ailurus 2 points ago +3 / -1

But here's the question. Would we be allowed to say the same thing about jews in nazi Germany?

Apparently you're not allowed to say it about Muslims. He's been hit with a 2-week ban on Twitch.

ailurus 4 points ago +4 / -0

Finding groups is hard to resolve, but I'd recommend going back to the people you were playing with before and see if they are open to new systems, or checking game stores in your area (if there are any) to see if there are people who might want to play with non-D&D settings. (This has the advantage of filtering out a ton of the tourists who think it is just D&D - if they can't get beyond that, then they were probably worth losing but if they are willing to give other systems a try there's a good chance they are worth playing with).

As for other systems, it depends on what type of setting you want. If you have more specifics about that, might be able to recommend some systems but on a general note I'd say anything that has the potential for more of a horror vibe tends to be avoided by explicitly woke companies, and a lot of the woke players will tend to want to avoid them either (even if the more horror-focused elements aren't used).

ailurus 3 points ago +3 / -0

Slow zombies for sure.

As with others here, I do think they make more sense than fast zombies. But, even without that, slow zombies are better for stories. Anything you want to do with fast zombies there's almost certainly some other setting-appropriate monster that can be subbed in. Shamblers, on the other hand, are one of the only traditional things out there that can fill the "slow moving horde of death that is more a force of nature than a bunch of monsters" role. Even just a couple shamblers showing up is almost like a warning of a storm approaching, whereas a couple fast zombies (from a story beat PoV) is not that different than a few orcs showing up as scouts of the orc army.

ailurus 2 points ago +2 / -0

There's a huge number of questions before an accurate answer can be given, and you horribly skewed the question, but the answer is generally "yes".

But some of the most basic questions:

  1. You phrase it as $10, but we're realistically talking $3500 per year, because feeding the guy for just one day is useless. Are we also giving him housing? Medical care? Clothing? Where do we stop? Long's UBI plan, if it were inflation-adjusted, would mean giving him $46000 per year annually.

  2. What makes the poor man "deserving", and what makes the billionaire's money undeserved? Or rather, who decides what "deserving" and "undeserving" is? Because if you gave most left politicians in the Western world control over it "deserved" would mean not-white-male and undeserving would mean white-male. But on a more practical level, what restrictions are there on what the poor man can spend money on before he is no longer deserving? And what is he allowed to do with his time before he no longer counts as deserving? Similarly, does the fact that Musk and Ellison made their money through providing useful goods and services make them more or less deserving of keeping it than someone like Buffet who made it playing the stock market or Zuckerberg, Paige and Brin who made it through selling ads?

  3. You do know the money you think is there isn't, right, and you have no sense of economics or scale? Go ahead, liquidate all of the assets of the 10 richest people in the US, and redistribute it evenly to everyone in the country. Do you know how much money everyone gets? Assuming that:

a) you actually recover all the money (which you won't because most of it is tied up in investments which will crater in value once you start "redistributing" it) and

b) the government doesn't take their usual cut of the money (and they almost certainly will want their share, either when selling/seizing the assets or from the money going to the people - likely both) and

c) the online figures for the US population are accurate, then

everyone in the country gets a 1-time check for..... $4,423.51. Now, sure, I wouldn't say no to a 4k check, and it would probably (briefly) help a lot of people. But that is basically the average rent payment for one month in NYC. Congratulations on your massive accomplishment! You just cratered the entire US economy and reduced the retirement accounts of every single working person in the US to basically toilet paper to pay a couple months rent! And most of the people you gave the checks to (many of whom likely spent most of it on a shopping spree - look at what people did with their Covid stimulus money) are probably clamoring for you to give them another check now. So you need to liquidate more people, and more people, and more people, etc. Which leads to:

  1. Given that virtually every single tax that has ever been proposed throughout the entirety of human history has been scaled "down" to take money from more and more people over time, the most relevant question is actually

How much are you personally willing to pay to someone you never met but who the government claims is more deserving of your money than you are? And at what point do you consider it theft? And who are you to tell other people when they should consider it theft?

ailurus 12 points ago +13 / -1

Dude, Long was decomposing in the ground for two and a half YEARS before the Anschluss even happened. Hitler had only been chancellor for about 18 months when this assassination happened.

