TheModernDaVinci 5 points ago +5 / -0

Seriously, none of them. I've never seen a racist white utopia. By definition, a racist white collectivist commune is going to be a dystopia by everyone's measure except a racial authoritarian or National Socialist.

I was going to say Columbia from Bioshock: Infinite. But then I thought about it more and remembered that it only looks utopian for about 10 minutes. Then you have the part where you have the raffle for who gets to stone the interracial couple first, and then there is the stuff where you see the conditions that the "Whites not considered Whites in the Late 19th-Early 20th Century" (Read: The Irish, Italians, Scots, etc) live in.

So yeah, I cant think of any either.

TheModernDaVinci 20 points ago +20 / -0

Apparently enough that the numbers show it did poorly on streaming too.

TheModernDaVinci 4 points ago +4 / -0

She also made a tweet about how your own attitude has more to do with your own success and happiness than anything anyone else does. So at the very least, she is still sane.

TheModernDaVinci 14 points ago +14 / -0

I decided to take a look just to see and......

I found nothing. I went back all the way to the beginning of the year, and all I found was her tweets about wrestling/UFC, tweets about silly, pointless things, tweets with inspirational quotes from such people as Mr. Rodgers and Dolly Parton, and tweets that basically boiled down to "Dont be an asshole. Love each other. God loves everyone."

I didnt see anything even remotely political.

And considering how so far the US Athletes who have been winning have been the ones saying how much they love America, and its the America-Hating Wokiest who have been getting stomped on and losing, I would go so far as to say even Fate believes in "Get Woke, Go Broke."

PS: There was one tweet I thought could give us an idea into her thinking though. There was someone who compared her followers before and after her win, with that tweet going on to say "Its almost like being a winner is the best marketing you can get" with the implication that being Woke is worse marketing than "Winner'. And she retweeted it. So I think its safe to say she is not super on board with the Anti-America Woke Brigade.

TheModernDaVinci 6 points ago +6 / -0

I looked it up again, and yeah, it was. Either way, my point being "I would love to see your average soyboy shoot an actually large-caliber rifle if they think that .223 is some excessively powerful round."

TheModernDaVinci 3 points ago +3 / -0

My cousin wanted to move to Seattle from Kansas City after she finished school. She said KC was boring and she want to go somewhere lively, and she got a good job opportunity in Seattle.

She came back in less than a year, took a lower paying job to do it, and has been saying "After the things I saw, I will never say another bad word about KC again!"

TheModernDaVinci 21 points ago +21 / -0

Once again showing how beta these bugmen are. A bog-standard, .223 shooting AR-15 has so little recoil. I know a guy who was in the army that, in order to demonstrate how little recoil a 5.56(.223) had, he would put the gun on his nuts and empty the mag.

If that is how they are with "Babies First Rifle Cartridge", I would love to see one of these soy bugmen shoot something like .700 Nitro.

TheModernDaVinci 6 points ago +6 / -0

For me, right now the stuff I am listening to is mostly Sabaton (who, fingers crossed, I will get to see in concert in Oklahoma in October, on tour with Judas Priest), Powerwolf, Beast in Black, Metalite, Brothers of Metal, Within Temptation, Starset, Eclipse, and Blind Channel. But honestly, the list is way too long.

And I agree, Metal is still fairly based I have found. Perhaps not "conservative", but I have found that most of my fellow metalheads at least still have the "question authority" attitude down regardless of who the "authority" is.

TheModernDaVinci 12 points ago +12 / -0

2007 is what I found for the release date.

Its also worth remembering Dave is one of the few openly Conservative/Libertarian people in the music scene, and he took a TON of crap for supporting Trump. Everyone who was paying attention saw this stuff coming. Most people didnt perk up to it until 2014ish or until after Trump.

All that said, I do still have hope for the future of the country, and think that this is merely us living in the rhyme of the 1970's. We have to have Carter before we can have Reagan. I guess it just remains to be seen who is Reagan.

EDIT: Also, since we are on the topic: I too am a metalhead, but Megadeth is actually one of the ones up my alley, and in general I am into the classic Heavy Metal, Power Metal, and Symphonic Metal. Not knocking your taste, but I like to actually understand what they are saying as they sing.

TheModernDaVinci 12 points ago +12 / -0

I am throwing in on her side as well.

When I first heard it come down, my reaction was the same as with the Womens Soccer Team. "You took the 'High Risk, High Reward' contract, and now that it bit you in the ass you cant just sue them over it."

But then I heard that the contract said that it was going to be theaters only, and that she had attempted to renegotiate the contract. And instead of even just giving a simple "Sorry, this is your contract. Sucks to be you." Disney reaction was to pull the ancient "New Phone. Who Dis?" tactic when she tried to talk with them.

