ailurus 5 points ago +5 / -0

I've got a whole pile, but my main one is this:

The Reasonable Length amendment: Every piece of proposed legislation (state, federal, or local) must be made publicly available for comment for a length no less than 1 week for every 350 words in the bill. Any change to the bill - no matter how minor (even changing a single comma or something) - will result in the timer being reset.

ailurus 43 points ago +43 / -0

He hung himself with a bedsheet in prison 3 weeks later, a logical course of action since there he was basically guaranteed a death penalty or life imprisonment anyway.

From what I read, he tried to kill himself on the stage immediately afterwards, but was stopped. Sounds like he knew from the start what he was in for, but went ahead anyway.

ailurus 26 points ago +26 / -0

“This system works, but there has been an ethical flaw on the part of one or more health professionals. Someone made an impression of the QR code and circulated it voluntarily or by negligence,” the French government had said in response to the leak.

Yeah, I'm sure that the QR database won't get sold off on the darkweb, leading this to happen all over the place.

ailurus 22 points ago +22 / -0

Their website (archived, they don't need more traffic).

I've no idea how someone is that far gone, but apparently people are.

Both gone in terms of political obsession, and in terms of their ignorance of reality.

Biden Beer. It’s inoffensive, especially to women

I think that one deserves a big sniff.

ailurus 21 points ago +21 / -0

What is unusual voting activity?

Voting activity that doesn't result in the result they want, of course.

ailurus 5 points ago +5 / -0

Dean takahashi has left the chat in a huff

ailurus 9 points ago +9 / -0

I have no problem with them saying it is very rare. 1 in 3800 is, in fact, very rare.

However, the hospitalization rate for the virus among 18-29 year olds peaked ( according to the CDC ) at 6.3 per 100,000. Or, 0.24 per 3800. Which is even rarer - you are 4x more likely to get myocardiatis from the shot than you are to get sent to the hospital.

And since this whole mess started, Canada hasn't even hit even hit 100 deaths from people under 30 yet. So death is even even rarer.

Funny how they don't mention those risks as being super rare

ailurus 3 points ago +3 / -0

Same. Looking at the article, though, apparently Greta "HOW DARE YOU?!" is being considered for the peace prize this year, and that would be an even shakier case than Obama.

ailurus 8 points ago +8 / -0

If the modern-day left didn't have double standards they wouldn't have any standards at all. Seriously, I can't think of a single policy that doesn't have holes or contradictions in it big enough to drive a truck through.

ailurus 17 points ago +17 / -0

but then they blame it all on scaaary right-wingers as if it isn't leftists pushing to remove and censor any information that goes against their own narrative

Yeah, that's the problem with it. Who has been demanding stuff gets removed from the internet? Primarily the left. Who has been demanding people lose a voice? Primarily the left. Who decided that they should stick "fact checks" on anything and everything online? Primarily the left. Oh, and Internet Archive.

ailurus 47 points ago +47 / -0

Everything the pilot said was, seemingly 100% accurate.

The CDC is requiring me to say this.
The CDC's recommendations have gone back and forth.
The CDC is currently requiring you to wear masks.

If stating 3 factual things makes you freak out, then you're the freak.

Edit: and, apparently, the guy realized he was being an idiot and deleted everything.

ailurus 6 points ago +6 / -0

The mic got taken away for the same reason every mechanism of communication ends up getting taken away from the average person - people who want power have deemed that many other people simply having Wrong Opinions(tm) and thus should not be allowed to speak.

ailurus 12 points ago +12 / -0

What do you mean, up next? LA was having typhus cases back in 2019. Then with the WuFlu everyone stopped talking about it, but seems it is still around

ailurus 5 points ago +5 / -0

Not impossible, but I think it very unlikely given one of the sides seems most concerned about punishing those who disagree.

ailurus 5 points ago +5 / -0

We did not take the exit, though, and one wonders why.

Because they wanted to keep the power that the populace was willingly given them. I know everyone here has heard this hundreds of times, but it was never about the virus. It was always about control.

ailurus 31 points ago +31 / -0

The HR lady is a real piece of work, and if no action is taken by DDG (which it probably will not) is reason to switch.

But, the bit about "all your data is in their hands" is just fearmongering. Even if DDG is trying to collect PII (in direct violation of their stated policies) the absolute best they can have is "this IP address did this search at this time" which isn't that useful.

ailurus 13 points ago +13 / -0

This. I'll maybe give them some chemistry since a lot of them are probably high most of the day, but math has been under attack for years now as a tool of the heteronormative white supremicist colonizer patriarchial trumptards. Physics, I just don't think they notice. Unless you're at a very elementary level there it's not nearly flashy enough to attract their interest, and even doing the elementary stuff requires a level of logic, math and effort they're not capable of.

ailurus 5 points ago +5 / -0

Even Warhammer 3 is a huge unknown for me right now. The full product of Warhammer 2 is a really good game (at least the campaign, I've no MP experience) but there's a bunch of flags in it. The most obvious is the blatant DLC powercreep, most noticeable with Skaven - vanilla Skaven are utter crap, but if you can get the Ratling Guns or Brood Horrors and you can stomp pretty much anything without breaking a sweat. On top of that, there's so many issues that have been around for ages with minimal addressing (sieges, most melee being a joke, AI screwiness, etc.) that CA will say "yeah, yeah, we know" but have never done much about (though, maybe something will come with sieges in one of the Cathay announcements - they've said it will but shown nothing).

Plus, a lot of what has been announced for Warhammer 3 just seems unappealing. The "Kislev invading the realm of Chaos!" battle they showed was just a tower-defense like thing and thoroughly meh. For me personally I have minimal interest in playing as one of the Chaos factions, so a ton of the content just disappears there. Kislev's roster was turned into "LOL, ICE AND BEARS! DON'T YOU LIKE BEARS AND ICE? IT'S A MAGIC ICE SLED PULLED BY A BEAR!". That just leaves Cathay, which is mostly getting made up from scratch. And, in their blog post about the Cathay legendary lord they've been highlighting for the last week or two, the lead writer described her as compelling because "she is the eldest daughter trying to prove her worth to her father against jealous siblings." So, girl power in a grand strategy game.

Will see how things shake out, but for me it's increasingly looking like "wait a few years for it to get into the discount bin as a complete package". Assuming the Chaos Dwarves do get added in as DLC, and that is good, it might get me to pick it up sooner (I love those little guys and their crazy hats and artillery), but will have to see.

ailurus 17 points ago +18 / -1

The measure states that health-care providers have a statutory right to provide, and patients have a right to receive,

No, they do not. Even if this wasn't about killing kids, they do not. This positive rights BS just keeps getting worse. You don't have a right to receive anything from anyone. Not an abortion. Not health care in general. Not rent. Not a phone. Not even a freakin cookie or crumb of bread.

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