejected by the Romani people a long time ago,’’ said society president Michelle S. Smith. “Second, nobody wants to be associated with a harmful invasive pest.”

"Don't you dare call them Gypsies, they don't like it!"

"By calling the moth a Gypsy you're calling those people bugs!"

So, the Romani are gypsies then? Cause if they're not, the name of the bug is irrelevant.

ailurus 25 points ago +25 / -0

President Joe Biden has rejected this view. “A lot of companies have done extremely well in this crisis, and good for them,” he said in a speech in May.

Misleading at best. Yes, big companies did extremely well, because the govt shut down everyone but them. But, about 40% of small businesses were forced to close for good due to the lockdowns

“The simple fact is, though, corporate profits are the highest they’ve been in decades,” the President added. “Workers’ pay is at the lowest it’s been in 70 years.

Well, duh? You close everyone except the Walmarts, Targets, Amazons, etc. and then wonder why corporate profits are skyrocketing? Even Pikachu can't express the surprise Biden must be feeling now.

ailurus 7 points ago +7 / -0

And I'm not putting on offensive stereotype jokes here. Intersectional feminism actually has a talking point about voodoo witch doctors having an equally valid view of the world as it pertains to scientific explanation of weather phenomena.

Video of the above idea

"Science is the product of western thought. We should abolish it! How does your science explain black magic throwing lightning at people?!"

ailurus 15 points ago +15 / -0

What on earth?

So, Moors dominated all of Europe? Moors were the source of basic hygiene and agriculture? Moors were the first settlers in the New World, and brought European slaves with them? The Iroquois were Moors, until they were subverted by the Inquisition? And if I'm reading that 1861 line right, was the US Civil War to destroy the Secret Moorish dominance of the US?

These guys must be smoking some really crazy stuff.

ailurus 9 points ago +9 / -0

It's so condescending when these spoilt brats do the whole "I care about THE SOUL, not like... the body, like I like people when I like them with my heaaaaart".

And then, 5 minutes later they say "you are inferior because you have white skin" or similar.

ailurus 9 points ago +9 / -0

I don't think I'm ever going to take the word of "anonymous sources" as fact again after the past several years, so trying to reserve judgement.

That said

Harris and Flournoy’s defenders also note that women in power—Black women in particular—are subjected to standards that men often don’t have to clear.

In at least 4 cases in my life, it's the opposite. Many women in power turn into vindictive and petty monsters who will go out of their way to make someone's life miserable because of some slight (real or perceived) - and God help you if you actually try to push back against their ideas (no matter how terrible) in some real way, while guys pretty much always just play it straight. And, Kamala being vindictive and petty is something I absolutely believe to be true.

ailurus 2 points ago +2 / -0

We're actually seeing a decline in homicide and shootings

Not according to this site which logs shootings in Chicago. In fact, according to them, you're up 4 homicides from this time last year, and are in fact at the highest level of murders in over a decade!

ailurus 3 points ago +3 / -0

In response, Adams' campaign fired off a statement questioning the count, and demanding an explanation for the "irregularities." "The vote total just released by the Board of Elections is 100,000-plus more than the total announced on election night, raising serious questions," reads the statement. "We have asked the Board of Elections to explain such a massive increase and other irregularities before we comment on the Ranked Choice Voting projection."

Sorry, Mr Adams. There is precedent to say that questioning the results of election means you're a Nazi, now. You must be purged from society.

ailurus 16 points ago +16 / -0

It found that police use of racial profiling and excessive force was systemic in much of North America, Europe and Latin America.

So, if you're a non-African country that has more than a tiny fraction of Blacks among your population, you treat Blacks similarly. And, yet, you're all wrong! I wonder if there is some other common variable that may explain what's going on...

ailurus 13 points ago +13 / -0


This would have been an understandable take in May 2020, maybe June 2020 but no later than that. It's been nearly a year and a half now. 18 months of violated rights, artificially shut down economies, lives put on hold, etc. for virtually no measurable benefit. To say we need to suspend judgement for another 6 months is absurd.

ailurus 2 points ago +2 / -0

My initial reaction was that the NFL was trying to be like this

ailurus 9 points ago +9 / -0

Hey, he's a statistic on his own now! Specifically, one of the 20 non-firearms homicides in Chicago so far this year! (For those wondering, there have been 320 firearm homicides in Chicago in 2021, and 1541 people shot non-fatally. But I'm sure it's all Whitey's fault)

ailurus 10 points ago +10 / -0

The people dancing on the ambulance were bad enough. But from the first half of the video it looked like people trying to push the ambulance over? Monstrous.

ailurus 2 points ago +2 / -0

So, teachers, in the past we've been activists, and after this stshow of last year, we really need to stand up and do what's right for our kids now. This is a call to action. We need to stand up and fight for our kids, because this is bullst.

