acp_k2win 10 points ago +10 / -0

Like I said before, our choices are the jew party or the gayniggerwoman party (also the jew party).

acp_k2win -3 points ago +3 / -6

picard season 3 didn't totally suck, it wasnt good and it relied on memberberries but Jack ended up being an actually good character

acp_k2win 8 points ago +8 / -0

Its women.

The more women who are allowed input into a project, the worse it gets. This applies to everything, not just entertainment.

acp_k2win 21 points ago +21 / -0

If the man is attractive enough he can do whatever he wants and women will see it positively.

If the man isn't attractive it doesn't matter what he does, women will twist it to justify their rejection of him.

Anything to avoid taking responsibility for their preferences.

acp_k2win 15 points ago +15 / -0

Women wanted daddy government to make the boys let the girls into boys-only clubhouses.

Well this is what happens when you use social pressure to force the denial reality because the way things really are makes you sad.

Enjoy these ghouls in your changing rooms ladies. There is NOWHERE you can go to get away from them now. And if you complain about it, you lose your job and maybe go to jail. MUHAHAHAHA!

acp_k2win 11 points ago +13 / -2

We can't go back into the matrix.

I now realize a lot of the stuff I liked before was not only propaganda but basically pornography and makes me disgusted. Black Sails, Spartacus, the first few seasons of Game of Thrones. The genre I jokingly called "tits and stabbings".

I did finally get around to watching sopranos recently and loved most of it. My hypothesis is I didn't like it when it first came out because I identified with the weak and cowardly men who were being intimidated and victimized, and not with the relatively competent wise guys who are just trying to run their business. Its funny to watch cultural cues I wouldn't have caught, like AJ reading "Peoples History of the United States" for school, which I now know is commie revisionism, and he turns into a whiny lib.

Now I give stuff a chance but the first sign of homos or "racial issues" or women getting too uppity I nope out. Which means I can't watch almost anything modern.

acp_k2win 5 points ago +5 / -0

Exception: The Netflix Daredevil series was pretty good and that started in 2015, and even the worst parts (Electra) are high art compared to anything made more recently.

acp_k2win 41 points ago +42 / -1

A fun way to make them jump through hoop is whenever anyone complains about religion you repeat it back them and replace "religion" and "religious people" with judaism and jews.

Religious people are irrational

Why do you think jews are irrational?

Then comes the backpedaling.

acp_k2win 6 points ago +6 / -0

It is a pretext for violence. They also throw "pedo" around a lot because the subverted media refuses to report that beaners are counted as White when it comes to who commits crimes.

acp_k2win 1 point ago +1 / -0

There is a passage in Mein Kampf that tangentially talks about this. Uncle H concluded that to strengthen a people you want to maximize births and minimize any social measures aimed at lowering mortality rates.

Though it makes sense it would be rough to see half of your kids die of scarlet fever or whatever.

acp_k2win 9 points ago +9 / -0

For decades now the "justice" system of western nations has been perverted from its original purpose of keeping order, to punishing any Whites who resist the regime.

Do you think blacks care about going to prison at all? It is summer camp for them.

acp_k2win 7 points ago +7 / -0

they wont let in blacks except for possibly a few celebrities in under very controlled circumstances for propaganda purposes

acp_k2win 24 points ago +24 / -0

I havent heard anything about it like I did about hogwarts legacy.

Is it because you play as a monkey man and that makes them think of their pet negros?

acp_k2win 3 points ago +4 / -1

Nearly a decade after moving to a 95%+ White area I saw my first jeet in the wild yesterday.

Needless to say, I was disappointed.

acp_k2win 3 points ago +3 / -0

Last ubi game I bought was Blood Dragon.

acp_k2win 24 points ago +24 / -0

After reading atlas shrugged in high school i briefly got interested in the libertarian party. Then I actually looked at them and even as a teenager realized these guys were a bunch of unserious wankers.

So way head of you buddy, I've been ignoring them for decades now.

acp_k2win 10 points ago +11 / -1

our options are the jew party or the gayniggerwomen party...

I'm starting to have doubts about this whole democracy thing.

acp_k2win 15 points ago +15 / -0

You get one vote for being a man who owns property. You get one vote for being a combat veteran. And if you are in either of those categories you get another vote for each of your sons.

acp_k2win 2 points ago +2 / -0

Your talking points are so toxic that they drive away interest in right-wing spaces and in right-wing movements.


c'mon bro, stop talking about jews bro, its driving people away bro

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