You_Are_Based 1 point ago +1 / -0

Consuming useless or subversive media is deeply inside of the narrative for normies and extremists on both sides. Normies who flockwatch Current Thing are not unaware that they are consuming media with messaging. They talk and think about it and it occupies their mind. Politically awakened people, often called authoritarians, have "our opponents are being brainwashed" and "our opponents are mindless consumer" narratives all over the spectrum, left and right, because most people are basically the same and our divisions are mostly paper mind tricks. But anyway it's basically a ubiquitous narrative.

You_Are_Based 1 point ago +1 / -0

Deleting this post since I can now see individual posts on the scored.co url

You_Are_Based 21 points ago +21 / -0

Last I heard a representative of the firm called it an "accounting error" lol so they're gonna try to squirm on it and maybe pull off some "crying out in pain as they strike" while they're at it.

You_Are_Based 2 points ago +2 / -0

Wikipedia... is le not a source and therefore "you shilled wikipedia" is not an argument in regard to the subject matter. You can repeat it all you want, but I'm the only one reading and I don't respect you.

I can tell you how to find the pdf if you're interested in arguing about, like, something that could be construed as an argument. I said I was charitable!

You_Are_Based 2 points ago +2 / -0

Let's skip a few posts. If you had a PDF of the book in question and of the code for libel in the USA, would that be meaningful to you or affect your natural biases or your opinion on any of the subject matter in any way?

You_Are_Based 2 points ago +2 / -0

you used it as a source hurr durr

Lol it is a quote from a book. The very first words in the text explain the source. You displayed zero interest in that.

I can only imagine what your rationale for responding is at this point beyond impotently convincing yourself you won le internet argument or pretending to be retarded to waste my time.

You_Are_Based 2 points ago +2 / -0

I'm glad that it makes sense in-game and isn't random. Very nice list lol.

You_Are_Based 2 points ago +2 / -0

Lol okay I won't say that's good but there is a certain charm to it. When I was a little high school cretin post-hardcore was a thing and I fondly remember bands with songs named like, "I Didn't Say I Was Powerful, I Said I Was a Wizard"

You_Are_Based 2 points ago +2 / -0

Wikipedia is not a source, it's an aggregate and I'd been trying to direct the conversation toward the source the entire time. You are so verbose it's hard to believe you are actually that stupid, which is why I call it pilpul, which puts you at being like every two out of a hundred people.

You_Are_Based 2 points ago +2 / -0

In crypto part of what an investor looks at is how its minted. This is why mining was popular. Anyone who could mine got in on a share of the new mint entering the economy. I bring it up because with US dollars, we pay jews to print the dollars, then we borrow and reborrow the same money with interest twice over if we want that money to make a pit stop before it circles back to jews. This creates a net negative economy of debt (read: goyim slavery) as the interest is not minted: more debt exists than currency and there is zero chance for everyone to be out of debt ever.

You_Are_Based 4 points ago +4 / -0

Horizon zero dawn dead

Naming conventions for games have suffered along with every other convention for like 15 years now

You_Are_Based 9 points ago +9 / -0

When I was into crypto I learned it costs like $1500 to get a mid range youtuber to simply say whatever you want. It is a prostitution/marketing website.

You_Are_Based 4 points ago +4 / -0

I frontloaded my point so that others would see it at a decent place in the comment chain. It was a charitable post that provided you with an opportunity to turn leaf and enter an honest discussion. The universe is always offering that to people like you. You choose to ignore that and stick to your initial pilpul, but that is expected and not my problem.

You_Are_Based 3 points ago +4 / -1

did you just heckin post heckin wikipedia

Did you just heckin neglect to include a heckin argument?

is that your defense

Not on trial.

dude weed

Waste some other goy's time.

You_Are_Based 3 points ago +5 / -2

I don't agree with this. There are plenty of jewish who have nothing to do with anything, and they have something in common with us in that their future and prosperity have been put on the table as a bet in a game played by psychopaths.

You_Are_Based 2 points ago +2 / -0

I tend to browse /tv/ and read threads about the sci fi shows I've seen, and the gay black doctor has made it basically impossible for Who-ites to have a decent thread for like a month straight now lol.

You_Are_Based 7 points ago +7 / -0

It happens to be a landing pad for escaping censorship (the arete.network domain) as well as being a tool that allows users to hold moderators to some level of accountability, so it makes perfect sense that the je- I mean, that the jannies, wouldnt like it

You_Are_Based 4 points ago +4 / -0

Thank you for this post and recommendation. Idk if I wanna buy a book on it (or pirate from a decent publisher) but maybe I'll come around to it... since it sounds like something full of information that would improve my kung fu.

You_Are_Based 6 points ago +7 / -1

Hey didn't we already skip these middle-posts at the beginning of my last post? That was supposed to save us both time, cat.


Tough titty, cat. It's a list of claims and sources. If you're not questioning the claim or source itself you might as well not wax No True Scott about a website they appeared in.

I think your non-reply on whether the PDF would be significant to you answers both of our questions about natural motive, if you think about it. I lack the motive to talk about it much more than I already have.

You_Are_Based 15 points ago +16 / -1

Let's skip a few posts. If you had a PDF of the book in question and of the code for libel in the USA, would that be meaningful to you or affect your natural biases or your opinion on any of the subject matter in any way?

I was not born with the opinions I have. It's easy to be a curious person from my position. Far from being some kind of violation, Rule 16ing my race and accusing us of a worldwide "intertemporal" conspiracy based on ethnicity was a core aspect of my entire education about myself from childhood to degree.

That's the starting point and the motive to learn more and move on from that position is natural, just as someone who happened to be on the other side of the pond would have a perfectly natural motive to deny, discredit, or simply ignore the very same information. I see it as a ying and yang deal and a perfectly mundane example of reality being plain and obvious.

You_Are_Based 22 points ago +24 / -2

Are you challenging the veracity of the source? Let me think, maybe the converted jewish author of the book deliberately misquoted the gentle, Christian-loving pornographer Mr. Goldstein, making him seem evil, wrongfully, before getting his permission to print the misquote and attribute it directly to him?

You_Are_Based 1 point ago +1 / -0

If I make a really shitty pb&j sandwich it's still categorically a pb&j sandwich, even if you might protest that it is well below the traditional standards of sandwichhood

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