I mean, this scheme sounds like it hits the same problem with trying to get the guns from the US citizen: friendly states (and cities) will go along with it, but the second they leave New York or LA, they will be met with hundreds of millions of angry rednecks saying "Hippy hoppy, get off my property!" Because maybe (MAYBE) a few years/decades ago you could have gotten most people to go along with that, but with the increasing hostility toward both the government and the elite class, I think people would rather be penny-less than give the government so much as an ounce of their gold and silver. And its not like we out here would be starving, since most of us have the land (or access to someone who has land) to grow our own crops and hunt our own meat. Not enough to maintain some mega-city, but enough to keep our kin going, and since everyone knows everyone in a small town, it will go back to "You are one of us, so we will help you." And this is before you get to states like Texas and Florida that will refuse to comply, much like they did with the COVID Passport idea which pretty much killed the idea in the US outside of the usual suspects.
But I suppose, like you said in other threads, the elites are actually retards who got handed the keys to the castle (or as one of my favorite villains put it, "Like children playing with a nuclear weapon"). So perhaps that is why they are pursing an idea that is doomed from word go and they are too stupid (willfully or otherwise) to see that it will fail. And their greed and lust for power doesnt help in that regard. But history shows these types can not keep their power forever, and when they start to do stupid shit is when it all comes crashing down.
You spoke of needing to know history, and we have already seen things like this before. Again, the titans of industry who made the Gilded Age what it was also thought they were unstoppable. They had entire governments in their pocket. They openly bribed officials at practically every level of government. They hired PMC to destroy their rivals and to shoot their dissenters in mass numbers. And they openly flaunted the law. But corruption and bribery can only do so much to keep your people in power to protect you when literally everyone hates your guts and will do anything, retarded or otherwise, if it means they get to make you burn (incidentally, this is why Machiavelli argued that becoming hated as a ruler is something you should avoid at all cost). Time may have changed, but this fact has not, and I stand by my theory that the likes of Jack Dorsey, Jeff Bezos, and Mark Zuckerburg will go down in history as the modern day "Robber Barons", with Elon Musk taking up the spot of "Peoples Champion" like Carnegie did.
And how do you get people to go along with that? Because where I live, there are places that still refuse to accept anything but cash, and would sooner barter than use credit cards (never mind digital money), and people around here still mostly card for the convenience, but are also extremely uptight about the idea of digital money (if for no other reason than “Government is the problem”).
If it means anything to you for finding out what he is arguing, he is the resident unironic fascist. Just in case you are wondering why all of his post scream [fedpost things].
I have seen you bring it up several times now, so I have to ask:
What this “digital wallet” of which you speak and why is it better for the powers that he than the current system? But I do agree with your larger point that the so called “masters of the world” are enjoying short term highs, but in the mid to long term the duct tape, superglue, and chewing gum will stop working and history and the world will not be kind to them (much like the industrial titans of the Gilded Age).
Knowing how much Musk is up on the internet culture, I GUARANTEE you that he did this purely because he knows it drives these people up a wall, and they can do literally nothing to cancel him. Well, beyond seething on Twitter that is. But as we have established, I doubt he cares.
Minor correction, but we were actually just barely a state in time for the Civil War. Our statehood was on Jan. 29, which was a few days after the first round of secession, because many of the Southern Slave states that had been blocking our statehood were no longer there to do it.
But yeah, Kansas gets overlooked a lot in the Civil War due to the fact that we were out of the way enough to not see any major fights. But as you said, we contributed one of the largest armies as a percentage of population of any state, and IIRC we also suffered the most civilian casualties as a percentage due to said Confederate revenge raids. The Sack of Lawrence was so brutal it got the Confederate government to suspend its guerrilla program. Officially, because it was not the sort of brutality they had authorized. Unofficial, I want to believe they heard the 1st Kansas screaming “Do you bastards have a death wish?!” in the distance and feared for their safety.
Pretty much.
When people compare us to the Roman Empire, I think a lot of people forget that Rome lasted WAY longer than its Republic period. Hell, I would argue Rome's Golden Age wasnt even until after the Republic fell.* And much like Rome, America seems to have this unnatural ability to survive events that have killed other nations, and come back stronger. And I truly believe we will do it again.
As I saw someone else on here put it, you dont get Reagan without Carter. Here is hoping that Carter in this context is Biden.
*/note: I am not saying that I believe America will become some global empire like Rome did. But the country may be changed for the better in response to the issues we currently have, like Rome before it.
We have already seen the backlash beginning. Texas just had some elections, and in every race that progressives were running in, and anywhere that was pushing Critical Theory, saw them get absolutely smashed. 70/30 in favor of “our” side. And the Hispanic-heavy counties continued their move toward the anti-woke side. And while there are a lot of some young people, there are also a lot of anti-woke young people who are starting to fight back. And we see all the old institutions losing their power. Hollywood is dying. Celebrity culture is dying. The Dems are losing their hold and the Republicans are being taken over by the populist anti-wood types, whether they like it or not.
There will be pain. But rather than being depressed and saying it’s all over, we need to stand up and say “I have not yet begun to fight!”
