TheModernDaVinci 10 points ago +10 / -0

On that note, I remember seeing an article from some newspaper freaking out because while no one was looking (or were talking about other things), the Trump Populist types snuck in and took over 1,000+ seats in off elections or at more local. They have also been a lot more willing to play the game while still staying in the rules as much as possible. I have seen reports of Cali GOP going around and ballet harvesting using the Dems own rules for it, and the Dems dont know what to do because they cant stop them without also stopping themselves. And it has already worked before, with some seats being won in 2020 by GOP ballet harvesting.

It was pointed out by Carl in one of the recent Lotuseater podcast, where a Left Wing journo was freaking out over the fact that "Trump Republicans are no longer playing by the rules." In response to that, he said that the reason is because they are "fighting like Democrats, and now they're beating you, and you hate it."

TheModernDaVinci 12 points ago +12 / -0

I had been saying that since before the election. I saw everyone say "Why wont she step in when her husband is clearly senile?" I said they got it all wrong and the correct question was "Why would she pass up the chance to be Edith Wilson 2.0?"

TheModernDaVinci 15 points ago +15 / -0

Of course. 2020 showed that Hispanics are nowhere near as "Vote Blue No Matter Who" as most blacks, and in some states (mostly Texas and Florida) the Hispanics have actually flipped to majority Conservative. So their little plan to try and displace all of those icky hicks for nice brown people who they can farm votes off of may have backfired and now they are trying to walk it back.

TheModernDaVinci 3 points ago +3 / -0

These are the sort of things that you would think would be considered when establishing something. But I suppose that is too far beyond the ability of the average politician, and meme magic is both real, and a bitch.

TheModernDaVinci 5 points ago +5 / -0

There was a quote I (vaguely) remember from the woman who created Fullmetal Alchemist. It went something to the effect of "All women should be busty and hot. All men should be chiseled with big muscles." as her justification for character choices in FMA. But like you said, it seems like something that exist across the medium as a whole, just to differing degrees.

TheModernDaVinci 5 points ago +5 / -0

Ah. I would say you are probably reading a little too far into it, but I know for a fact I have heard thots use this logic to defend being thot.

TheModernDaVinci 7 points ago +7 / -0

Honestly? Knowing you, I would be a bit more concerned if you didnt.

Now with that said, I am interested in your logic behind that belief. Because I dont see it.

TheModernDaVinci 5 points ago +5 / -0

For me personally, I only disliked it when she was doing nothing. The majority of the early part, she was at least a competent fighter, so that made up for it. The arc where she was just sitting around the station doing nothing dropped my interest in her, but then when she got back in the fight it returned to the baseline.

All of that said, Maki is still my favorite of the 3 main girls, so there is that. Mostly because she does manage to be attractive without having to resort to cheap fanservice.

TheModernDaVinci 19 points ago +19 / -0

TLDR: In the newest edition of the manga for Fire Force, the villain is fighting the character Tamaki (who is more or less walking fanservice bait for the entire story), and gives a multi-page rant about how she is a "sex crazed loser" who needs to cover up and be more modest. In response to this, she strips down to just the bikini she wears under her fire gear and speaks to the effect of "This is who I am, I am not changing, and I am sick of your whining."

Needless to say, hoes mad on Twitter because they have been trying to get the mangaka to tone down the fanservice for a while now, and Tamaki is their most hated character.

TheModernDaVinci 1 point ago +1 / -0

But like I said: For every instance of something ultra-violent like The Boys, I have seen something with little to no violence and designed as a walking sim.

Just like how a lot of SJW media sees villains treated with kid gloves, then turn around a torture a character to a slow and agonizing death because they misgendered someone.

TheModernDaVinci 1 point ago +1 / -0

No. Because I literally. Do not. Give a shit.

