TheStupidPrizeWinner 2 points ago +2 / -0

Possibly. Or he could have downplayed the eventual avalanche of red flags coming from his childhood best friend as "edgy jokes" and "just fooling around" because he "knew this guy for most of our lives and there is just no way". Or both. The truth is out there, somewhere.

TheStupidPrizeWinner 12 points ago +12 / -0

It is all the U-Haul loading and unloading I suspect.

TheStupidPrizeWinner 6 points ago +6 / -0

If someone dislikes a person for a bad reason and then it turns out the person they disliked is a bad person doesn't mean the first person was right lmfao

No, that is quite literally what it means. The first person may have had the "wrong" reason, but they were ultimately correct in their conclusion, so they are right.

To be charitable, I suppose the meatball has never guessed and/or gotten the correct answer incorrectly before...

TheStupidPrizeWinner 5 points ago +5 / -0

How dare the alt right honey trap this poor... human! With nubile underage boys! When they met on Discord! For shame!

It is as though the thing that never happens (and we are bigots for even thinking it could happen) is happening again!

TheStupidPrizeWinner 5 points ago +5 / -0

The article the post references had already been archived before I tried, so that was a nice surprise.

It is so strange that the thing that never happens has happened again!

TheStupidPrizeWinner 27 points ago +27 / -0

Ha ha ha ha ha! Yasughey! They really cannot help themselves.

TheStupidPrizeWinner 15 points ago +15 / -0

Have they restricted swords, crossbows and polearms yet? Medieval problems may require medieval solutions.

TheStupidPrizeWinner 5 points ago +5 / -0

Yes, I can see the campaign poster now. A seductively posed Harris straddling a ballot box while assorted fists filled with cash reach towards her. "Pass the Buck! It's Her Turn to Ride!"

TheStupidPrizeWinner 4 points ago +4 / -0

If a White House insider was so willing to freely share this information, I believe we are in for a show.

TheStupidPrizeWinner 8 points ago +8 / -0

Never let a good crisis go to waste. Especially when it was caused by your side and you desperately need to spin the PR.

TheStupidPrizeWinner 20 points ago +20 / -0

As I do not have a physical copy, this appears to be a digital version of the article which was released on July 11th.

Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.

Sorry Hanlon, but I am very sure this is massive helpings of both, with an oversized portion of virtue signaling to fill it out.

TheStupidPrizeWinner 15 points ago +15 / -0

It is a literal crisis of faith for them. All their prophets, all their seers, all their thought leaders, all their experts knew that Biden was a shell of a man and then lied to them about it.

For a Christian, it would probably be like finding out God is real and all powerful but also does not care at all about humanity.

TheStupidPrizeWinner 16 points ago +16 / -0

...in 2020, the National Museum for African American History and Culture explained how whiteness was linked to “delayed gratification; “Objective, rational linear thinking;” “cause and effect relationships;” and “decision-making.”

This is a further example of this stupidity provided at the bottom of the article. Those are all good things. I want people to freely engage in doing those things. Are white people with their whiteness only allowed to do those things?

TheStupidPrizeWinner 2 points ago +2 / -0

I would wholeheartedly recommend Metroid Prime Pinball, and I also remember enjoying the Mario & Luigi games. I would also suggest the Mega Man Battle Network series, but it might be a bit too button intensive for your setup.

TheStupidPrizeWinner 2 points ago +2 / -0

Less expensive property coupled with lower crime rates would be alluring to anyone.

If they came in small numbers and quietly integrated while adopting the values of their new communities, no one would care. Generally speaking, they do the opposite, hence "Calinvaders".

TheStupidPrizeWinner 10 points ago +10 / -0

Archive of a blog post with same name written by the same human if you want more "heckin do better Senator fellow diverse, progressive gamers!"

TheStupidPrizeWinner 3 points ago +3 / -0

When the Californians begin to move to a place en masse, there is little hope of things not going to shit. Idaho, New Mexico, Texas... there are probably more, but those are the ones I have heard stories about the "Calinvaders" screwing things up first hand.

TheStupidPrizeWinner 22 points ago +22 / -0

Check Twitter, TikTok and other social media. The fools responsible probably posted a video of themselves in the act.

TheStupidPrizeWinner 9 points ago +9 / -0

You can’t just be sticking big things in your a–.

If only this line was the first in the article rather than the last.

It was also very interesting that no "mostly cisgender men in their 20s to 60s from a range of backgrounds" were interviewed for the article. If getting your prostate stimulated is so grand, why were none of the participants from these "informative pegging gatherings called Pegfest" quoted in the article?

The comments are having none of it though.

There is also a linked article about two thirds of the way down on which the above article seems to be based. It has spectacular quotes like

Pegging is a dick’s day off.


You can relax and be a hole.

And last but not least

...it just looks so sexy, a cock on a woman.

Should have put that last one in the Post article.

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