None off the top of my head, but they exist since Bleeding Kansas is one of the causes of the Civil War. A lot of it is stuff I learned just from living here, doubly so because I live in the Eastern Kansas, which is where most of the fighting happened. I actually live near the Beecher Church (the abolitionist who brought the guns in). And yes, this is the same Beecher family that wrote Uncle Toms Cabin.
Lets also not forget that due to the fuckery of the slave states and Buchanan, we here in Kansas were shooting each other over the issue before it was cool.
You think the accusations of voter fraud were bad in 2020? We voted on whether or not we were going to be a Slave-State or Free, and some counties that only had 20 residents saw over 1,000 votes because of people crossing the state line from Missouri to vote and make us a Slave-State. Pierce (and later Buchanan) just wanted to ignore the very obvious fraud so that they could put it all behind them and get it over with because, like you said, they didnt want to deal with it. Hell, Pierce went so far as to call the Free-State government in Topeka "insurrectionist" against the "true" Slave-State government in Lecompton.
But we decided that this was the hill we were going to die on, and started bringing in guns. Then when the first shot got fired (ironically, by the Pro-Slavery side, much like what would later happen), we started fighting, and fought like mad against the outsiders trying to overwhelm our state. It only stopped because us Kansas digging in our heels and fighting back had caused some other Northern states to start having some "dangerous" ideas and so the South had to start focusing on the National level instead of dealing with one state. Didnt stop the fact that we were locked out of the US Government until the succession happened because it was only at that point that there were finally enough votes to get us in as the Free-State we were supposed to be.
And of course, during the Civil War we were on the receiving end of several revenge attacks by the South, because they directly blamed us as the cause of all of this, since we had the utter temerity to not just lie down and take it when they cheated.
Ah. I am not in Texas so I had only heard through the grapevine that it had been voted on to allow it recently, and now they are already back tracking. I thought it was a referendum that did it the first go around as well.
Whats even more insane is that they had voted to legalize these same encampments in 2018, and are now banning them again because it got out of control. Showing that even if it is extremely liberal, it is still Texas so people have some common sense.
Also, with all of the other things around the state that that saw Dems and the Progressives get absolutely curbstomped, I think the idea of "Blue Texas" was just found dead in a ditch. And with Florida now solidly Republican for the foreseeable future, it will make it that much harder for the Dems.
And from what I have seen, the curbstomping was repeated in damn near every election happening in Texas on that day, with the trend continuing of Hispanics moving toward the Republicans (several Hispanic-heavy districts broke for the GOP).
If anything, it was all a HUGE whitepill for me, because it shows that a lot of the people who voted Biden or Dem in 2020 did so because they hated Trump, but now that the consequence of their action is hitting them in the face (sometimes literally), they are starting to go screaming rightward at supersonic speed. And the Left has no idea how to handle it and can just sit there and watch as they utterly BTFOed.
Seconded. I was already starting to sour on him for his chronic blackpill doomering (more on that in a minute), but I think the moment that really hit me was when we finally saw the much fabled Beanie Compound.
For a guy who talks about how money is meaningless and he would be fine living in a van down by the river, homeboy seems to be living EXTREMELY high on the hog. We are talking, an actual, honest to god mansion. And when I saw where it was located because of the info on the forum for Small Bird Ranchers, I realized that for all of his talk about being "out in the mountains", he is still within spitting distance of DC, which is FAR from isolated. "Leave your homes because they are on fire, and run to the mountains!" he says, from a million dollar mansion.
And of course, there is the blackpilled doomering he engages in, where he just seems bound and determined to be a miserable bastard at any cost. It hit me when he had Michael Malice on last time. Michael was doing his usual Malice-ism about how "if they were winning, the propaganda would not be necessary", how he is extremely whitepilled about the future, that this pain we are in is temporary and people will absolutely revolt against it, that with each passing day more people decide they dont want it, all of that stuff. And yet, the whole time Tim could do nothing but say "your wrong." Never said how, never said how to fix it, never even entertained Malice's point. Just "Your wrong. We're doomed." And then I thought to when Tim was always talking about how Journos want you depressed, angry, scared, or some combination of the three. And I looked at his desperate attempt to remain the Eeyore in the face of positive news, and all I can think is "How are you any different Tim?"
This is why I have started moving toward his old cohost Adam Crigler. At least he is upbeat, offers up positive news in addition to the usual stuff, and seems to truly believe that America (and humanities) best days are ahead of us.
Ah, a fellow 1920+ enthusiast I see.
I would like to thank you for being a voice of reason in the face of the demoralized blackpilled bed-wetters. There are plenty of signs to show that 2022 and perhaps 2024 will not be kind to the Democrats, and we are likely on the cusp of the Populist taking over the Republican Party.
Although I disagree with your OP. I am sure that the RNC doesnt want DeSantis. But they may not have a choice in the matter. And for the broader point, I think Trump is much more useful playing King-Maker than actually running again. He has too much baggage and there is still too much TDS, but much like a Roman emperor, he has the almost single handed power to decide who lives and who dies with but the flick of a thumb. And I think that would be more useful for him than another run at the Presidency.
