You_Are_Based 3 points ago +7 / -4

It's telling that you set up a false dichotomy between inaction and actual, literal self immolation.

You_Are_Based 2 points ago +2 / -0

It makes a literal, actual difference. Don't fret about it being small or anything else that lets them take that difference away from you via morale, after you have done what's right by abstaining

You_Are_Based 4 points ago +4 / -0

I see every current civil servant and politician living in exile

I was the single most comfiest man in the world for a moment as I read this sentence fragment. This is why you can't let your imagination fizzle out as you get older.

You_Are_Based 6 points ago +6 / -0

Reposting an old but relevant post I wrote;

Le Morte D'Arthur (compiled from common stories by professional insurrectionist and criminal superstar Thomas Malory from a dusty prison cell) is one of my favorite books. I do not recall it once even acknowledging the existence of non-White persons.

It treated men from anywhere outside of the Arthursphere as simultaneously alien and European. The narrative treated knights as being in strange and exotic situations any time they spoke to another White man from even a very slightly non-English or French setting. Rather than tell English lore about Africans who are not English, the narrative prefers to create a new, totally fictional kingdom of White europeans whose foremost traits are how strange and exotic they as White men are to the other Also White men.

The word "black" in the book is synonymous with "bad", "dark", or "evil" and is only used in this way except perhaps to describe the physical color of an object. The word fair is used often, and for its every meaning; "light" and "dainty" as well as "equal" and "just", and also is used directly to describe the skin of many women, in order to suggest to the reader that the woman is desirable.

After reading 300 pages of Mallory, if you came across the phrase "black man" (which you won't) you would assume it was a person with white skin who was involved in very bad things and possibly evil magic, i.e. a moral foil to actual Merlin who exists in the Euro cultural miasma.

You_Are_Based 9 points ago +9 / -0

The govt and public schools purposefully did a "banned" book thing to muddy the waters so that when you look online for banned books you mainly find lists of "banned" books, meaning books that the eeeeeeevil White man removed from local grade school readjng lists sometimes in single-county instances. All the books globohomo itself phases out are not "banned", they are actually banned.

You_Are_Based 4 points ago +4 / -0

Btw these peopl's data showed a general +20% willingness to ban/censor when any of the negative speech was directed toward gays as opposed to other groups. It was even the majority in 1 case, topping 50% favoring moderation.

You_Are_Based 6 points ago +6 / -0

across all studies large majorities do not support any kind of moderation—not even for the threatening condition—with banning a person’s account being the least preferred option across the board (again, excluding the LGBTQ case). This finding has important implications because Democrats, who are almost twice as likely to demand moderation than Republicans (Morning Consult 2023; see also our findings below), are overrepresented and thus a more balanced sample by partisanship would probably show narrower support for content moderation. Importantly, we analyzed the effect of age on moderation preferences to examine if the variation in our outcome variable is due to our relatively younger participant pool. We do not observe large differences between younger and older age groups (see Figure S1 in the SM) when demanding moderation, while older subjects seem to be fairly frequent users of social media (around 85% said they used social media recently) (see Figure S2 in the SM). We think these results give additional credence to this study’s conclusions about how users’ attitudes toward content moderation matter for anticipating if a critical mass to make platforms more responsive to the content they host could ever materialize.

You_Are_Based -1 points ago +1 / -2

Eyyy. Just think about what you do. Like stalking users and documenting their post histories and such. Reddit thing, check. Every little part of what you do, but worse, because they are gay communist psychopaths and not regular psychopaths.

You_Are_Based 5 points ago +6 / -1

If I were born yesterday, I would already be interested in holocaust denial as a result of reading the first few posts of the top comment chain. They scramble over one another for clout and to remove clout from others in a way that is simultaneously cult-like and piranna-like.

I mainly browse conpro and I say things that are violations of hard right narrative and personality all the time. It results in fuckall consequence because it is not a cult and those people are not pirannas. Only ever knew one user who was frankly mentally ill and did the reddit thing (josephgoebbels5). Reddit reads like an entire collective of such psychopaths except they are all pussies and communist sycophants to boot, which does quite effectively make them worse.

You_Are_Based 2 points ago +2 / -0

Ignore the order, call an emergency, guard the border, arrest anyone who interferes, arrest anyone who tries to arrest you for arresting someone, cope with the escalation and incidentally save the future of all European races.

You_Are_Based 1 point ago +1 / -0

Idk whether I am remembering certain singleplayer bits or if there are bots but I am in the same spot there-hazy memory

You_Are_Based 3 points ago +3 / -0

I had a blast playing this as a kid. """"Story"""" mode always kicked my ass, but it seemed tacked on to the multiplayer mode which was up there with Smash, Kart, Goldeneye, and Mario Party with my friends and I at the time

You_Are_Based 6 points ago +6 / -0

Soulbringer for pc. Retro gothic wintertime pre-grimdark grim dark fantasy adventure rpg

You_Are_Based 9 points ago +9 / -0

I would start with the Original Series. If you don't like it, start with TNG but beware the first few seasons are camp. There is no big story detail you'll lose out om by watching a s2 ENT episode or whatever without watching all the rest first... the writers show and tell viewers the important stuff over and over actually, so that it can be watched out of order.

So do what you want, but I say try it out in chronological, because imo the series slowly lost itself with time. But your choices are about you and not about me so, why not poke around.

I'm gonna sound old and crotchety and judgemental here, but if you need CGI and expensive sets in order to enjoy TV then instead of skipping old, campy, low budget stuff you should intentionally limit yourself to it. Because it offers you a chance to improve your mind in an important way.

To take it further, if you need the tele-play fiction to look slick and modern you should consider reading books (maybe 1950's sci fi schlock novels and short stories) instead of exacerbating the problem with more endless television. There is essentially a muscle in the brain that is weak and lethargic from having its work done for it, and it needs to be engaged and do work in order for it to get stronger. This muscle is very important and its health will have an incredible effect on your life in ways that have nothing to do with consuming entertainment.

You_Are_Based 12 points ago +12 / -0

Let it be forever known that he was right about the frogs going gay in reaction to the presence of certain chemicals

by Lethn
You_Are_Based 2 points ago +2 / -0

Marking this comment so that I dont forget Clickbait Remover. Thank you..

You_Are_Based 4 points ago +4 / -0

DO NOT REDEEM RING, SARS!! Stupid hobbit bicthes!! Show urselfs, small basterds . This is not threat, my village will destroy@

You_Are_Based 2 points ago +2 / -0

They'll just name it... The Redguard lol

You_Are_Based 4 points ago +4 / -0

That is like saying I blame apples instead of apples lmao

You_Are_Based 3 points ago +3 / -0

The schools in his area were top in the US 15 years ago and now most of the students can’t even read. He had some kids on the way and felt his only way was move.

There is no need to be use shy language and beat around the bush lol

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