You_Are_Based 1 point ago +2 / -1

You realize that being a normie is about accepting whatever narratives are safest, the ones distributed to you by the state and talking head classes. You made an argument in this post based on gas chamber holocaust claims being true, realistic, possible. You're a normie and typing these things in large walls of text does not change that. It sounds like I'm insulting you. Im not. I'm being a factor more kind and helpful to you than some in this thread, to whom your normietude is an accessory.

You_Are_Based 8 points ago +8 / -0

I've only known one type of person to use that phrase lol

You_Are_Based 4 points ago +4 / -0

Reptile-like brains, you are thinking of the reptile brain. Chimp brain is more like "GIBS ME DAT reeee oooga booga booga WUZ"

You_Are_Based 2 points ago +2 / -0

They ruined it and they can cry. They chose to be political and now if they do what's required to grift me back into buying le product, it would cause a counter boycott from the Rule 16s on an institutional level.

They don't sell time machines so, yknow, too bad. Everything ends at some point. A lot more will end than some brand, some beer megacoorporation, some czar's child. It's sad but its basically determined by game logic and its by design. In the end it's Rule 16's rule-sixteening Rule 16's with the lives of normal people seen as tools and animal collateral.

You_Are_Based 6 points ago +9 / -3

Replying separately instead of editing to add that I' shaking my fucking head at the mod of a gamergate forum who would rather ban users for badmouthing women than let le heckin hatred spread.

How long did the forum collectively spend bitching about the nonexistence of hate speech, coping with gamergaters being treated as a hate group, and about how the mods at reddit were selectively deleting posts and enforcing rules?

Are you smelling what I'm cooking, here? Seriously. It is all just so transparent and clear and cyclical.

Yknow people change over time and sometimes they discover they feel differently about stuff than they thought they did. Sometimes they find that suddenly they no longer fuckin belong! It is sad and yet majestic, it's life and growth and in my opinion it could fill the body of "goodbye cruel forum" letter that would leave free human expression enjouers everywhere teary eyed.

You_Are_Based 3 points ago +5 / -2

charges were filed against this total dood and therefore authorities are absolved in the matter of claims of bias

If world class propagandists cant pull it off with the general public what makes you think the effort is so appropriate with gamergaters. Why not release the Imp and then allow people to commit thought crime?

If your opinion is that decorum (as seen by you) trumps expression, then why do you feel it is appropriate to be a mod here where the values are completely inverted from that?

I sound capricious saying so but reddit is n dire need of mods with values that jive with yours and there is a vacuum there. It feels like you fled to escape exactly what you are doing. You wanted to badmouth women and trannies at a level that reddit suppressed and you moved here, where people want to badmouth jews at a level that you suppress. It is hypocritical.

You_Are_Based 16 points ago +17 / -1

Ah so it's race wide but not gender wide, because attacking half of humanity for your sexual frustration is a-ok, but discussing the actual humans that actually own x, y, z, well less than 2% the population, is blaming an entire race for a racewide conspilpul pilpul pilpul pilpul and therefore banned

Oh AND you're an evil stormcuck! Yes, from our "name blame and hate literally half of humanity" moral high chair, we look down our noses at you dirty "angry at the actual actions of the actual owner" scum and your dirty >2%-blamer ways! These "you can just literally look up their names lmao" stormcucks have no moral or intellectual standing!

Interestingly enough, the effect is apparent in plain sight here. A user who represents less than 2% of this forum considers himself the owner, maintains a system of entirely personal ethnicity driven preference, and would rather you blame something like 50%of the users for discussing plain reality.

Also, this one guy (I think it's just him, here?) is gonna become more odious as his tribe loses the war on the internet proper, eventually bringing you to Great Awakening levels of cringe and policing in order to maintain the political narratives they selectively manufacture, unless it is all forcibly eschewed by some populist mechanism.

oh uh, all the above an individual basis, tho, of course, in accordance to the rule

You_Are_Based 12 points ago +12 / -0

You lack standing to close your own border you lack standing to count your own votes. Lmao. You just know a hot 2.0 is coming at some stage, all it will take is 1 human governer

by folx
You_Are_Based 9 points ago +9 / -0


You_Are_Based 11 points ago +11 / -0

Le Morte D'Arthur (compiled from common stories by professional insurrectionist and criminal superstar Thomas Malory from a dusty prison cell) is one of my favorite books. I do not recall it once even acknowledging the existence of non-White persons.

It treated men from anywhere outside of the Arthursphere as simultaneously alien and European. The narrative treated knights as being in strange and exotic situations any time they spoke to another White man from even a very slightly non-English or French setting. Rather than tell English lore about Africans who are not English, the narrative prefers to create a new, totally fictional kingdom of White europeans whose foremost traits are how strange and exotic they as White men are to the other Also White men.

The word "black" in the book is synonymous with "bad", "dark", or "evil" and is only used in this way except perhaps to describe the physical color of an object. The word fair is used often, and for its every meaning; "light" and "dainty" as well as "equal" and "just", and also is used directly to describe the skin of many women, in order to suggest to the reader that the woman is desirable.

After reading 300 pages of Mallory, if you came across the phrase "black man" (which you won't) you would assume it was a person with white skin who was involved in very bad things and possibly evil magic, i.e. a moral foil to actual Merlin who exists in the Euro cultural miasma.

You_Are_Based 3 points ago +3 / -0

Idk for whom that post title is framed. I would respect a politician lot more if he ran a hard right website. He might even totally deserve this for being a middle line cuck and effectively threatening to nix a real conservative vote. At least based on the totality of what I know about him, which is that he doesnt run a hard right website and might be interested in proving that he doesnt.