Pretty different. I don't know of even rudimentary starvation of Japanese Americans in the Internment Camps, and there was no campaign of total extermination of Japanese Americans on the entire continent.
WEELLLL, in the interest of absolute fairness (which is MUCH more than your typical Stormfag deserves), there are indeed confirmed cases of abuse in the internment camps and some cases of minor starvation. But your point still remains, it was very much the exception and not the rule.
And more importantly, we still trusted Japanese-Americans enough to give them guns and go fight our enemies. And their unit proved that apparently the desire to wipe out a katana, scream "BANZAI!!" and charge a machine gun is apparently inherent in the Japanese, because the 442nd is both the most decorated and most damaged US unit in the war.
But I imagine you would have a hard time finding Jews wielding weapons for the Nazi's. Because the second you gave them the guns, they would turn around and start trying to shoot said Nazi's with no real thought to whether or not they would be walking out alive. Because dragging a few Nazi's to hell with them would be preferable.
One of the most corrupt cities in the country, in one of the most corrupt states in the country, has one of the most corrupt police departments in the country? I am shocked! Shocked, I tell you!
I think the issue in trying to make the Right say ACAB is that a lot of our police arent like that. For instance, my governor says masks are required. My sheriff doesnt give a damn. I have seen him walk into the local gas station to get his morning coffee, and he just waves at everyone and saying "Morning" and doesnt even give them a second look if they arent wearing mask. And that is the attitude of most police in Right-leaning areas. And on the riot front, my local cities have not spared the rod and mercilessly beat BLM and Antifa until they got the hint that they should leave, and so we have seen only minor crime spikes, especially compared to other cities who are seeing double, or even triple, digit percent increases in crime.
So is it any wonder that around here we still fly the Thin Blue Line flags and say "We love our cops!"? And yet, a lot of the people who fly those flags, when you bring up departments like the LAPD or NYPD, the response is "Screw'em, until they learn who they should be serving."
Yep. It seems quite obvious in the video: They went in, and they weren't expecting a fight. They thought all they had to do was show up, say "Break it up", arrest a few people if they got rowdy, and call it a day. Instead, they were met with an extremely hostile and agitated crowd, who not only did not back down, but went on the freaking offensive. Even when the cops brought out the whacky sticks and started hitting people, it just made them angrier instead of making them back down.
Its quite obvious that the ruling class has become SO. UTTERLY. DISCONNECTED. From the average person that they dont seem to realize the beast that is awakening out there. And they probably wont, until their precious power is ripped from their fingers by force (as it seems likely to happen with the political winds at the moment).
I (technically still am) a fan of RWBY, and to answer your things here:
- The White Fang started out as peaceful, but became violent because they thought the peaceful way was taking too long. And they become increasingly more violent as time goes on because one of their biggest leaders (Adam Taurus) is extremely unstable and violent. Now, RT hammed it up in my opinion because they wanted to make him more evil, probably because they didnt like that a large section of the fan base liked him (same thing happened with Gen. Ironwood). It ultimately ends with them swearing an alliance to the big bad who's literal goal is to bring the gods back to their world so that she can kill them and finally die (even though this would likely destroy the world in the process).
And yet you have people siding with them because "poor oppressed Faunus!"
- It is absolutely kind of all over the place in terms of how oppressed Faunus are. In a flashback to when the White Fang was peaceful, we see them getting shot at by rando's for seemingly no reason, but that was a good 5+ years before the event of the show. Its said Atlas uses them in their mines, and Adam is branded with the logo of their biggest mining company because of unspecified reasons, but at the same time we see that Atlas is harsh to a lot of people, not just Faunus.
But more than that, it seems to be kind of minor in the grand scheme of things. The one guy pulling on the rabbit girls ears is hated by everyone and a bully in general, not just against Faunus. Also, Atlas, despite being supposedly the most racist against Faunus, has 2 high-profile Faunus working for them. One in their military/magic academy, and one as a member of their elite special forces team. Which raises the question of "If they are so racist, how do these 2 have highly influential and important positions?" And are treated well by their comrades and the people of Atlas in general.
- I agree that RWBY has absolutely lost its way from its first 3 seasons. Back then, it didnt take itself TOO seriously, and Monty always kind of acknowledge that the plot was just kind of there as an excuse to go from badass fight scene to badass fight scene. But in recent times, it has started to take itself too seriously, they stoppped developing the main characters, anyone who dares questions the characters in-universe are struck down as being wrong without looking into it more, and if the fans end up siding with someone OTHER than the main characters, they assassinate that character and radically alter them to force people to go back to agreeing with Team RWBY.
Even as a confirmed autist myself, even I dont know what the hell he is saying. I didnt realize I was working with weapons-grade autism.
So they brought a SWAT team and all it took to run them out was an angry Pole? Canada, this is why people pick on you.
They must have gotten lazy then, because last election Montana went more Red than normal. And that is saying something.
Your boos mean nothing! I've seen what makes you cheer. Also, you seem quite liberal with that report button, so I dont see why I am supposed to be offended or scared by this fact.