You_Are_Based 18 points ago +18 / -0

Also, headline not seen:

NPR Quits Accepting Government Subsidy After Labeled 'State-Affiliated Media'

You_Are_Based 27 points ago +27 / -0

How INTERESTING that they decided to leave instead of proving in court that Twitter deliberately defamed them by lying with the intention of causing damages. Interesting since that's exactly how they frame it, which would make it illegal. It's almost as though their own lawyers agree that a court would agree that they are State Affiliated Media

You_Are_Based 1 point ago +1 / -0

Made me smile lol

You_Are_Based 6 points ago +6 / -0

It's true in a way that he is a gay icon, because they draw lots of pornography obsessing with a twinked up Link. But that doesn't have anything to do with in-game themes or story elements. This author has obviously not played Legend of Zelda.

The series HAS infused a certain character with sexuality. Not even in dialog, at least not directly, but in spirit and moxie, and that's Midna, and it's one of those hetero japanese "infinitely old demon in the body of a 2ft tall cat girl" things. There is something to critique there. At least the seed of something. There's also the matter of the great fairies dancing and jubilating before our hero, tied to a reward for the hero, driving the playee to seek out their, ahem, gifts. But noooooo, globohomo calls for revisionism in culture, globohomo calls for gay icons, and globohomo receives.

Tingle has not done anything gay and I'll die on that hill. He's a real fairy dammit.

You_Are_Based 15 points ago +15 / -0

But I thought drugs were le not bad?? :o

You_Are_Based 2 points ago +2 / -0

I never once heard of comicsgate. When gamergate happened it was so viral that it temporarily took over the forums I hung out to such an extent that I could hardly have avoided learning something about it even if I wanted to avoid it

You_Are_Based 11 points ago +11 / -0

Idk, if it showed the sheep transforming in the second panel, from his politicolor back to natural color, it would be a pretty accurate comic.

The sheep IS allowed in the church, which should help him REPENT and teach him about Jesus. The church is wrong to say "you really are a hedon deep down inside and you are not allowed" because a core tenant is that we are all sinners and Jesus gave us a clear path to repentance. You and I have sinned too... would the church tell us we can't be or become Christians, if they knew? The whole thing is that, save the details, the church already knows, and that is why it's there. Its only real excuse to exist is to honor, nurture, and kindle the direct connection between you and Jesus, which exists independently of them on Jesus' own word.

So Jesus would walk with the rejected sheep, but, since He isn't some beta buddy who tags along to give you the thumbs up every time you act in a self destructive way, the sheep as depicted in the first panel would undergo a change. Being a comic, a visual change, and he is only drawn via shape and color, and he has to retain the sheep shape, so, he would fade in color. To red? To black? To brown? Hmmm ;)

You_Are_Based 4 points ago +4 / -0

I'm not a lefty socialist but Morello's fakery still pisses me off. I suppose I should wish they were all like that, though, bc then we could shut down communism simply by ruining expensive coffee shop culture.

You_Are_Based 4 points ago +4 / -0

No one plays the gay versions. Theyre riding the wave of the movie to try and drum buzz.

What globohomo doesnt get is that every property it ruins reminds countless people of how much they miss a society ran by White males. Younger consoomers fantasize about being part of things when they were new and good, and come up with any pussyfooting reasons they can to vent about how shitty things are today without addressing WHY.

All culture war sub-news will get them is a pump in the resell value of rulebooks written by White males, and a sense of longing for the past.

You_Are_Based 4 points ago +4 / -0

That's okay plenty of Christians are quite anxious for Jesus to come back down to planet Earth.

You_Are_Based 2 points ago +2 / -0

I mostly agree with everything you say here. I think I missed that you were trying not to umbrella all these things.

You_Are_Based 6 points ago +6 / -0

Have you considered you are experiencing a major dunning-Kruger moment as regards turn based strategy and its countless millions of fans? Not every turn based game is balanced like Pokemon or Paper Mario.

You_Are_Based 8 points ago +8 / -0

And I am not commenting on his ethnicity. As you can see, I refrain from doing so in this comment. Yup. If there were any sort of things to notice about them, you wouldn't be reading it in my comment here.

You_Are_Based 7 points ago +7 / -0

crowdfund my country's national security brah

We have reached something I lack the experience to define

You_Are_Based 10 points ago +10 / -0

This makes me reflect on myself in terms of authoritarianism vs liberalism. If it were up to me I would just flat out ban insects and insect derived product from food product, to protect people from globohomies. That's saying "we are NOT free to do x" though. And I have no scruples with that. People wouldn't riot in favor of bugs in their food, therefore bye-bye bugs. I am convinced the American govt and all globohomie govts behave exactly on this rationale, but from a perspective from which they are motivated to harm native cutlures instead of acting to protect.

You_Are_Based 15 points ago +15 / -0

Plot twist: she never took it off the burner, it just whistled until there was no water left and she got mad.

You_Are_Based 22 points ago +22 / -0

Gosh, you think it's morally wrong- even reprehensible- to pretend to be another race for the sole purpose of disparaging or misleading them? We should give this action a name like, say, shapeshifting, and actively discuss examples of it :)

You_Are_Based 24 points ago +24 / -0

It hurts. I don't care much about blockbuster itself but life used to so much better when I was young, and it's not just childhoodglasses.

You_Are_Based 2 points ago +2 / -0

Compared to the battery degradation I have experienced on my cheapo android phones over the years it has done very well. It doesn't get much use though. It's the best "player of appstore bullshit" in the house but it collects dust for periods of time. Last time I used it regularly I was playing a port of Planescape: Torment. If I ran a business it would be half of my point of sale terminal and I would thank heavens I had it but the thing is otherwise a big expensive time waster. Its main function could definitely be to keep up with the Johnsons.

You_Are_Based 6 points ago +6 / -0

They perceive social clout. I won a fancy ipad in a contest a while back. It was and still is my most impressive mobile device in many ways and has stayed lightning quick with solid battery. But even after all the things I have used it for, I still wouldnt buy one. Even a used one, even to replace it. It is just too much money. I can get it done worse for like $100 and I am very comfortable with worse in this context.

Also doing anything outside of apple's will on the thing is a PITA. Android is much more flexible. But then, a real computer is better, and 99% of the time you can safely bet the farm that if I want to do something like that I'm sitting on my butt at home with access to a slew of machines and operating systems. It's sad because it takes apple's nice high quality device and puts it at the bottom of the barrel, despite prices to compete with gpu-equipped desktop computers.

You_Are_Based 15 points ago +15 / -0

Weird, none of it is for justice for my race. Bad luck, I suppose.

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