I agree, teachers should stand up to the absolute disaster of the last year, and fight for your kids. Fight for your kids to not be called monsters just because of the color of their skin. Fight for your kids to actually be able to attend school in person instead of spending all day stuck in front of a screen. Fight for your kids to be able to breathe and socialize rather than being penned up like sheep because of security theater.

Oh, wait - you like those things I listed? Never mind, then. You're an abusive nutjob.

ailurus 4 points ago +4 / -0

Oh f*** no. I can't see one thing in that video that's a positive. If I wanted the quick launch buttons in the middle of the screen, I'd get a mac. The only time on Win10 that I interact with the personalized feeds/live tiles/whatever they're called now are to get the registry hacks to turn them off implemented, I certainly don't want more. Tiling several windows on a single screen can already be done (at least, for 2 windows), but doing that without multiple monitors is asking for trouble due to screen size issues. Oh, and alt-tabbing has been a thing for years (decades?) too. I don't want you automatically connecting to things for me unless I give you explicit permission, because I don't like spyware. Never used, and never will use, the Microsoft Store until you let me do it without connecting the whole OS to your services, and if I want Android software (not sure why I would) I'll just run Bluestacks. And how is "new themes!" a selling point for your OS, when people can just make their own themes?

Oh, and let me guess, is this going to come with a (functionally) forced update too, like Win10 did, thereby breaking tons of existing software installs?

ailurus 8 points ago +8 / -0

You can worry about getting revenge. I just want to seize the Strategic Maple Syrup Reserve. Darn wanna-be Frenchmen, artificially inflating maple syrup prices.

ailurus 14 points ago +14 / -0

Sure, there's risks of nuclear meltdowns but we've already advanced far enough since Chernobyl and Fukushima Daiichi.

Sure, but those risks are absolutely minimal.

Chernobyl, yeah, that was a disaster. But it was caused by bad Commie engineering, bad Commie management and Commies need to not admit they made a mistake.

But outside of that, there's been virtually no problems. Three Mile Island is frequently cited among nutters as an example of how dangerous nuclear can be despite multiple studies showing there were no significant health impacts as a result of it and it is the worst one (I believe) that has happened in the US. As for Fukushima, yeah it is quite possibly the 2nd worst nuclear disaster the world has seen (behind Chernobyl) but you had an earthquake and tsunami directly hitting an ancient reaction. And even then, if you look at the actual UN report on it, you'll see that the health effects are again likely not going to be that bad (outside of potentially 2 groups, the plant workers who had high exposure and very young kids who lived near the reactor). The following is a direct quote from the aforementioned report (emphasis mine):

The doses to the general public, both those incurred during the first year and estimated for their lifetimes, are generally low or very low. No discernible increased incidence of radiation-related health effects are expected among exposed members of the public or their descendants. The most important health effect is on mental and social well-being, related to the enormous impact of the earthquake, tsunami and nuclear accident, and the fear and stigma related to the perceived risk of exposure to ionizing radiation. Effects such as depression and post-traumatic stress symptoms have already been reported. Estimation of the occurrence and severity of such health effects are outside the Committee’s remit

So, yeah, for the average person decades of "Nuclear bad! Nuclear evil!" may well have a bigger health impact than the actual radiation.

ailurus 10 points ago +10 / -0

In the past week, the California Independent System Operator (ISO) told residents several times to voluntarily conserve energy, including asking them on social media to stop charging their electric vehicles (EVs) during peak usage times. The operator also warned users to “[avoid] use of large appliances and turning off extra lights."

"This usually happens in the evening hours when solar generation is going offline and consumers are returning home and switching on air conditioners, lights, and appliances,” wrote the ISO.

Man, if only there were energy options that didn't vary dramatically throughout the day in their output levels.

ailurus 8 points ago +8 / -0

If "trigger warning" is now triggering, how do I tell them that their use of "trigger warning" here triggers me?

ailurus 4 points ago +4 / -0

Though “conventional wisdom,” according to the catalog description of “Black Holes: Race and the Cosmos,” holds that the “‘black’ in black holes has nothing to do with race,” astronomy professor Nicholas Battaglia and comparative literature professor Parisa Vaziri know better.

**** off you lunatics. Black holes are called black holes because their gravity is sufficient that even light cannot escape and thus, as there is no light reflecting off of them, they are functionally black colored!

ailurus 4 points ago +4 / -0

Simple. They thought we needed to tax the rich more so more money could go to poor people.

I have been the constant advocate of an income tax along constitutional lines… I reiterate that through it only…will it ever be possible for the Government to be able to make idle wealth pay its just share of the ever-increasing burdens of taxation. source

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