But overall, win or lose. I dont really care. I am just going to sit back with a bucket of popcorn cheering on the monkey fight.

TheModernDaVinci 9 points ago +9 / -0

Just to give the other view, here are two things to consider:

  1. On the topic of the wargame, that actual result had little to do with Chinese Air or Naval power itself. It was land-based missiles that can easily be avoided, but in the wargame, the Navy was operating under the idea that for some reason they would be allowed to go tootling around wherever the hell they wanted, and the smoothbrain in charge got within missile range of the Chinese coast. IRL, they would NEVER be allowed to do that, because they would likely be forced to stay back.

Because remember: You cant justify your budget going up if you win your wargame, because if you can win with your current navy, why not more.

Moreover, those wargames have been rather useless in figuring out how a war would actually go down. A pre-Gulf War wargame against Iraq backed up Saddams claim that the US would face heavy losses and be stuck in the war for years. In reality, the war lasted a few days and we suffered more losses from friendly fire than enemy fire. Everything I have ever seen is that, much like the soviets before them, the Chinese are a paper dragon, especially when you count our regional allies (Japan, Taiwan, India) into the mix.

  1. The US military has a long history of being lead by incompetent buffoons who are there because they were given effectively political positions. In exchange, the US military has, and continues to, give a rather unusual amount of free will to its enlisted men (any random private who can get a radio and read grid coordinates can call in artillery, air strikes, or reinforcements. Few other militaries do that. ESPECIALLY ones as top-down as the Chinese), as well as their lower level officers (Captain/Colonel, and lower) having a ton of control over the tactical level operations while strategic operations are more or less "You are here, your target is there. How you get from here to there is up to you."

And this has meant that the military can generally survive incompetent commanders, and becomes downright apocalyptic when it has a general/admiral who knows what they are doing.

My brother got out of the Army only a few months ago, and when I talked with him about this sort of stuff, he said he thought it was a lot of freaking out over nothing. He laughed at the idea that China was a threat from the stuff he had seen, he and most of his men scoffed at the woke stuff, and I would not be surprised if, much like the woke lectures, there will be commanders falsifying vaccine records.

TheModernDaVinci 23 points ago +23 / -0

When it comes to DND, rules are made to be broken!

In my own house rules, Nat 20 means success. Always. Every time. Does it make logical sense? Doesnt matter, you win. And the world will bend if it needs to to facilitate your win.

TheModernDaVinci 11 points ago +11 / -0

Not only did they kill him, they made him effectively die a slow and painful death as his magic drained away until he withered away, like someone with a disease. Then in one of the panels, he started bragging and laughing about "Oh, I made you love him, and then I killed him! It was hilarious!"

I really dont understand why he thought this was somehow going to make him look good to people. And now he is just resorting to try and gaslight people into being like "Well, if you were a TRUE fan, you would like and understand what I made." I think he underestimates how many people will just say "Fine, then I guess I am not a fan anymore."

TheModernDaVinci 12 points ago +12 / -0

For proof of this, see Far Cry 5. When it first was announced, it looked like, and the media talked about it as if, it was going to be "Trump Supporter Killer 2018." When the game actually dropped, it turned out the Cult who were the bad guys were actually just generally evil and their leader made references that could be take as Anti-Trump, and then most of the Good Guys consisted of Redneck Montanans, a Libertarian Militia, and even even some people who called the Cult "Hippies" and "Libtards."

Que the media suddenly hating the game, while people who may not have gotten it before picking it up.

TheModernDaVinci 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yeah. I did the test again just to see what happened, and like usual I ended up straddling the line between Authoritarian and Libertarian (slightly more into Authoritarian), but pretty well into the Right. But that does leave out things like me being pretty Libertarian on "Should society mandate this or that moral belief" (the usual "I am against this, but I dont think the government should be involved" sort of attitudes) and I am against the Right on things like tariffs.

There was one I found that I tend to like more called the 8 Values Test, where it still measures the same sort of deal but it is an 8 point instead of 4 point graph.

The specific lines being "Equality vs. Markets" for Economic matters (Communism being 100% "Equality", An-Cap being 100% "Markets"), "Nation vs. Global" for Diplomatic, "Liberal vs. Authority" for Civil, and "Tradition vs. Progress" for Society, and then it gives you the closest established political movement to your score. So having done that one, I got 66% Market, 71% Patriotic, Moderate Civil (51% Authority), and 61% Traditional, with the closest alignment being "Moderate Conservatism".

TheModernDaVinci 4 points ago +4 / -0

Ever time I have ever done the political compass test, I usually ended up somewhere between the National Populist and the Conservative. I think that a purely Populist outlook is not any more helpful than a lot of the Left Wing ideology (though it is preferable), but at the same time, a purely Conservative outlook is not any more helpful. Thus I usually draw on both. Also, Commies Delenda Est.