Race is utterly meaningless to me. The only thing that matters is "Are you in favor of liberty, freedom, and Republican (as in the form of government) values?" If the answer is yes, you could be a damn literal space alien for all I care. If the answer is no, then begone you damn [Commie/Fascist]! (please chose appropriate slur)

Are you a JIDF shill here to bark nonsense at anyone who proposes sending rapefugees home or putting them in jail for their crimes?

No. Yeet them into the sun for all I care. Crime is crime, and I desire the people who are here to actually want to BE American.

What I am saying is that some of the most based and patriotic parts of my state are the Hispanics out in Dodge City, most of whom are the descendants of the Vaqueros who came up from Texas and Mexico with the cattle drives. Meanwhile, all the Whites in Lawrence drank the Koolaid and need to be deported to Portland, Replaced with [as I said] anyone who is a patriot.

TheModernDaVinci 1 point ago +2 / -1

Oh look. The peanut gallery has arrived.


I prefer Freeaboo, thank you very much.

To religiously believe whites are the worst you have to ignore the revenge rapes of Pakistan, the penis thieves of Burkina Faso, the BBBEE and anti-white purges in Africa and especially South Africa, the rape of Nanking, and more.

Damn bro, thats crazy. Good think I dont believe whites are any worse than any other race. Everyone in the world has been dicks to everyone else, and there is nothing new under the sun. THAT is why I oppose ANY racial superiority nonsense.

Tolerating leftism means sitting on your hands as they get their hands on your kids and train them to want you replaced

And that is why you have to pay attention and be a parent. Because at least in my neck of the woods, we have been very good about making sure all the woke shit stays out of our schools, and even a lot of the students body are against that sort of stuff.

"B-b-but my grand dad fought the nazis in WW2" You must be so fucking proud of all the starvation camps and concentration camps the allies

The Soviets, but thank you for playing. Also, yes. I am absolute proud of my families heritage.

resisting globalism

TIL unprovoked invading of your neighbors, practicing some of the most authoritarian autocracy in history, and committing genocide against a race of people because of the deranged ravings of your madman leader is "resisting globalism." Ignoring for a second that Hitler wanted a global order of his own.

And if that is resisting globalism, I'll pass. Thank you.

You must be so fucking proud of your heritage's role in fighting those proud to be white and willing to defend their whiteness by ANY means necessary,

"Wir waren Könige und Scheiße!!"

So which "Whites" am I supposed to be defending here? The English? Maybe the Celts? Or perhaps the Nords? Or maybe you mean the Slavs? Perhaps not, since they were considered Untermench. So surely you mean the Germans? No, too obvious here. Maybe the French? Or the Belgians? Surely not the Hungarians? I know, you are talking about the POLES! Those sneaky bastards!

Or maybe, just maybe, the idea of a single unified "White" race is a myth created by the left, and is just as fake as a single unified Asian race. And if you believe the Asians ARE a unified race, go ask a Chinese, Japanese, and Korean what they think of each other. Honestly not to far off from when you ask a German, French, and Englishman.

(BTW, based on their writings, arguments, and specific complaints, the correct answer for "White" is "English", just so we are on the same page)

And since I know you are going to say things about it: I would like to point out my families ancestors are German. Probably reasonably high up the ladder since we have a family coat of arms. And most of the people of this region of my state are German.

That didnt stop us from going back to kick the "Fatherlands" ass. Because we are AMERICANS, not whatever we used to be, beyond your own traditions. Although ironically, it did make it easy to run the POW camp here. To the point that the POWs actually said they liked the camp more than Germany.

in case you haven't noticed, you cannot appease Globalists. You cannot appease the left.

Thats fine. Globalist Delenda Est. Its just that, unlike you apparently, I think the answer is "Free ourselves", not "Globalism with extra steps and designer jackboots."

TheModernDaVinci 3 points ago +3 / -0

Correct. There was strong evidence they may attack, and it was pretty much confirmed when they found out the Japanese fleet was on the move. But almost NO ONE thought Pearl was going to be attacked. Other than a few intel people who thought “it seems logical, but maybe a long shot”, pretty much everyone thought the attack would be against the Philippines.