You_Are_Based 4 points ago +5 / -1

Their culture is different because they are different, and it always will be, but the gap in the difference is filled by jews. They wedge and expand it until both sides are pushed to opposite extremes and into total sin.

You_Are_Based 6 points ago +6 / -0

Oh no oh pooey, that's just terrible. So tragic. I wonder if there's, idk, something that could be done to the military to immunize it against such attitudes (which the majority of people have quite literally always had) and such laws (that have existed in some form since the Revolution).

GAD ZOOKS Ive got it! What if the military weren't so fucking gay?

You_Are_Based 9 points ago +9 / -0

Don't mind him. The context of your post topically excluded White females and reflected negatively on a jewish man. It's basically an honor thing for him.

You_Are_Based 6 points ago +6 / -0

They can fudge the user numbers so that barely matters. They were caught providing numbers to advertisers that didnt match up to info provided to users.

When it comes to the actual material hosted on the site, it is either compliant with globohomo or it isnt. There is no fudging it. Even if a shill wrote it, it's there, it's "real", and the metric Reddit has tended to in order to survive globohomo is such material's prevalence over genuine user material i.e. wrongthink

You_Are_Based 3 points ago +4 / -1

It's worth noting I didnt get past step one yet.

Step two is to is to almost fully attach digital orders to physical shipments of cases and game cards.

"Wah wah the expense" bro most of us are old enough to know, if we look back and think, that they transitioned from retail to digital right after essentially raping the corpse body of anti-trust and competition law, by coordinating with 2 other companies to raise all game prices by 10%+ all in the same month or so.

So they do that, and keeping those prices across all 3 companies, and all 3 IMMEDIATELY lean hard to satan-drm infested digital copies, which take ZERO production or retail cost.

You have any clue how much they shelled out for all that shelf space they hardly need anymore? How much for distribution and logistics contracts and so forth and so on? Kept the physical prices. Did you a sneaky.

Then for good measure they went in and dusted off IP's they couldnt be fucked to actually work on in the last 30 years and plugged em into their new, underpowered app-store-portal devices, and immediately went to biftching about piracy, wah wah, how could this happen to us. Eat a bag of dicks Nintendo.

You_Are_Based 4 points ago +5 / -1

If they would take their online store strategy and pricing and bring it somewhere into same quadrant of galaxies as our real lives take place in, I'd have more sympathy.

As it is, I would rather donate to some uncouth website than pay $20 for what id basically a temporary usage rights license for some NES game that was created (and made easily accessible) before many of the current crop of developers were even old enough to ride a bike.

Want me to buy hardware and then buy all the heavy hitter games for it? One, act like I own the device. It is not a nintendo wizoopi; it is MY silly gadget that I bought with MY money and bc of that I can do what I want with it, even if you have decided to reinvest profits into FIGHTING ME.

"Even if" Meaning nintendo can become my enemy in this and fight """piracy""" with every iota of strength in their precious little occidental hearts and the result is that I will either wait 6 months and cuck your ass for free, instantly with zero effort... or I will totally ignore your brand forever.

I don't need rando businesses on the OTHER SIDE OF EARTH standing on the backs of Amerucan childrens toy sales and using that money to GANG UP with giant American companies against us

Since the wii practically Nintendo have been participating in western power play tactics and drm arms race behaviors against everyday people, and fuck them for it. That might have been my opinion in ANY case, but as luck has it, it's an opinion I hold while my entire culture is already embroiled in the process of having gay frog 5g blockchain terrorist bullshit shoved directly into its each and every collective orifice.

Do you think Im gonna shovel my disposable income your way if you participate in this shit from some cowed puppet state island pulpit? I am so sick of this type of shit, Nintendo, skip "think again" go entirely fuck yourselves.

And if they think woke/based marketing splashes affect this, skip "think again" once again and fuck off to the fullest possible extent. The next Zelda game could be exclusively about Link expelling gays, foreigners, and financial criminals from Hyrule and I would still skip your shit if the console it is on is a bunch of underpowered technoauthoritarian black box inflation-adjusted NES emulating app-store-portal HORSE SHIT.

This is seriously not the kind of behavior any japanese needs to copy the west on. Their entire country is DOOMED because of their greed and doglike emulation of the most evil and unfit western entities. They need to fuck right off.

I'm not gonna tolerate American companies like gillette telling me I'm rapey, nor apple fighting Right to Repair. it runs the whoooole fuckin gambit, the whole range, from airing a gay tv ad to "answering requests" from american political commissars. Maybe as a foreign company, try take care not to butt your flat heads into our literal struggle against technological enslavement?

Seriously it's a vibeo gaem device. They need to get over themselves. Fire the entire human resourse infrastructure associated with this line of "fight the consumer, dominate the consumer, herd the consumer" action. These people are an infection that has festered like a tumor under the armpit of our economic system, parasitically feeding off of actual work product and from their many dens making whole companies, nations, cultures sick in return.

Seriously let me "consume" a device by purchasing it, and then when you have my money, use it.... T O M A K E G A M E S. Stop "playing" games. We are working on attempts to DESTROY domestic companies for playing games. This is the disposition held as nintendo approaches with its greedy practices and whiney "wah people are able to enjoy things" hand rubbing money grubbing slot-machine-spawn entitlement.

You_Are_Based 4 points ago +4 / -0

Lol well said. I'm just not in the business of turning down sweets.

You_Are_Based 13 points ago +13 / -0

Aw come on, smile a little. Look into this McGay guy and tell me the world didnt get even just a little tiny bit brighter this day. He was taken on for his mad coffee-fetching skillz during A Bug's Life. Just imagine how much those coffees ended up costing. Let yourself have a little cheer!

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