Pretty recent news so I figured I'd share it here. Battletech youtuber Tex (of Tex Talks Battletech) was invited to talk about Battletech on Arch's channel.
Arch is a 40k lore youtuber and so-called Nazi fascist according to GW's contingent of leftist fans.
The leftists get wind of this video and start harassing Tex over this to the point he felt compelled to write an apology post.
You can see discussion over his appearance on Twitter but in the few minutes I searched I couldn't find any egregious examples. Probably just not looking in the right places because I'm not involved in Battletech or 40k.
Tex isn't pozzed but he's completely apolitical so he was completely blindsided by the "Warhammer is for everyone" crowd
I will say this at least: It looks like his audience can smell whats going on, and most of them are telling him "You have nothing to apologize for. These people are psychopaths." So I imagine Tex made a sincere apology, but if they keep gunning for him, he will just tell them all to eat shit, since I am sure he can see most people are on his side over this and telling the trolls off.