In 1935, most politicians in the world were ok with if not outright friendly to Hitler. Heck, in 1937, FDR's administration was formally apologizing to Germany after the mayor of NYC called Hitler a brown-shirted fanatic.

Plus, Long wasn't even in the Senate for 3 years before he got shot. It was another 4 years from his assassination to the invasion of Poland.

Was Long on the more isolationist side in 1935 when he got shot? Looks like it. Would he have stayed an isolationist over the next four years (or, 6 years if we go out to 1941 when FDR entered the war)? Who knows.

What you are saying is that a politician was murdered by someone to prevent him from maybe unseating a popular, sitting president in his own party to increase the chances of the US getting involved in a war which was still four years from even starting. You do know that, right? Loosen the tinfoil hat a bit.

ailurus 15 points ago +15 / -0

Yeah. I hadn't heard of this before, but on reading about Long

Poised to run for president on his “Share Our Wealth” platform, Long was assassinated in 1935 at the age of 42.

And that "share our wealth" program (as if the name isn't bad enough) included gems such as maximum income caps, free education, UBI, and more.

He blamed the mass suffering on a capitalist system run amok and feared that impending civil unrest threatened the democracy.

Dude sounds like a raging commie, even if he was an anti-interventionist.

(Edit - Plus, there's a big difference between an anti-interventionist in 1935 and in 1939/1940)

ailurus 30 points ago +31 / -1

Yeah. Calling it "surprisingly political and very timely" suggests that it is poorly-disguised Orange Man Bad! Diversity Good! propaganda.

ailurus 25 points ago +25 / -0

This is different from having a roommate, Reese added, who can move out of a shared household any minute, whenever they choose.

In this fake "marriage", what's to stop the other person from leaving whenever they want to, especially when it

could also simply be a spoken agreement

In a legitimate marriage, it can all end in an instant when someone (usually the woman) declares it "over". At least with a roommate, you have the person's name on the lease for the rest of the term, and that usually holds up in court.

This is just a cucking fetish with extra steps and legal liability.

ailurus 5 points ago +5 / -0

Or hoping their ratings will spike again as they spend four years posting "look what evil thing the President did!" again.

ailurus 6 points ago +6 / -0

Don't forget that he warned us about private companies bombarding the Earth with moon rocks!

ailurus 17 points ago +17 / -0

one of only five fully operational ships

So, you had 5 operational ships in your entire navy, and at least one of them is not a warship but a service ship. Honestly, I think lesbian captains is the least of their problems, at least when compared to the nutters in the government.

ailurus 12 points ago +12 / -0


If someone wants to stab you, swinging a coat at them won't even slow them down.

Step 1: Grab the coat as it is flying at you, rather than covering your face

Step 2: Yank on coat.

Step 3a: If step 2 fails to get the coat out of the grasp of the doctor, you have his arm extended, and thus have a perfect target for your first hit

Step 3b: If step 2 succeeded in getting the coat out of the doctor's hand, commence with your original stabbing plan.

ailurus 17 points ago +17 / -0

Even doing business with the US is potentially hazardous. At least, if the State Department decides to overthrow your government to get cheaper bananas.

ailurus 4 points ago +4 / -0

This. Enough with forced AI integration. If someone wants AI in their browser, or in their OS, or wherever else, fine. But don't force it down everyone's throats. If you absolutely must stick an AI (or rather, data harvesting) thing in your program, at least make it optional or completely uninstallable for those who don't want or need it.

ailurus 11 points ago +11 / -0

Excellent report, but I take issue with him at 2:20. If there is someone who actually believes this is negligence rather than intentional, I have a few dozen bridges to sell that person.

ailurus 11 points ago +11 / -0

Frankly, this. Anyone still working at the Washington Post is either too stupid to know what the company they work for does, or is ideologically possessed.