TheModernDaVinci 13 points ago +13 / -0

“Japan’s attempt to roll back Euro-American colonialism.”


TheModernDaVinci 2 points ago +2 / -0

Maybe. But I have also seen far more SJW influenced works where no one really fights, and villains get spared even if they just committed genocide and were on the verge of wiping out all life. But then they find the man named "Not-Trump" and then they hook him into a machine to have him slowly and painfully tortured to death.

Also consider that SJWs are the ones pushing things like Walking Sims in video games (I say, as someone who likes "Job Sims" like Farm Sim and American Truck Sim).

TheModernDaVinci 3 points ago +4 / -1

Violence and gore

Bullshit. They hate violence and gore. Unless it is done against people in the correct hate group of course (straight, white, men, and any sort of "traitor").

As for me, I will be staying with my Anime. There is plenty to keep me entertain there, along with the old stuff. And I have been collecting DVDs to get around the "what if they just change it?" problem.

TheModernDaVinci 2 points ago +2 / -0

I may have misremembered, or I may be thinking of something they have talked about doing. Either way, the point remains that China is starting to turn the screws and favor domestic movies. I have also heard that many other nations are planning on doing the same thing, because Covid cutting off the Hollywood pipeline allowed local movies to actually get off the ground.

So it may be too much to ask, but I really do hope that we see Hollywood come crawling back begging America for forgiveness. But then again, knowing how your crazy Leftist usually do things, they may also just mount that bomb like its Dr. Strangelove and ride it all the way into the ground before admitting to those filthy hicks in flyover country that they were wrong.

TheModernDaVinci 11 points ago +11 / -0

I think the funnier thing for me was that that movie unironically dictated Chinese foreign policy for a while. Until they stopped because every other country they were trying to bravado into submission just started laughing their heads off at the absolute cringe. Or at least, that is what I gathered from China Uncensored.

TheModernDaVinci 12 points ago +12 / -0

Probably not as long as you think. China has been becoming way more insular in the last few years (combination of old-school commies trying to get back in power, and nations starting to become more hostile toward them), and one of the consequences of this is that China is putting caps on foreign movies. How tight of caps? Hollywood, ALL of Hollywood, is only allowed 10 movies into China per year. After that, they may still be released, but China will take a 100% cut of the revenue. Meaning it is very rapidly becoming a market where there will be VERY limited income, and that is before you get around to the fact that every movie "made for China" (Shang-Chi, Mulan, etc) has been a flop.

Another sign a change in direction might be coming? Disney's new CEO, Bob Chapek, has been notoriously critical about the long-term viability of China as a market (to the point that scuttlebutt behind the scenes is that he has basically written off the Shanghai Disneyland and thinks it will be repossessed by China in the not too distant future) and further rumor says that he is favoring India as a market, as it is more stable and more open to Disney. So much so that India is the only nation where Disney+ actually turns a profit instead of losing money. And with the amount of pull Disney has over the industry, that may lead to others following the leader.

And if you hate the woke stuff, that may be out the window with Chapek too. Because he gained a reputation at his previous job running the parks of not caring how popular or unpopular something was. If it didnt make money, he was going to axe it. And considering woke content is just a giant sucking sound in the money vault...

TheModernDaVinci 22 points ago +22 / -0

Here is another one that I saw one time and found interesting. All of the most popular actors in Hollywood? People like Ryan Reynolds, Chris Hemsworth, and Keanu Reeves? Either dont live in Hollywood, or dont socialize in Hollywood. I remember seeing an interview from Chris Hemsworth where he was talking about how he had originally planned on it. Then it turned out it was so toxic and unwelcoming that he moved back to Australia, and then he just flies to Hollywood for business before going home.

It shows you how the problem really is Hollywood, and the culture it has built up. And I will love to watch it all burn and see who takes their place.