TheModernDaVinci 1 point ago +1 / -0

Your best bet would probably be to hit up foreign works, unless you want to do a lot of digging into Western novels. But I know a lot of Manga/Anime has strong and heroic female characters, if that is your thing.

TheModernDaVinci 14 points ago +14 / -0

Its also worth pointing out that the whole point of the play, as written by Shakespeare, basically boiled down to "Look at these absolutely retarded children throw their life away on a Puppy-Love tier fling. The Retards."

TheModernDaVinci 1 point ago +1 / -0

Having had this conversation with a WigNat type before, their argument was that America was founded by White Englishmen, therefore it deserves to remain a nation of White Englishmen, in the same way that England should be English, France should be French, Germany should be German, etc.

The problem is that the United States was not founded on an ethnicity like most of Europe, it was founded on ideology. And by definition, anyone can be part of an ideology. And its why, when you present the option to most people who are even remotely Liberal (as in, they value Liberty like the nation was founded on), they will pick someone who is not the same race as them but holds the same sort of Liberty-based views (your Larry Elders, Thomas Sowells, Andy Ngos, etc) LONG before they accept Richard Spenser type WigNats, even though they are the same race.

Incidentally, I think this is why you have started seeing parents push back and dig in on the topic of CRT: even after all of the Lefts attempts to do otherwise, most people still think they should bve treated the same, and so they are looking at this ideology saying "One of you is superior and an oppressor, one of you is inferior and oppressed" and their response is "You fucking what, mate?"

TheModernDaVinci 3 points ago +3 / -0

"Japan never had a civil war because it's racially homogeneous, so there wouldn't be any division in the country"

TIL the Sengoku Jidai is not real. Or the Genpei War. Or the Onin War. Or the Boshin War. No, Japan totally hasnt fought almost as many civil wars as it has external ones.

But then again, that probably applies to most nations. Maybe Europe had more external than internal wars, but that would be because they are so packed in that they are going to be beating on each other over issues instead of themselves.

TheModernDaVinci 2 points ago +2 / -0

I think it also shows that there are a lot of people like me. The ones who think the vaccine is safe enough (though I personally question its effectiveness), but still believe it should not be mandatory.

TheModernDaVinci 3 points ago +3 / -0

That would be the Venture Capital I was talking about. Its what got a lot of the internet journo types up and running, and they got their mitts into a lot of the entertainment industry, and its widely known that VC Money comes with a ton of strings attached. But THEY also need to make money, and they havent been, so they are starting to stop their funding to these companies, and now these companies, who were relying on the VC money to stay afloat, are up Shit Creek without a BOAT, nevermind a paddle.

So your loophole can buy time, but it wont save you in the long run. Think about it this way: Marvel and DC Comics are currently so underwater and drowning in debt, that they are talking about ceasing production of ALL new comics and focusing exclusively on reprints of old comics, since at least those sell. Now go back 30 years ago, when Comics where at their peak, and tell any rando on the street that would be the state of Comics in the US. They wouldnt believe you. They would think you are some nutjob. But 30 years later, its a very real possibility.

Anime also has a little bit of inoculation against this problem because a few decades ago, when they first tried to get into America, they changed a lot of stuff to try and appeal to Americans...and it crashed and burned. So it may be part of the reason so many Japanese companies are not really taking the bait. "We tried this whole 'Wider Audience' thing before, and it didnt work."

Basically, what I am getting at is that I dont doubt that such shenanigans are done (its actually very well known, to the point I have heard it referred to as "Hollywood Math"). But its not a thing you can do forever, and eventually the Piper comes expecting his due.

TheModernDaVinci 1 point ago +1 / -0

You could tell Callum almost lost his cool several times hearing it, but it was indeed quite the feat that Carl kept his cool.

As for your wider point: As if to prove that the Left only learns when it affects them personally, there was that part at the end where they pointed out Kentler only realized he may have made a mistake because the boy he had been abusing committed suicide when he became an adult. And it was only at that point that he read other works and realized "You know, maybe doing these sort of things was a bad idea." Still never disavowed his work though. Because what Communist would ever disavow their own work?

TheModernDaVinci 3 points ago +3 / -0

To be fair, that particular quote was in the context of responding to the "Sexual Liberation will prevent another Auschwitz" part. So when he was talking about "Concentration Camp for Pedos", he was talking about the Death Camp ones.

TheModernDaVinci 3 points ago +3 / -0

John Edgar Browning

Not going to lie: Ever time I see your list, and I see that name, I always get momentarily freaked out. Because until the middle name registers with me, I keep thinking that one of my favorite historical figures, John Moses Browning, was a Pedo and I didnt know. Then the middle name registers and I go "Oh, never mind, thank God."

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