Either ditch the "Democracy Dies in Darkness" tagline, replacing it with "DNC Propaganda Outlet", or start commenting on the actual current state of government and we'll talk - maybe.

ailurus 10 points ago +10 / -0

Probably all of the above. But, as someone who teaches programming, so many people have a massive hate-boner when it comes to C and C derivatives it's just absurd.

ailurus 3 points ago +3 / -0

Wonder if the Costco was an intentional choice, or just a coincidence. With influencers and now politicians shilling their own product brands, I can't help but feel that we're yet another step (or multiple steps) closer to "Welcome to Costco, I love you"

ailurus 5 points ago +5 / -0

While I would agree with you about the job market, have to wonder if part of this is a case of way too much kool-aid consumption. Maybe they've printed DNC lies about this being the best economy ever so many times they started to believe them?

ailurus 52 points ago +52 / -0

Asked about Hungary’s plan, commission spokeswoman Anitta Hipper said: “It is unacceptable...., it will also undermine the security of the Schengen area as a whole,”

As usual, it suddenly becomes a security issue once the people mandating the policy would be impacted. Orban, I say double the size of the convoy.

ailurus 9 points ago +9 / -0

somebody with Routh’s same full name and date of birth

Oh come on! "Well the guy has the exact same name, same birthday and lives in the same state, but it totally might be a different guy!"

ailurus 1 point ago +1 / -0

There's different levels of community servers. The way you're describing it, I haven't played on anything like that in years (likely decades). Playing on private servers with friends, do that a bunch. Limit access to people you know and people they trust, if someone starts being a douche then boot (which I've really only had come up once).

That said, I will acknowledge that I pretty much never do PvP stuff, just co-op/PvE. So, if you're looking for constant PvP matches with something then, yeah, inviting in a half dozen or less friends to the server will probably not work out too well.

ailurus 13 points ago +13 / -0
  1. First, why are you taking what the DoJ says on face value? How many "Muh Russia!" hoaxes have we had now?

  2. Are you seriously expecting youtubers to backtrack all of the finances of everyone they ever work with?

  3. Building off 2, how would anyone short of a massive multinational corporation with an army of attorneys and accountants even do that? But, hey, it's a basic rule so I'm sure you'll be happy to provide us with a full list of the steps you've personally taken for every financial interaction you've had for, say, the last decade.

And, even if this is 100% a Russian Propaganda operation to warp the minds of poor innocent Americans (which I don't), and even if we accept that all of those youtubers could and should have been reasonably expected to perform a full audit of Tenant's books (which I don't), there's been multiple reports of Kamala paying influencers to shill for her campaign. So what's the issue here? Show me the legal statue which says "It is a crime for you to receive money from a Russian". Oh, wait, the DoJ doesn't charge the youtubers with anything! It charges a couple Russians with money laundering and violating the Foreign Agents Registration act.

It's 100% obvious what is going on here. The DoJ cooked up something (maybe legitimate, maybe entirely faked) to slander and try to shut down well-known online personalities because they're not 100% parroting the line that Washington wants them to take. And if you seriously don't expect the same thing to happen to Dank, the Lotus Eaters and every other online personality soon, you are hopelessly naive.

Anyway, I'll wait for your full list of steps for an average person to cheaply and easily perform a full audit on the books of every company they ever do business with, since it's an easy and basic rule.

Edit: It's also worth noting that THIS is what the DoJ is spending time on, when some of the main oil fields in the US are literally getting raided by Cuban and Venezuelan gangsters. Yeah, I get it, different people work on different things, but when a major story is "more Russian Propaganda! Be afraid of those evil right-wingers!" when oil fields are being robbed and sabotaged and no major outlet talks about it should also make it pretty clear what's going on here.

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