TheModernDaVinci 41 points ago +41 / -0

Because China doesnt like the woke stuff, and they can just make their own movies. When you look at what Hollywood stuff did well in China, what do you find? Bay-Formers. Pirates of the Caribbean. Fast and Furious. Avengers. Are you noticing a pattern here? Its even more stark when you look at the domestic stuff, where if you just switched some flags around it wouldnt look out of place in a lineup of 80's movies. Dont believe me? Here is the trailer for the best selling movie in China.(by the way: Yes, that is the US as the bad guys. Just in case you thought they were going to be subtle about that sort of stuff.)

You want to know whats funny? That same sort of actiony shit sells well in the US for the same reason: People want movies that are FUN! The occasional arthouse, thinking piece sure. But 9/10, most people want a movie where people shoot at each other with impossibly large magazines, as another guy gets roundhouse kicked in the face so hard he explodes.

But Hollywood got high on their own farts and thought that they knew better what people wanted. And now they are starting to lose their old as people take up new hobbies and medium. Because I assure you, it is absolutely no coincidence that Anime exploded in popularity around the same time that Hollywood started huffing a little too hard.

TheModernDaVinci 17 points ago +17 / -0

It probably is in "too late" territory. Because you have entire generations of Chinese people who were raised as only children, so they only have a single child themselves. If they even HAVE children in the first place. Many take up the same sort of carefree life having their income all to themselves with no children.

Which has caused wages in China to start climbing big time, which means many companies are looking for new places to set up shop that have lower wages and less opportunity to have the situation blow up in their face. As I have said in several other threads, I have seen a lot of product at my work go from being made in China to being made in Central America (Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, etc), and that is before you get back to some companies actually starting to come back to the United States because the shipping cost are getting so extreme its cheaper to pay higher wages in the US than go overseas (although most of that Heavy Industry is going to the South rather than the Rust Belt, so there will still be issues up there).

Oh by the way: Another thing that they are worried is heading for China? A housing bubble so extreme it will make 2008 look like a jog in the park. And when that happens, good luck getting foreign investors (which are basically the only think propping up China right now).

TheModernDaVinci 2 points ago +2 / -0

If you're gonna be a Christian, don't be a fucking "Jesus take the wheel" Christian.

As a Christian, those types also drive me up the freaking wall.

From a purely pragmatic point of view, it is a terrible way of getting converts (if that is your goal), and its also a very unhealthy/unhelpful way of living your life.

More importantly, it runs contrary to what the Bible itself says, as God does not meddle in the affairs of mortals outside of a few extreme examples. Speaking to people maybe, I believe I have heard it*, but he is not going to give you vast riches because you prayed hard enough to him.

Of course, I have found that in almost every case, its overcompensation. Those with guilty consciences who hide their crimes or sins with zealotry, while those who are solid in their faith and living their life to the best of their moral ability generally do so in quiet. Which is a trait that even Jesus pointed out, saying that the man who prays in private is usually more pious than the man who prays loudly and openly in the church. And as we all know, this same observation also applies to Woke Leftist (since it is more or less a secular religion).

/*(unless you have a logical reason for why someone screamed my name, in a car with no one else in it, with no one on the sidewalk, that happened to get me to look in the direction of a car running a stop sign and getting me to react fast enough to avoid getting t-boned)

TheModernDaVinci 28 points ago +29 / -1

Keep your eye on Cali. If that goes Red, you may damn well see some serious shit, and some screaming from the Lefties (then again, when are they not?). Impossible you say? Not only is momentum on the side of Recall/Larry Elder, but Elder and the Cali GOP are using the Dems Ballet Harvesting rules to do Ballet Harvesting of their own. Call me overly optimistic (and I will concede I may end up wrong), but I really do believe the tide is shifting in our favor, and we will come out the other side stronger.

TheModernDaVinci 3 points ago +4 / -1

More importantly, China has a rich history that should be revered. And they have a tradition of being strong allies of the United States, and strong cultural ties to us. If anything, we should reinforce our relationship.

We just have to help them deal with all those rebels in the western part of their country.

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